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DVD-Video + DVD-Video + CD + CD

R30: 30th Anniversary World Tour Rush

Release: 2005 Canada, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: DVD-Video + DVD-Video + CD + CD, Tracks: 64, Length: 6:20:15, Barcode: 066825200292
Release type: Other
deluxe edition


DVD-Video #1
1 Opening Animation 2:56
2 R30 Overture: Finding My Way / Anthem / Bastille Day / A Passage to Bangkok / Cygnus X‐1 / Hemispheres 6:36
3 The Spirit of Radio 5:03
4 Force Ten 4:50
5 Animate 5:54
6 Subdivisions 6:11
7 Earthshine 5:45
8 Red Barchetta 6:54
9 Roll the Bones 6:08
10 The Seeker 3:48
11 Darn That Dragon (animation) 3:27
12 Tom Sawyer 5:03
13 Dreamline 5:18
14 Between the Wheels 6:10
15 Mystic Rhythms 5:29
16 Der Trommler 8:51
17 Resist 4:38
18 Heart Full of Soul 2:52
19 2112 8:09
20 Xanadu 6:58
21 Working Man 6:45
22 Summertime Blues 3:49
23 Crossroads 3:13
24 Limelight 4:40
25 Credits 3:33
DVD-Video #2
1 1979 Hamilton, Ivor Wynne Stadium 9:59
2 1981 Le Studio, Quebec 12:59
3 1990 Artist of the Decade Interviews 15:33
4 1994 Juno Hall of Fame Induction 17:33
5 2002 Vapor Trails Tour Interview 12:50
6 Fly by Night 3:19
7 Finding My Way (MPEG1 from Rock Concert) 4:21
8 In the Mood (MPEG1 from Rock Concert) 3:19
9 Circumstances 3:42
10 La Villa Strangiato 10:12
11 A Farewell to Kings 5:51
12 Xanadu 11:08
13 The Spirit of Radio (soundcheck – 1979 Ivor Wynne Stadium) 1:01
14 Freewill (from Toronto Rocks – 2003) 5:33
15 Closer to the Heart (from Canada for Asia – 2005) 3:26
16 Rush Hits St. John’s (1988) (Easter egg) 2:35
17 1990: Alex’s Interview for Artist of the Decade (1980s) (Easter egg) 1:23
CD #3
1 R30 Overture 6:42
2 The Spirit of Radio 5:05
3 Force Ten 4:49
4 Animate 5:49
5 Subdivisions 6:09
6 Earthshine 5:41
7 Red Barchetta 6:49
8 Roll the Bones 6:22
9 The Seeker 3:27
10 Tom Sawyer 5:00
11 Dreamline 5:20
CD #4
1 Between the Wheels 6:17
2 Mystic Rhythms 5:22
3 Der Trommler 9:01
4 Resist 4:33
5 Heart Full of Soul 2:44
6 2112 8:23
7 Xanadu 6:43
8 Working Man 6:13
9 Summertime Blues 3:41
10 Crossroads 3:13
11 Limelight 4:57

Other Releases in Group (5)


  1. R30: 30th Anniversary World Tour, United States (22 Nov 2005), DVD-Video + DVD-Video + CD + CD (English) deluxe edition
  2. R30: 30th Anniversary World Tour, Canada (25 Nov 2005), CD + CD (English)
  3. R30: 30th Anniversary World Tour, Canada (25 Nov 2005), DVD-Video + DVD-Video + CD + CD (English)
  4. R30: 30th Anniversary World Tour, Canada (2005), DVD-Video + DVD-Video (English)
  5. R30: The Complete R30 Concert, Europe (05 Nov 2013), Blu-ray (English)

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