Raw Oddities 2 LudoCrypt

Release: 09 Feb 2022 [Worldwide], Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 32, Length: 2:34:30, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


Digital Media #1
1 not for the garden 5:14
2 thoughtful gardening 3:02
3 roller 4:16
4 bedtime now 5:00
5 racing avenue 2:09
6 shallow saltwater 5:22
7 five sided cube 2:48
8 daydreaming rivers 11:04
9 leaving this earth 1:00
10 mindless gardening 3:17
11 lost and confused 8:28
12 masking type 3:04
13 cup of broth 3:32
14 tradition strikes again 3:08
15 felt rug 2:49
16 only the 2000's 1:41
17 lost due to compression 4:50
18 sky of snow 6:20
19 trust the beans 3:00
20 two feet ten toes 6:21
21 wintertime confusion 6:47
22 not enough music 5:55
23 not now honey 4:33
24 lots of harmony 4:00
25 heaven creative 5:13
26 road to the future 6:05
27 light cave 2:05
28 shining vinyl 2:02
29 please exit the building 15:52
30 sounds raging below 4:04
31 the compression was intentional 5:16
32 i desire to 5:58

Links (3)


  1. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

Stream For Free

  1. https://ludocrypt.bandcamp.com/album/raw-oddities-2

Purchase For Download

  1. https://ludocrypt.bandcamp.com/album/raw-oddities-2