Now Brenda Lee

Release: 31 Oct 1974 United States, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: 8-Track Cartridge, Tracks: 12, Length: 36:42, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


8-Track Cartridge #1
A1 Rock on Baby 2:43
A2 Words 3:26
A3 Nothing From Nothing 2:45
B1 Castles in the Sand 2:39
B2 Seeing You Again 2:59
B3 More Than a Memory 3:19
C1 Big Four Poster Bed 4:35
C2 Rock on Baby 2:43
C3 Please Don't Tell Me How the Story Ends 2:39
D1 Never My Love 2:41
D2 Love Me for a Reason 2:59
D3 Enough for You 3:14

Other Releases in Group (5)


  1. Now, United States (31 Oct 1974), 12" Vinyl (English)
  2. Now, New Zealand (1974), 12" Vinyl (English)
  3. Now, Canada (1974), 12" Vinyl (English)
  4. Now, Japan (1974), 12" Vinyl ([Multiple languages])
  5. Now, United Kingdom (Feb 1975), 12" Vinyl (English)

Links (1)

