The homeless, they exist by your god Amuleto de Calamidades

Release: 09 Apr 2019 , Language: , Status: Official
Format: Cassette, Tracks: 6, Length: 44:04, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


Cassette #1
1 There's No Reason Why You're Buried Now 7:21
2 The Reality Hidden by the Abandoned 10:18
3 Friend... Your God Has Abandoned You Again 6:49
4 The Famine and the Desire 9:45
5 The Skeletal Body of a Bastard 6:10
6 The Homeless 3:41

Other Releases in Group (5)


  1. The homeless, they exist by your god, [Worldwide] (25 Dec 2018), Digital Media (English)
  2. The homeless, they exist by your god, (12 Apr 2019), Digital Media ()
  3. The homeless, they exist by your god, (31 May 2019), CD ()
  4. The homeless, they exist by your god, Ecuador (20 Nov 2019), Cassette ()
  5. The Homeless, They Exist by Your God, [Worldwide] (20 Sep 2021), Digital Media (English)

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