GANGNAMCORE 2, Part I: NO STOPPING! The Sexy Ladies & Mother Father Gentlemen of Gangnam District

Release: 26 Jul 2015 [Worldwide], Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 225, Length: 12:7:37, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


Digital Media #1
1 Intro 2:13
2 Style Haleyyytion 4:08
3 Music to Watch Sexy Ladies By 2:54
4 Gangnam Heaven Fever - Ringpsyde 1:33
5 S.t.y.l.e.S. 4:26
6 Gangnam! Euphonium Style 4:04
7 Gangnam Go Round 4:32
8 (Psy's Got to Have) Friends 2:54
9 Arigangnam, Psysuki 5:18
10 Hibiki's Shut Up and AirOp! 2:56
11 The Styles op Time (Q's Gangnamaniac Agenda Mix) 2:21
12 Op Suey 3:27
13 Psybreak! 5:32
15 The White op Psy 3:03
16 Yu-Gi-Op! 1:03
17 Style Hunter - Barkleydios, the Slam Wyvern 4:21
18 All Style 3:17
19 Gangnam x Style 4:12
20 best space jam mashup of 1786 3:34
21 Gangnamkranz 4:19
22 Cuban Nightcore Style 2:13
23 Mother Father Cornered Man 2:40
24 Song 이 2:03
25 STYLEMAN Sexy Money 3:53
26 B.Y.O.P.P.A. 4:18
27 Nice of the princess to invite us oppa for a picnic 1:03
28 Psy's Home For Imaginary Styles 0:56
29 Hamtaro Style 0:51
30 Stylish Criminal 4:13
31 The Psyms 4 - Build Style 1 2:20
32 Inspiration for people who might have trouble making Gangnam Style mashups 0:58
33 GANGNAMSTYLE.AVI - A Creepypasta (Chapter 1 of 3) 8:16
34 Gangnam Lightning 3:04
35 The Faces op Evil - Intro 0:57
36 Baby PSY'm Yours 3:35
37 Gangnam Gangnam Yukai 3:32
38 El Gangnamdito 3:20
39 Style Battle 1 (Kid Psycarus: Oprising) 2:47
40 Played Us Like a Gangnam Fiddle 3:16
41 Psy shows op at the recording studio and almost immediately suffers a stroke that ruins his ability to keep a beat 2:11
42 Drop It Like It's Op 3:14
43 Psy's Blue 5:57
44 Counter-Style - Global Oppansive 2:08
45 Bloody Style (Psy's Bizarre Adventure) 4:22
46 Let My Style Reach You Too 2:09
47 Sweet Kid, M.A.A.D Psyty 5:56
48 Psy's PACER Test (Instrumental) 14:17
49 Gangnamus 4:02
50 Psy drives too fast and crashes his stylish car into a wall in the Gangnam district of South Korea and it explodes 2:45
51 PSYbuster - AYYm for the Opp 2 - Gentle Mangic 4:19
52 It's an Adventure, Right Now! 4:18
53 Najeneun Style Najeneun 4:35
54 Oppa the Horses (feat. CJ from Grove Street) 3:41
55 Gangale II 4:42
56 Tomareyyyy 3:52
57 Unreal PSYperhero 1:58
58 Psy Wants To Take You For A Ride (Gangnam vs. Capcom 2 - Gentleman Select) 9:57
59 Gangnam Surface 2:48
60 Twist and Style 2:34
61 Theme of PSY Kiske - Holy Oppers II 2:57
62 A Certain PSYntific Railgun - Sister's Now 4:20
63 Psyclad Opserver 4:35
64 Damn Psy, where'd you style this? 1:13
65 PSYker 4:33
66 Jeh Jeh Style 3:23
67 Jonas Oppas 3:22
68 North Korea is Best Korea 2:57
69 In The Oppanload 4:42
