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The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Douglas Adams

Release: 11 Nov 2002 United Kingdom, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: CD + CD + CD + CD + CD, Tracks: 99, Length: 4:57:40, Barcode: 9780754075615
Release type: Other


CD #1
1 Prologue: “Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun.” 3:01
2 Prologue (continued): “In many of the more relaxed civilizations on the Outer Eastern Rim of the Galaxy, …” / Chapter 1: “The house stood on a slight rise just on the edge of the village.” 3:05
3 Chapter 1 (continued): “The word bulldozer wandered through his mind…” 2:52
4 Chapter 1 (continued): “Arthur lay in the mud and squelched at him.” 2:58
5 Chapter 1 (continued): “A cloud passed overhead.” 2:59
6 Chapter 1 (continued): “He struck most of the friends he had made on Earth as an eccentric, …” 3:01
7 Chapter 1 (continued): “A shadow moved across him again.” 3:06
8 Chapter 1 (continued): “Ford stared at Arthur, …” 2:55
9 Chapter 1 (continued): “‘You want me,’ said Mr Prosser, spelling out this new thought to himself, ‘to come and lie there …’” 2:59
10 Chapter 2: “Here’s what the Encyclopedia Galactica has to say about alcohol.” 3:02
11 Chapter 2 (continued): “Ford looked back at him, genuinely surprised.” 2:47
12 Chapter 3: “On this particular Thursday, …” 3:06
13 Chapter 3 (continued): “… you can sleep under it beneath the stars…” 2:59
14 Chapter 3 (continued): “Suddenly Ford’s spell was broken.” 3:04
15 Chapter 3 (continued): “‘Will that help?’ asked the barman.” 2:59
16 Chapter 3 (continued): “Only one man stood and watched the sky, …” 2:48
17 Chapter 3 (continued): “‘As you will no doubt be aware, …’” 2:36
CD #2
1 Chapter 4: “Far away on the opposite spiral arm of the Galaxy, …” 2:58
2 Chapter 4 (continued): “All his heirs are now long dead, …” 3:02
3 Chapter 4 (continued): “On top of the cliffs stood a reception committee.” 3:07
4 Chapter 4 (continued): “A twenty-foot-high transparent globe floated next to his boat, …” 2:51
5 Chapter 4 (continued): “Not that anyone there had ever heard of an Arab of course.” 3:05
6 Chapter 5: “Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz was not a pleasant sight, …” 2:57
7 Chapter 5 (continued): “Somewhere in a small dark cabin …” 3:00
8 Chapter 5 (continued): “Arthur Dent moved, and groaned again, muttering incoherently.” 2:50
9 Chapter 5 (continued): “‘Excuse me?’ said Arthur.” 3:06
10 Chapter 5 (continued): “‘What is it?’ asked Arthur.” 2:59
11 Chapter 5 (continued): “‘Er, what is …’, ‘A Teaser? …’” 2:58
12 Chapter 5 (continued): “He was experiencing the aural equivalent of looking at a picture of two black silhouetted faces…” / Chapter 6: “Howl howl gargle howl…” 3:01
13 Chapter 6 (continued): “It feeds on brainwave energy…” 2:56
14 Chapter 6 (continued): “…the supermarket was gone, everything in it was gone.” 2:57
15 Chapter 6 (continued): “Outside the door were the sounds of marching feet.” / Chapter 7: “Vogon poetry is of course the third worst in the Universe.” 3:09
16 Chapter 7 (continued): “‘… thy micturations are to me | As plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee.’” 2:53
17 Chapter 7 (continued): “(he was reaching a triumphant crescendo …)” 3:05
18 Chapter 7 (continued): “He spluttered and gurgled as the Vogon tightened his grip.” 2:54
19 Chapter 7 (continued): “‘Try and understand his problem,’ insisted Ford.” 3:01
20 Chapter 7 (continued): “If he said anything further after that it was lost.” 3:06
21 Chapter 8: “The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book.” 3:16
