reason of birth maya

Release: 13 Aug 2011 Japan, Language: Japanese, Status: Official
Format: CD, Tracks: 12, Length: 53:27, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


CD #1
1 reason of birth 4:47
2 銀聖のアルテミス 4:13
3 Luxurious times 5:12
4 mist-missing love- 4:15
5 raid of glass 4:42
6 Lilyzm Gold 4:23
7 stainless moon 5:15
8 水際の碧色 4:42
9 virgin butterfly 3:22
10 and taboo ・・・ 4:39
11 薄紅 4:23
12 chu-っとそばにいてね☆ 3:30

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