Dark light of the soul 泳兒

Release: 24 Jan 2022 [Worldwide], Language: Chinese, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 16, Length: 48:33, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


Digital Media #1
1 into the psyche 0:48
2 荊棘海(三生石版) 4:19
3 regression 0:38
4 明日花 4:51
5 野木蘭 3:31
6 花心 4:17
7 into the gutter 0:38
8 溝渠暢泳 3:49
9 所有遺失的東西 3:36
10 孤毒 3:34
11 extinction 0:48
12 荊棘海 3:56
13 沉溺 4:52
14 葉落冰川 4:22
15 the way back 0:41
16 所有遺失的東西 (Nothing is Lost mix) 3:53