CD #3
1 Chapter 9: “A computer chatted to itself in alarm, …” 3:02
2 Chapter 9 (continued): “Arthur and Ford opened their eyes and looked about in considerable surprise.” 2:46
3 Chapter 9 (continued): “A million-gallon vat of custard upended itself over them without warning.” 3:21
4 Chapter 10: “The Infinite Improbability Drive is a wonderful new method of crossing vast interstellar distances…” / Chapter 11: “The Improbability-proof control cabin of the Heart of Gold looked like a perfectly conventional spaceship except…” 2:46
5 Chapter 11 (continued): “The cabin was mostly white, oblong, and about the size of a smallish restaurant.” 3:26
6 Chapter 11 (continued): “‘Whilst we were in Improbability Drive.’” 2:33
7 Chapter 11 (continued): “‘Life,’ said Marvin, ‘don’t talk to me about life.’” 3:00
8 Chapter 11 (continued): “The voice was low and hopeless and accompanied by a slight clanking sound.” 2:57
9 Chapter 11 (continued): “Something extraordinary happened to Ford’s face.” / Chapter 12: “A loud clatter of gunk music flooded through the Heart of Gold cabin…” 3:08
10 Chapter 12 (continued): “Zaphod glared at her again, then laughed.” 2:58
11 Chapter 12 (continued): “‘Yeah yeah,’ said Zaphod. ‘Look, I think I’ll just use a piece of paper.’” 2:41
12 Chapter 13: “Marvin trudged on down the corridor, still moaning.” 3:14
13 Chapter 13 (continued): “Ford carried on. ‘And Arthur,’ he said, ‘this is my semi-cousin Zaphod Beeb …’” 3:09
14 Chapter 13 (continued): “‘Zaphod?’ exclaimed Ford.” / Chapter 14: “The Heart of Gold fled on silently through the night of space, …” 2:56
15 Chapter 14 (continued): “Ford couldn’t sleep.” 2:57
16 Chapter 14 (continued): “‘What’s so great about being stuck in a dust cloud?’ said Ford.” / Chapter 15: “(Excerpt from The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, … Entry: Magrathea)” 3:03
17 Chapter 15 (continued): “But so successful was this venture…” / Chapter 16: “Arthur awoke to the sound of argument…” 3:04
18 Chapter 16 (continued): “The moment carried itself.” 2:52
19 Chapter 16 (continued): “A moment of doubt came to Ford…” 2:25
CD #4
1 Chapter 17: “After a fairly shaky start to the day, Arthur’s mind was beginning to reassemble itself…” 2:56
2 Chapter 17 (continued): “‘They want to get rid of us,’ said Trillian nervously.” 3:02
3 Chapter 17 (continued): “‘As a matter of interest,’ said Trillian, ‘what are we going to do?’” 3:11
4 Chapter 17 (continued): “‘Impact minus twenty seconds, guys …’ said the computer.” 2:40
5 Chapter 18: “And the next thing that happened after that was that the Heart of Gold continued on its way…” 3:10
6 Chapter 18 (continued): “This is a complete record of its thoughts…” / Chapter 19: “‘Are we taking this robot with us?’ said Ford, …” 2:54
7 Chapter 19 (continued): “Trillian burst in through the door from her cabin.” 3:08
8 Chapter 20: “Five figures wandered slowly over the blighted land.” 2:57
9 Chapter 20 (continued): “‘Come,’ said Zaphod and started back down into the crater.” 2:44
10 Chapter 20 (continued): “Zaphod marched quickly down the passageway, …” 3:02
11 Chapter 20 (continued): “Zaphod paused for a while.” 2:53
12 Chapter 21: “On the surface of Magrathea Arthur wandered about moodily.” 3:19
13 Chapter 21 (continued): “The robot obediently looked at them, then looked back.” / Chapter 22: “He was standing with his back to Arthur…” 2:47
14 Chapter 22 (continued): “He seemed to have something on his mind.” 3:17
15 Chapter 22 (continued): “Arthur, a regular Guardian reader, was deeply shocked at this.” 2:38
