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Excerpts from the Album Curtis Stigers Curtis Stigers

Release: 1991 United Kingdom, Language: English, Status: Promotion
Format: CD, Tracks: 7, Length: 13:17, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


CD #1
1 I Wonder Why (full album version) 4:25
2 Sleeping With the Lights On 1:14
3 Never Saw a Miracle 2:00
4 The Man You’re Gonna Fall in Love With 1:33
5 You’re All That Matters to Me 1:12
6 I Guess It Wasn’t Mine 1:14
7 Nobody Loves You Like I Do 1:39

Other Releases in Group (3)


  1. Curtis Stigers, United States (24 Sep 1991), CD (English)
  2. Curtis Stigers, Germany (1991), CD (English)
  3. Curtis Stigers, United States (1991), CD (English)