70 TrOPico 5 - Damelo in Stylish 2:44
71 The Oppa Was Shot 1:41
72 Gangnaming 3:25
73 Pscotland the Dayyynk 1:24
74 Kirbeyyy takes oppa the Halberd! 1:27
75 Heyyyyytred 1:28
76 Pursuit ~ Keep Styling On, Gentleman! 2:33
77 A news report in Gangnam district goes horribly wrong 0:14
78 RuneStyle 3:17
79 Gentlemonado 0:20
80 The word "op" with every default audio effect preset in Ableton Live 0:11
81 ISISman 3:15
82 The Only Style Psy Knows For Real 2:21
83 Froppan Herpes (Froppan) 1:46
84 Do You Wanna Build a Gentleman? (Froppan) 3:29
85 For the First Psyme in Forever (Froppan) 3:42
86 Love is an Oppan Door (Froppan) 2:07
87 Let it Op (Froppan) 3:41
88 Psy is Better Than People (Froppan) 0:47
89 In Psymmer (Froppan) 1:48
90 For the First Psyme in Forever (Repsyse) (Froppan) 2:27
91 Fixer Oppa (Froppan) 3:01
92 Making Today a Stylish Deyyy (Froppan) 4:52
93 Let it Op (Demi Stylavato) (Froppan) 4:08
94 Gentlemon Frontier 0:59
95 Let's Have A Gangnam 3:50
96 Gangnam in Fire 4:13
97 PSYchic Squad - Opper the Future Ahhhh 3:59
98 Gangnima Made no Arapsyji 3:50
99 Oppa Mountain 1 2:39
100 Rather Be Stylish 3:49
101 Gangnam Switch 2:53
102 Oppaoppa Mirai 3:51
103 C'Mon N Style It (The Chaos Train) 5:50
104 Psydeen 1:33
105 Stylish Secret Powers 4:03
106 Style Cheat - Opped in Samsara 3:20
107 Beverly Styles 3:11
108 Style Gangnam 0:40
109 Without Style 2:34
110 Big Booty Gentlemen 3:12
111 Oppa, Gangnam, Style, Ayyy Ayyy 3:40
112 Come and Get Your Gentleman 3:39
113 Capture the Clow Card, Right Now! 1:46
114 Chicken Opp the Rocks 2:25
115 Style Cheat - Oppan Meditation 3:56
116 Dream Sexy Lady 3:02
117 StylieOp 2:39
118 Shanteeeyy and the Psyrate's Curse - We Love Gangnam Town 3:29
119 Mobile Style ZZ Gangnam - Anime ja Psy 3:52
120 Crisis Style 2:27
121 Super Mario PSY - Armed Style 1:52
122 Paper PSY: The Thousand Year Style - Style the Gangnam Fortress 1:59
123 Gangnam.wmv 1:46
124 It's Gangnam Time! 1:40
125 Gangnam Tango 3:37
126 Mission To The Gangnam District 3:07
127 Psylatoon - Main Theme (Psylatoon is for Gentlemen) 3:25
128 Psylatoon - Hub 0:56
129 Psylatoon - Single Opps 2:20
130 Psylatoon - Stylefest 2:01
131 Psylatoon - Credits 2:42
132 Gangnam Style (CLEAN, SAFE FOR WORK VERSION) 4:12
133 Steam Summer Style 3:37
134 Let Me Be With Psy 4:29
135 GANGNAMO! - Guns & Style 4:14
136 Pokemon PSYte - Stylish in Battle 0:40
137 Living in the Gangnam District 3:25
138 O.P.P.A.N. 1:27
140 Oppary Attack 3:02
141 Radio Gangnam 5:22
142 Gangnamelldansen 2:53
143 Psyfonix - Dirty Styly 4:24
144 Psyrenade 4:51
145 DePSYlah and Juliops 3:04
146 S-OP-S - Will It Style 3:12
147 Romance in the Ayyyr 3:52
148 Little Opbrellas 3:08
149 Nuclearman 4:49
150 Psy Me To The Gangnam District 4:11
