From TV animation ONE PIECE Video Music Complete Edition Kouhei Tanaka & Shirō Hamaguchi

Release: , Language: English, Status: Pseudo-Release
Format: , Tracks: 67, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other
English translation


1 We Are! ?:??
2 We Did It! Party! ?:??
3 To the Grand Line ?:??
4 Duel!! ?:??
5 Luffy ?:??
6 To the Ocean ?:??
7 Zoro ?:??
8 Spirit of ZORO ?:??
9 Pirate ?:??
10 Overtaken ?:??
11 We Did It, Huge Win! ?:??
12 I Will Become the Pirate King ?:??
13 WANTED! ?:??
14 More and Yet More, the Adventure Continues! ?:??
15 We Are! (TV Size) ?:??
16 Village Harbour ?:??
17 Landing at Town ?:??
18 Usopp☆Dropp ?:??
19 Angry ?:??
20 Creeping Shadow ?:??
21 1.2. Jango! ?:??
22 Desperate Situation ?:??
1 Unforgivable Guy, Fight! ?:??
2 Sanji's Feast ?:??
3 Gomu Gomu VS Goe Goe ?:??
4 The World's Number One Oden Store ?:??
5 Woonan and Ganzo ?:??
6 Departure of the Pirate King ?:??
7 Message from Woonan ?:??
8 Sea Moon See you ?:??
9 Sanji ?:??
10 Sanji The Great Blue ~The Dessert is You~ ?:??
11 Hungry Luffy ?:??
12 Landing! Gold Island ?:??
13 El Drago Appears ?:??
14 Escape ?:??
15 If There Are Storms There Are Stars Too ?:??
16 After Eating, Grand Line! ?:??
17 Mother Sea ?:??
18 Fury!! ?:??
19 The Battle Continues As Long As You Live ?:??
20 Bad Guy ?:??
21 One Hour Evacuation ?:??
22 Explosion! Ultrasonic Waves!! ?:??
23 A Reliable Friend! ?:??
1 We Are! (Instrumental) ?:??
2 I Can't Lose! ?:??
3 Gomu Gomu Bazooka!! ?:??
4 Gold and Oden ?:??
5 Luffy's Pace ?:??
6 Jolly Roger with a Straw Hat ?:??
7 Nami ?:??
8 MUSIC ?:??
9 HI! HO! READY GO! ?:??
10 Usopp, It's Dangerous! ?:??
11 Holly Holiday! ?:??
12 Food Fight ?:??
13 Samba Bomber Devil Fruits ?:??
14 Islands of the Grand Line (Cold) ?:??
15 Tony Tony Chopper ?:??
16 Sea Monster ?:??
17 Serious Match ?:??
18 Quiet Anger ?:??
19 Aim for One Piece! ?:??
20 Islands of the Grand Line (Hot) ?:??
21 Miss All Sunday ?:??
22 The Great Pirate of Gold, Woonan ?:??

Other Releases in Group (2)


  1. From TV animation ONE PIECE 映像音楽完全盤, Japan (31 Jan 2007), CD + CD + CD (Japanese)


  1. ONE PIECE Eizo Ongaku Kanzenban, (), (Japanese) English transliteration