nosunnofood nosunnofood

Release: 03 Jun 2013 [Worldwide], Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 11, Length: 36:06, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


Digital Media #1
1 the sighs 2:43
2 slow climb to the common corners 3:34
3 there is no war in love and hate 3:09
4 astringent 3:57
5 the repeating fades grayer everytime 3:49
6 until the day your keys own you 3:27
7 my modesty, your venn diagram 3:25
8 where she walks i will walk too 3:27
9 that dream of falling face first 2:54
10 breaking through to find more to go through 3:12
11 last time, that stuff you said was wrong 2:29