Lore the OST VvvvvaVvvvvvr

Release: 12 Jul 2020 [Worldwide], Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 54, Length: 1:36:46, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album - Remix


Digital Media #1
1 Horse 3:48
2 Horse… 2 3:26
3 Haunted Horse 1:21
4 Journey through the land of mushrooms 1:28
5 Monohorse 1:50
6 barbie’s melody box 3:12
7 Same BarbiePerMinute 1:25
8 Horse Final Stage 2:42
9 Momiji Inubashi plays horse 1:17
10 Minecraft Horse 0:41
11 Barbie the Alien 1:38
12 mus_st_her 1:49
13 Pizza horse epic 2:49
14 HHHHHH 2:50
15 Presenting HHHHHH 2:31
16 Horse blue ripper 2:05
17 Zelda horse adventures 0:10
18 horse 64 1:39
19 the joke was zegarmistrz światła purpurowy you numbnuts how dare you not know an obscure polish song from 1972 3:45
20 Horse Adventure 4:52
21 We set a horse on fire to see what would happen the result might surprise you 3:07
22 Town 1:11
23 Town (Night) 1:10
24 Town (???) 0:54
25 Tunnel 2:12
26 Field 1:48
27 Field (Night) 1:11
28 Forest 1:48
29 Game Over 0:51
30 Continue (Game) 0:21
31 Cave 0:44
32 The Wilderness 1:15
33 The Wilderness (Night) 1:23
34 Castle of Mirrors 1:27
35 The Final Showdown 2:20
36 The Final Showdown (Original Draft) (Readme) 1:11
37 Low Hanging Fruit 1:23
38 Aligator Swamp 1:47
39 Continue? 1:46
40 Town “Remastered” Version 1:15
41 town (day) is so gay i dont like it 1:12
42 town (night) does the PPAP 1:13
43 reese’s town 1:11
44 boom clap spooky town 1:10
45 Town (Leaked Version) 1:11
46 Hit the Town 1:11
47 tunnel but why tho 2:13
48 field is gay 2:48
49 loreception 2:12
50 forest is a asshole 1:48
51 Cavestones 0:42
52 wilderness is gay 1:20
53 night is gay 1:23
54 Wilderness (Remastered) 2:50

Other Releases in Group (1)


  1. Lore the OST, [Worldwide] (28 Apr 2023), Digital Media (English)

Links (2)

Stream For Free

  1. https://vvvvvvvavvvvvvvvr.bandcamp.com/album/lore-the-ost

Download For Free

  1. https://vvvvvvvavvvvvvvvr.bandcamp.com/album/lore-the-ost