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Digital Media

Cry of Fear Andreas Rönnberg

Release: [Worldwide], Language: English, Status: Bootleg
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 182, Length: 6:13:11, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


Digital Media #1
1 2aphall1 4:40
2 alley 2:28
3 angst 3:21
4 ap3hall1 1:31
5 ap3hall1end 0:19
6 ap3hall2 2:34
7 apartbaby 3:20
8 aparthall2 3:20
9 aparthall2end 0:31
10 aparthall2end2 1:03
11 aphall1 3:06
12 aphall1end 0:05
13 aphall2 1:42
14 aproom1 1:05
15 aproom2 1:39
16 aproom3 2:34
17 apsick 1:42
18 aptaurus 0:36
19 arrested 0:24
20 asylum1 0:16
21 avlopp 2:53
22 baseap 0:19
23 basement1 1:44
24 basement1end 0:18
25 basement2 1:48
26 basements 0:37
27 betrayal 9:30
28 bigshadowsounds 1:00
29 blueline 2:29
30 boat 2:23
31 bossmusic 1:07
32 bossstart 0:16
33 brandon 4:39
34 brandon2 5:11
35 broscene 0:21
36 buscity 3:39
37 busshollplats 0:44
38 caged 3:15
39 cc2introduction 0:32
40 cc3 1:52
41 chainsawr 3:10
42 city 1:41
43 cityend 1:01
44 cof_gayviolin_s3 2:51
45 cof_snuff6 2:06
46 “Jeg bærer den hat som jeg vil” 3:18
47 college 1:04
48 coop 2:20
49 coop_mapend 0:08
50 coop_mapend2 0:18
51 coopend 0:42
52 coopstart 0:29
53 credits 6:20
54 Crow 3:52
55 darkhorror 2:48
56 dockhorror 1:38
57 doctorbattle 3:12
58 doctorbattle2 3:12
59 doctorend 0:25
60 docvic 0:21
61 doktornarvild 0:42
62 downindarkness 3:37
63 egyptianhallucination 1:56
64 ending5 1:33
65 endmusic1 3:17
66 endmusic2 2:30
67 endmusic3 2:00
68 endmusic4 2:42
69 enertity 2:14
70 fancorridor 3:06
71 fanskap 2:24
72 faster 2:02
73 forest1 2:56
74 foresthide 0:56
75 foresthorror 2:59
76 forestpound 1:30
77 fucked 1:48
78 fucked2 3:07
79 game_over 2:24
80 gamestartup 5:03
81 HalloweenCCIntro 0:39
82 helvete 2:03
83 hit1 1:04
84 hit2 0:06
85 hit3 0:15
86 hospital 3:48
87 hospital_music 7:15
88 imsick 0:35
89 imsick2 1:13
90 intro2 0:55
91 introduction 0:52
92 introduction2 1:02
93 introreal 2:17
94 lifelover 1:01
95 lonely 2:30
96 manhunt 1:56
97 manhunt_intro 0:48
98 memories1 0:20
99 memories1b 0:20
100 memories1p 0:30
101 memories2 1:02
102 memories3 1:22
103 memories4 0:20
104 memories5 0:26
105 MetalAtmosphere 1:50
106 music1 1:29
107 music2 2:15
108 music3 0:43
109 music4 2:01
110 music5 0:17
111 music6 3:06
112 musicbad 2:05
113 myfaith 4:44
114 newapartment3 1:37
115 newapartment4 2:55
116 nightmare 0:45
117 nightmare2 1:47
118 nightmareend 0:09
119 nightmmm 0:47
120 nmsequence 0:09
121 nothingleft 2:18
122 obbsan 4:52
123 outofit0 3:04
124 outofit1 2:13
125 outofit4 3:00
126 outofit5 1:48
127 parkatnight 5:18
128 Psycho1 0:25
129 Psycho2 0:26
130 psychobatesmotelambient1 1:27
131 psychoticmusic 0:26
132 psykos2 3:12
133 rooftops 1:10
134 ruMpel 0:54
135 ruMpel2 1:24
136 ruMpel3 2:05
137 ruMpel4 1:03
138 sawend 0:16
139 sawersong 1:07
140 sawmusic 1:09
141 sawmusic2 1:23
142 School1 0:41
143 sewer_boss 4:14
144 sewer3alt 2:31
145 sewer3alt2 2:32
146 sewerhit 0:44
147 sewermusic45 4:59
148 sewers2 0:57
149 aom - sick 5:35
150 sickness 2:44
151 sirensfromhell2 2:01
152 slowerdeath 0:26
153 slowereyes 1:45
154 slowerfight 0:46
155 snuff 1:02
156 sophie1 2:06
157 sophie2 3:12
158 sophie3 6:22
159 stad 2:39
160 stats 4:19
161 streets2 3:22
162 subtunnels 3:53
163 subway1 1:29
164 subwaymusico 1:56
165 survive 3:12
166 survive_hotel_terror 1:53
167 survive2 3:35
168 survive3 3:44
169 survive4 3:56
170 thelake 6:26
171 trainhit 0:15
172 trainhurry 1:43
173 Trololololo 0:41
174 truckride 4:35
175 tunnels 1:37
176 tv_noise 1:54
177 underwater 0:24
178 unlockables 1:36
179 unsafe 2:03
180 vr__nalo_intro_music 0:08
181 watercorridor 2:05
182 watro 4:16

Other Releases in Group (2)


  1. Cry of Fear (Official Soundtrack), (10 Mar 2012), CD ()
  2. Cry of Fear (Official Soundtrack), [Worldwide] (10 Mar 2012), Digital Media (English)