Email List Bonus Rewards High Castle Teleorkestra

Release: 30 Oct 2021 [Worldwide], Language: English, Status: Promotion
Format: Digital Media + Digital Media, Tracks: 15, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other - Compilation


Digital Media #1
1 HCT Album Preview 10_21 ?:??
2 The Return (unhammered melodies remix) ?:??
3 Le Sifflet ?:??
4 The Dapper Bandits (2021 remaster) ?:??
5 Unicorns and Rainbows (studio remix) ?:??
6 Sublime Frequencies (SF) Preview Collage 01-019 ?:??
7 Sublime Frequencies (SF) Preview Collage 020-040 ?:??
8 Neither Hide nor Hair ?:??
Digital Media #2
1 She’s a Girl (a cappella) ?:??
2 The Deck ?:??
3 Bella Lucia ?:??
4 Slav to the Rhythm ?:??
5 The Breakfast Machine ?:??
6 Black Metal Princess ?:??
7 Slap Dash ?:??