16 Chapter 22 (continued): “‘My name?’ said the old man…” / Chapter 23: “It is an important and popular fact that things are not always what they seem.” / Chapter 24: “Silently the aircar coasted through the cold darkness, …” 2:57
17 Chapter 24 (continued): “The sense of motion was so soft and slight…” 3:09
18 Chapter 24 (continued): “It wasn’t infinity in fact.” 2:57
19 Chapter 24 (continued): “At the moment however a flash of light arced through the structure…” 4:54
CD #5
1 Chapter 25: “There are of course many problems connected with life, …” 2:51
2 Chapter 25 (continued): “Lunkwill and Fook glanced at each other in surprise.” 2:59
3 Chapter 25 (continued): “‘and yet in my teeming circuitry I can navigate the infinite delta streams of future probability …’” 3:13
4 Chapter 25 (continued): “Scarcely pausing for breath, Vroomfondel shouted, ‘We don’t demand solid facts! …’” 2:41
5 Chapter 25 (continued): “‘Seven and a half million years …!’ they cried in chorus.” / Chapter 26: “‘Yes, very salutary,’ said Arthur, …” / Chapter 27: “Slartibartfast’s study was a total mess, …” 3:21
6 Chapter 27 (continued): “The instant he took hold of them a bird flew straight through him.” 2:46
7 Chapter 27 (continued): “No one in the room remarked on his peculiar arrival, …” 2:49
8 Chapter 27 (continued): “Both of the men had been trained for this moment, …” / Chapter 28: “It was a long time before anyone spoke.” 3:23
9 Chapter 28 (continued): “‘Look, alright, alright,’ said Loonquawl, …” 2:37
10 Chapter 29: “‘Zaphod! Wake up!’” 3:08
11 Chapter 29 (continued): “In the sky a huge sign appeared, …” 2:55
12 Chapter 29 (continued): “The scene around them was currently plunged into gloom.” / Chapter 30: “‘So there you have it,’ said Slartibartfast, …” 3:26
13 Chapter 30 (continued): “‘You know,’ said Arthur thoughtfully, ‘all this explains a lot of things… ’” 2:59
14 Chapter 31: “It is of course well known that careless talk costs lives, …” 2:24
15 Chapter 31 (continued): “A short aircar trip brought Arthur and the old Magrathean to a doorway.” 3:08
16 Chapter 31 (continued): “‘Well perhaps you can take a quick skiing holiday …’” 3:12
17 Chapter 31 (continued): “‘Well, I mean, yes idealism, yes the dignity of pure research, yes the pursuit of truth in all its forms, but there comes a point …’” 2:49
18 Chapter 31 (continued): “Trillian grabbed him desperately by the arm…” / Chapter 32: “‘Emergency! Emergency!’ blared the klaxons” 2:58
19 Chapter 32 (continued): “As the others started after him he was brought up short…” 3:02
20 Chapter 32 (continued): “The fusillade continued for several seconds…” / Chapter 33: “But the end never came, …” 2:55
21 Chapter 33 (continued): “For a moment, nothing happened.” / Chapter 34: “The aircar rocketed them at speeds in excess of R17…” 3:24
22 Chapter 34 (continued): “The aircar flung itself through the air at R17 and above…” 2:41
23 Chapter 34 (continued): “‘That ship hated me,’ he said dejectedly, …” / Chapter 35: “That night, as the Heart of Gold was busy putting a few light years between itself and the Horsehead Nebula, …” 2:47

Other Releases in Group (5)


  1. The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, United States (1990), Cassette + Cassette + Cassette + Cassette (English)
  2. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, United States (1993), CD + CD + CD + CD (English)
  3. The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, United Kingdom (1994), CD + CD + CD + CD (English)
  4. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, United States (May 2002), CD + CD + CD + CD + CD (English)

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