The Jackbox Party Pack 7 (Original Soundtrack) Andy Poland, Brian Chard, Randy Sly & Channing Lee

Release: 15 Oct 2020 [Worldwide], Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media + Digital Media, Tracks: 61, Length: 1:53:15, Barcode: 195448787832
Release type: Other
Spotify/iTunes version


Digital Media #1
1 Lobby (From “Quiplash 3”) 1:54
2 Background 1 (From “Quiplash 3”) 0:47
3 Write 1 (From “Quiplash 3”) 1:33
4 Round 1 Vote (From “Quiplash 3”) 2:17
5 Scoreboard (From “Quiplash 3”) 0:36
6 Background 2 (From “Quiplash 3”) 0:50
7 Write 2 (From “Quiplash 3”) 1:23
8 Round 2 Vote (From “Quiplash 3”) 1:57
9 Write Final (From “Quiplash 3”) 1:50
10 Final Round Vote (From “Quiplash 3”) 1:36
11 Credits (From “Quiplash 3”) 2:11
12 Credits Instrumental (From “Quiplash 3”) 2:11
13 Unused Write (From “Quiplash 3”) 1:50
14 Lobby (From “Devils and the Details”) 1:44
15 Theme Intro (From “Devils and the Details”) 0:33
16 Scoreboard (From “Devils and the Details”) 1:56
17 Monday (From “Devils and the Details”) 2:14
18 Wednesday (From “Devils and the Details”) 1:32
19 Friday (From “Devils and the Details”) 2:17
20 End of Day (From “Devils and the Details”) 0:37
21 Emergency (From “Devils and the Details”) 0:36
22 Letter (From “Devils and the Details”) 0:47
23 Theme Credits (From “Devils and the Details”) 0:50
24 Bumpers (From “Devils and the Details”) 0:30
25 Theme Instrumental (From “Devils and the Details”) 0:51
26 Lobby (From “Champ’d Up”) 2:02
27 Tutorial (From “Champ’d Up”) 1:22
28 Create 1 (From “Champ’d Up”) 1:58
29 Create 2 (From “Champ’d Up”) 2:08
30 Battle 1 (From “Champ’d Up”) 4:18
31 Create 3 (From “Champ’d Up”) 2:03
32 Create 4 (From “Champ’d Up”) 2:14
33 Battle 2 (From “Champ’d Up”) 3:58
34 Credits (From “Champ’d Up”) 2:47
35 Credits Instrumental (From “Champ’d Up”) 2:46
Digital Media #2
1 Theme (From “Talking Points”) 2:05
2 Write (From “Talking Points”) 2:19
3 Tutorial (From “Talking Points”) 1:56
4 Presentation 1 (From “Talking Points”) 2:29
5 Presentation 2 (From “Talking Points”) 2:09
6 Presentation 3 (From “Talking Points”) 2:25
7 Presentation 4 (From “Talking Points”) 2:16
8 Presentation 5 (From “Talking Points”) 1:46
9 Presentation 6 (From “Talking Points”) 2:19
10 Presentation 7 (From “Talking Points”) 2:06
11 Presentation 8 (From “Talking Points”) 1:56
12 Awards (From “Talking Points”) 1:44
13 Results (From “Talking Points”) 0:43
14 Credits (From “Talking Points”) 1:40
15 Lobby (From “Blather Round”) 1:58
16 Tutorial (From “Blather Round”) 1:19
17 First Sentence (From “Blather Round”) 1:54
18 Gameplay 1 (From “Blather Round”) 2:02
19 Gameplay 2 (From “Blather Round”) 2:24
20 Gameplay 3 (From “Blather Round”) 2:18
21 Gameplay 4 (From “Blather Round”) 2:00
22 Gameplay 5 (From “Blather Round”) 2:08
23 Gameplay 6 (From “Blather Round”) 2:19
24 Credits (From “Blather Round”) 2:28
25 Credits Instrumental (From “Blather Round”) 2:28
26 Unused Music 1 (From “Blather Round”) 1:06

Other Releases in Group (1)


  1. The Jackbox Party Pack 7: Soundtrack, [Worldwide] (25 Sep 2020), Digital Media (English)

Links (3)

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