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Fire Emblem: Awakening Original Soundtrack INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS

Release: 06 Mar 2012 Japan, Language: , Status: Pseudo-Release
Format: CD + CD + CD + CD, Tracks: 92, Length: 4:12:53, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album - Soundtrack


CD #1
1 Id (Beginnings) 1:43
2 Omen (Main Theme) 1:53
3 There are better places to take a nap than on the ground you know. 0:23
4 Id (Serenity) 2:44
5 Prelude 5:20
6 Prelude (Ablaze) 5:20
7 Assault 1:56
8 Assault (Galvanised) 1:56
9 Gods, have the Risen spread this far? 1:39
10 Menace (Intro) 0:46
11 Menace 2:33
12 It appears the capital was spared the chaos. 3:25
13 But, Frederick, it's nearly dark! 2:47
14 Something is very wrong. 2:47
15 I mean it. Go! 2:18
16 friends... 0:40
17 Oh, it's not so bad, Lissa. Just a healthy little walk! 3:54
18 We'd best prepare for combat, just to be safe. 4:16
19 Duty 5:31
20 Duty (Ablaze) 5:30
21 Here we are! The Shepherd's garrison. 2:16
22 Negotiation's not my strong suit... 2:04
23 Agh! Won goph in mah mouph! Blech! Ptooey! 1:59
CD #2
1 Destiny 5:19
2 Destiny (Ablaze) 5:19
3 Aggression 2:41
4 Aggression (Galvanised) 2:41
5 Now that's a declaration of war if I've ever heard one! 3:08
6 Miscreant (Intro) 0:29
7 Miscreant 1:32
8 No reaction.... Was I wrong then? 0:31
9 I've never seen one fall so gracefully. 2:14
10 Leave me... Save yourselves...if you can... 0:17
11 ...... 3:08
12 Don't speak her name! 7:52
13 And what if I can't? What if I'm not worthy of her ideals? 3:46
14 Dry your tears, love. This is not good-bye. 3:00
15 Divine Decree 5:32
16 Divine Decree (Ablaze) 5:32
17 You don't know the first thing about peace. No man does! 2:26
18 Mastermind (Intro) 0:39
19 Mastermind 1:45
20 Grima has returned to slumber. 3:03
CD #3
1 Conquest 4:05
2 Conquest (Ablaze) 4:06
3 We should turn in for the night. 4:20
4 Training 2:11
5 Training (Galvanised) 2:11
6 Don't you put any stock in this destiny hogwash! 2:56
7 Rival (Intro) 0:30
8 Rival 2:56
9 Such bonds are the true strength of this army. 3:08
10 The Vaike never forgets! I just don't always remember. 2:01
11 I carry only the finest. 0:59
12 Open for business! 1:55
13 Let's see what I'm capable of now. 1:04
14 Shh... Easy now, Girl. I won't hurt you. 2:16
15 Someone has to save you from your good intentions. 2:43
16 Storm Clouds 5:09
17 Storm Clouds (Ablaze) 5:09
18 You may call me Marth. 2:46
19 You deserved better from me than one sword... 1:01
20 Ha ha! Yes, it will take some getting used to! 2:59
21 You have power... like mine. 3:09
22 Misericorde 1:03
23 Id (Dilemma) 2:41
CD #4
1 Chaos 5:06
2 Chaos (Ablaze) 5:06
3 Run all you like—you can't escape fate. 2:46
4 Malefactor (Intro) 0:47
5 Malefactor 1:31
6 Id (Sorrow) 3:03
7 Annihilation 2:23
8 Annihilation (Galvanised) 2:23
9 Monstrosity (Intro) 0:35
10 Monstrosity 1:54
11 Grima. It's all over... 0:32
12 The life force here shall renew me! 2:27
13 Id (Darkness) 1:46
14 Id (Return) 1:18
15 Id (Purpose) 8:00
16 Old Battlefield 6:05
17 There are better places to take a nap than on the ground you know. (Reprise) 2:01
18 Champion 5:19
19 Champion (Ablaze) 5:18
20 Id (Hope) 1:59
21 Main Theme (Festival) 1:05
22 Main Theme (Summer) 1:04
23 Main Theme (Spa) 1:04
24 Main Theme (Summer) (No Voice) 1:04
25 Main Theme (Spa) (No Voice) 1:04
26 Main Theme (Title) 0:35

Other Releases in Group (4)


  1. ファイアーエムブレム 覚醒 ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK, Japan (27 Mar 2013), CD + CD + CD + CD + Data CD (Japanese)
  2. ファイアーエムブレム 覚醒 ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK, Japan (24 Feb 2016), CD + CD + CD + CD + Data CD (Japanese) ?????????????


  1. Fire Emblem: Awakening Original Soundtrack, (), CD + CD + CD + CD + DVD (English)
  2. Fire Emblem: Awakening Original Soundtrack, (), CD + CD + CD + CD + Data CD (English)