All in a Garden Green: A Renaissance Collection The Toronto Consort

Release: 2012 Canada, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: CD + CD, Tracks: 47, Length: 2:18:15, Barcode: 774718151520
Release type: Album - Compilation


CD #1
1 The Cut-Purse 3:44
2 Come ashore Jolly Tar & your Trousers on 2:34
3 Never love thee more 2:12
4 Gilderoy 5:33
5 Luer, Faulkners, luer 1:32
6 In Eighty Eight 2:39
7 The Sailor Laddie/The Sailor Lassie 2:56
8 Epping Forest/The English Huntsuppe/The Old Mole 3:48
9 The Cries of London/The Queen's Delight 3:39
10 The Countrey Lasse 4:25
11 The Milke-maid's Life 3:36
12 An Italian Rant/The Chirping of the Larke/The 29th of May 2:21
13 The Recruiting Officer (DF soloist 4:03
14 Sister awake 2:15
15 Waltham Abbey 2:49
16 New Oysters 1:44
17 `Twas within a Furlong of Edinborough Town 2:04
18 Wee be Souldiers three 1:36
19 Sweet William 1:13
20 Mad Tom 4:00
21 The Faulconers Hunting 2:55
22 Boate man 4:04
23 The Maidens Songe 5:05
24 Wee be three poore Mariners 1:12
25 Greensleeves 3:43
CD #2
1 Now is the month of maying - Thomas Morley (1595) 1:59
2 Joan to the Maypole - Anonymous (17th c.) 3:47
3 Bellamira & Emperor of the Moon - English Dancing Master 2:12
4 Now the lusty spring is seen - Anonymous (1614) 2:01
5 Willy prithee go to bed - Thomas Ravenscroft (1609) 2:04
6 Greenwood & Hunt the Squirrel - English Dancing Master 2:40
7 Come away, come sweet love - John Dowland (1597) 2:39
8 Engels Nachtegaeltje - Jakob van Eyck (1646) 3:39
9 Beauty sat bathing - William Corkine (1610) 2:28
10 All in a garden green - William Byrd (1591) 4:30
11 This merry pleasant spring - Anonymous (early 17th c.) 3:48
12 Woodycock - Anonymous (17th c.) 2:40
13 Allons au vert boccage - Guillaume Costeley (1570) 1:53
14 Basse-dance 'Jouissance' - Thoinot Arbeau (1589) 2:09
15 La terre n'agueres glacée - Nicolas de la Grotte (1569) 4:21
16 La rousée du joly mois de may - Jean Planson (1587) 2:37
17 Frais et gaillard - Giovanni Bassano (1591)/after Clemens non Papa 3:04
18 Quand ce beau printemps je voy - Jehan Chardavoine (1576)/after Nicolas de la Grotte 3:35
19 A jigge/Squirrel's lament/The squirrel's toy - Anonymous (late 16th c.) 2:54
20 Ma belle si ton ame - Anonymous (1603) 3:23
21 O lusty May - Anonymous (1612) 1:56
22 See, see the shepherds' queen - Thomas Tomkins (1622) 2:14

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