One Piece Music & Song Collection Kohei Tanaka, Shiro Hamaguchi

Release: , Language: English, Status: Pseudo-Release
Format: , Tracks: 25, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other
English translation


1 The Great Pirate of Gold Woonan ?:??
2 We Are! [TV Size] ?:??
3 Hungry Luffy ?:??
4 El Drago's Appearance ?:??
5 The World's Best Oden! ?:??
6 Landing! Gold Island ?:??
7 Usopp, it's Dangerous! ?:??
8 Explosion! Ultrasonic Waves!! ?:??
9 Woonan and Ganzo ?:??
10 Gold and Oden ?:??
11 Anger!! ?:??
12 Gum-Gum VS Voice-Voice ?:??
13 Gum-Gum Bazooka!! ?:??
14 A Message from Woonan ?:??
15 Set Sail to the Pirate King ?:??
16 memories ?:??
17 I Will Become King of the Pirates! ?:??
18 WANTED! ?:??
19 Reliable Comrade! ?:??
20 MUSIC ?:??
21 To the Great Sea Route! ?:??
22 Duel!! ?:??
23 The Straw Hats' Jolly Roger ?:??
24 Hooray! Let's Party!! ?:??
25 And with still much more to come, the adventure continues! ?:??

Other Releases in Group (1)


  1. ONE PIECE MUSIC & SONG Collection, Japan (18 Mar 2000), CD (Japanese)