151 Kirbeyyy 64: The Crystal Styles - Op Star 2:56
152 Salmon Style 3:39
153 Molgangnam 2:29
154 This Ain't a Scene, It's a Gangnam Arms Race 3:31
155 Devil May Psy 3 - Barkley Battle 2 6:08
156 Thunder Blue World Psymphony 1:30
157 Knights op Shame 12:22
158 Happy DEYYYYYYYs 2:36
159 Ultimate Oldfag 3:42
160 Straight Style 4:31
161 Gangnaconda 6:31
162 The Portsmouth Psynfonia performing The Dance Of The Sugarplum Gentleman 2:20
163 What Makes You A Sexy Lady 3:17
164 Innocent Psy 3:39
165 Psysney's OpCOT Entrance Part 1: Theme op Gangnorizons 3:18
166 Psysney's OpCOT Entrance Part 2: South Korean Experience: Oppan Dream 3:54
167 Psysney's OpCOT Entrance Part 3: World op Gentlemen: Psy to Be Sexy 3:32
168 Psysney's OpCOT: Psy's Sexy Adventure 4:48
169 Psysney's Sexy Kingdom: Sextromagic Piano Version 3:33
170 Psysney's Sexy Kingdom: Tomorrowland Area: Adventure Thru Inner Psy 2:42
171 Psysney's Opcot: Sexy Journeys 4:05
172 Unknown from P.S.Y. 3:40
173 Captain Psy 1:08
174 both Psy and Barkley are shit 0:57
175 Sou Foda Style 3:06
176 Sexy (Eyyy Psy Op) 3:41
177 Psyveid the Exstyle 3:05
178 Finaleyyyyyy 3:24
179 Stanky Gentleman 2:59
180 EB Gangnams - Psyvals 0:27
181 Let's Opp Tonight 3:50
182 Devil May Psy - The Style Has Come & So Has Psy 2:01
183 Snoopy, Snoopy, Yes Oppa 2:06
184 Op or Eyyy 4:12
185 NEGS 0:54
186 Gangnam Scream 3:55
187 Two Faced Stylers 1:47
188 Virtuous Op 2:54
189 Gentle Prom Night 3:47
190 Tomorrow Is Psy's 3:18
191 Gusty Gangnam Galaxy 2:33
192 Cruis'n USAYYYYYYYYY 2:45
193 Psyjamin Briggs - Gangnam FM 3:22
194 Never Psy Never 3:09
195 Fitter Oppier 0:34
196 Diddy Kong Opping - Style Rumble 3:39
197 NitrOPnic Rush - The Sentinel is Opping 4:42
198 Thanatover 3:26
199 Psyfonix - Gangnam TV 4:48
200 Psy's My Man 5:32
201 Hark the Opire 1:19
202 Oppa Driver 4:19
203 The Psyms 4 - Build Style 2 3:19
204 Instyle Techniques 2:08
205 Atogangnam no You Na Oppa 3:54
206 Oppas En Psygalia 3:38
207 Gangnams Divide 5:00
208 Gangnam D'etre 4:06
209 History op Maroon Psy and Kara's Flowops (Intro) 0:21
210 Eyy Pim 2:49
211 As Ops Colpsyed 3:55
212 This Gentleman 4:30
213 Makes Me Gangnam 3:39
214 Styles Like Jagger 3:22
215 Mops 3:12
216 Gentlemugman 0:29
217 Kirbeyyy 64: The Crystal Styles - Factory Psynspection 2:56
218 Psykémon XD Styles of Darkness - vs Miror P 1:57
219 Neop Gentlesis Eeeeyyvangeliop 4:00
220 Oppatale - Enemy AYYproaching 1:51
221 Op the Floor 2:58
222 Amalgangnam 1:37
224 angry orange nya nya diggin doubleswee gaming swagg card aussie godzilla batman jesus goku matty kim jong super mario spongebob tardis fandom espanol style 5:14
225 Deep Gangnamcore 1:52

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