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Digital Media

The Name of the Rose Umberto Eco read by Seán Barrett, Nicholas Rowe, and Neville Jason

Release: , Language: English, Status: Pseudo-Release
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 51, Length: 21:5:48, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


Digital Media #1
1 Preface / Author's Note 15:44
2 Prologue 22:33
3 First Day: Prime 15:49
4 First Day: Terce 32:49
5 First Day: Sext 1:14:02
6 First Day: Toward Nones 13:11
7 First Day: After Nones 34:44
8 First Day: Vespers 20:58
9 First Day: Compline 11:23
10 Second Day: Matins 22:50
11 Second Day: Prime 27:43
12 Second Day: Terce 38:53
13 Second Day: Sext 13:53
14 Second Day: Nones 37:28
15 Second Day: After Vespers 10:51
16 Second Day: Compline 21:21
17 Second Day: Night 27:19
18 Third Day: From Lauds to Prime 2:13
19 Third Day: Terce 9:30
20 Third Day: Sext 24:51
21 Third Day: Nones 36:07
22 Third Day: Vespers 26:25
23 Third Day: After Compline 1:33:21
24 Third Day: Night 14:22
25 Fourth Day: Lauds 17:21
26 Fourth Day: Prime 24:49
27 Fourth Day: Terce 30:14
28 Fourth Day: Sext 35:12
29 Fourth Day: Nones 7:08
30 Fourth Day: Vespers 9:24
31 Fourth Day: Compline 7:10
32 Fourth Day: After Compline 41:14
33 Fourth Day: Night 17:38
34 Fifth Day: Prime 35:39
35 Fifth Day: Terce 23:30
36 Fifth Day: Sext 26:06
37 Fifth Day: Nones 1:1:16
38 Fifth Day: Vespers 16:08
39 Fifth Day: Compline 34:20
40 Sixth Day: Matins 12:35
41 Sixth Day: Lauds 6:03
42 Sixth Day: Prime 18:12
43 Sixth Day: Terce 26:58
44 Sixth Day: After Terce 7:04
45 Sixth Day: Sext 12:53
46 Sixth Day: Nones 21:31
47 Sixth Day: Between Vespers and Compline 6:33
48 Sixth Day: After Compline 11:25
49 Seventh Day: Night 51:43
50 Seventh Day: Night (II) 38:57
51 Last Page 16:02

Other Releases in Group (1)


  1. The Name of the Rose, United States (17 Dec 2013), Digital Media (English) Audible release