ウェルカム・トゥ・ネオサイタマ・リヴェンジ(Welcome to Neosaitama revenge) Alice in the hole!

Release: 24 May 2014 [Worldwide], Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 17, Length: 1:1:52, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


Digital Media #1
1 ◆○◆ 2:37
2 Ninjaslayer! 3:36
3 Born in Red-Black 3:42
4 Tsukiji Chainsaw Massacre 3:24
5 Kirisute Gomen 4:19
6 Seven Souls Demolition 3:45
7 Descension of Naraku 4:18
8 Sushi Wo Tabe Sugiru Na! 3:00
9 Take This! 4:14
10 Hotondo Ihou Koui 4:18
11 Our Kejimed Future 1:06
12 Saigon Roar 4:55
13 Zero Tolerant Sansui 4:18
14 Deadmoon on the Redsky 3:43
15 Swansong by a Faded Crow 4:28
16 Sakura Enhance 4:30
17 Zen Neosaitama 1:33

Links (3)


  1. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

Stream For Free

  1. https://wazama.bandcamp.com/album/welcome-to-neosaitama-revenge

Purchase For Download

  1. https://wazama.bandcamp.com/album/welcome-to-neosaitama-revenge