Scalpel, Scissors and Other Forensic Instruments Haemorrhage

Release: 1996 , Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Cassette, Tracks: 7, Length: 15:09, Barcode: [none]
Release type: EP - Demo


Cassette #1
1 Decomposers 3:01
2 Fragments (Anatomical Relics) 3:41
3 Dissect, Exhume, Devour... 2:01
4 Torrent-like Eventeration 1:34
5 Malignant Cancroid Formation 1:55
6 Intravenoise Molestation of the Obstructionist Arteries (O-pues II) 1:00
7 Excavating the Iliac Fossa 1:57

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