Wiz. Chronicle -MSX Works- Wiz.

Release: 05 May 2005 Japan, Language: Japanese, Status: Official
Format: CD-R + CD-R, Tracks: 54, Length: 2:38:43, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


CD-R #1
1 Silpheed [The Legend Of Silpheed] (Opening) 3:58
2 Sol Feace [Cosmic Illusion] (Round1) 3:51
3 Xevious [Main BGM] 0:37
4 Gradius [Free Flyer] (Stage 4) 1:58
5 Gradius (MSX) [Extra Stage] 2:30
6 Gradius II [A Shooting Star] (空中戦2) 1:07
7 ゴーファーの野望 Episode II [Space Traveler] (Stage 3) 2:22
8 Gradius II [Frontier Disputes] (Stage6, 8: 生命惑星のテーマ) 2:11
9 Gradius III [Departure For Space] (空中戦1) 1:54
10 Gradius III [In The Wind] (Stage 3-1) 3:04
11 Actraiser [人々の誕生] 2:16
12 Actraiser [捧げ物] 1:18
13 出たな!! Twinbee [風の贈り物] (Stage 1) 3:23
14 Galaxy Force [Beyond The Galaxy] (Scene 1) 3:53
15 Galaxy Force [Alone Fighter] (Stage 4) 3:56
16 Granada [Windy Avenue] (Stage 2) 3:44
17 Darius [Cosmic Airway] 3:07
18 Darius [Boss Scene 5] 1:52
19 Darius II [Say Papa] (Main Theme - 木星) 4:31
20 Final Fantasy IV [愛のテーマ -Theme Of Love-] 3:17
21 銀河の三人 [Epilogue] 3:05
22 Hydlide 3 [The Space Memories] (Main Theme) 3:31
23 Hydlide 3 [Fairyland -Dance Mix-] (地上) 3:10
24 Hydlide 3 [Dragon!] (ドラゴンの洞窟) 2:07
25 Hydlide 3 [Battle In The Splash Cave] (禁断の洞窟) 2:03
26 Hydlide 3 [Fairyland Forever...] (Ending 1~2) 3:31
27 Dragon Quest IV [Homeland] 2:21
28 Fu-Mon [Original?] 4:51
CD-R #2
1 Konami Morning Music [バブルシステム起動音楽] 3:02
2 Misty Blue [Opening] 3:30
3 Dragon Saber [水没都市] (Stage 1) 3:52
4 Dragon Saber [火山] (Stage 2) 3:48
5 ゼルダの伝説 [タイトル BGM] 3:07
6 Crisis Force [BGM 1] 2:10
7 Snatcher [Theme Of Snatcher] 2:28
8 Ordyne [Round1] 4:30
9 White Christmas -Konamic 12beat Mix- 2:26
10 ボコスカウォーズ [スペースボコスカ2005] 2:10
11 Tetris [Karinka] 1:24
12 Trigon [Sturdy Wings] (Stage 3, 4) 2:16
13 Turbo Out Run [Rush A Difficulty] (BGM 2) 3:27
14 Metal Black [Born To Be Free] (Round 1) 4:32
15 Gaplus [Gaplustic Intruder+] 2:29
16 Selected Sorcerian [美しき花嫁~ディオンヌ村~] 3:52
17 Dragon Slayer IV [メイアのテーマ] 3:33
18 Super Hang On [Outride A Crisis] 4:56
19 Super Hang On [Winning Run] 3:13
20 Xexex [Happy Daymare] (Stage 6-1) 2:19
21 Super魂斗羅 [Hotter Than Hell] (Boss3) 1:58
22 Ys III Wanderers From Ys [翼を持った少年] (ステージ入口) 3:26
23 Ys [The Morning Grow] (Ending) 2:13
24 ガリウスの迷宮 [Epilogue] 3:05
25 シャロム [Ending] 2:54
26 夢大陸アドベンチャー [Congraturations~Epilogue] (ハッピーエンド~スタッフロール) 2:35

Links (1)


  1. https://www.discogs.com/release/10104827