Native Dystopean Antonym

Release: 1990 United Kingdom, Language: , Status: Official
Format: Cassette, Tracks: 18, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


Cassette #1
A1 The Human, Conditioned ?:??
A2 *ManInfesto: ?:??
A3 Fragment °1 ?:??
A4 A Debt To Asclepius ?:??
A5 Fragment °2 ?:??
A6 Pangloss In Reflection ?:??
A7 Fragment °3 ?:??
A8 A Gift For Ix Tab ?:??
A9 Fragment °4 ?:??
A10 Malengine Abstract ?:??
A11 Party In Distopia ?:??
B1 Saint Of Sorrow ?:??
B2 Fragment °5 ?:??
B3 Western Culture (Petri) ?:??
B4 Fragment °6 ?:??
B5 Grand Guignol ?:??
B6 Fragment °7 ?:??
B7 A Human, Deconditioned ?:??

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