Symphonic Rhapsody 198X 横山菁児

Release: , Language: Japanese, Status: Pseudo-Release
Format: 12" Vinyl, Tracks: 16, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


12" Vinyl #1
A1 Main Title ?:??
A2 Eagle Scrambling ?:??
A3 Serenade of Lora ?:??
A4 Mirage Over the Wilds ?:??
A5 Blue Arabesque ?:??
A6 Distress ?:??
A7 Dancing Prism ?:??
A8 Nocturne ?:??
B1 The Last Sunset ?:??
B2 Caravan on the Foreign Way ?:??
B3 Deeply Love ?:??
B4 The Day of Sorrow ?:??
B5 Till the End of My Life ?:??
B6 The Lasting Love ?:??
B7 Stardust Lullaby ?:??
B8 Pathetic Love, It’s My Destiny ?:??

Other Releases in Group (2)


  1. シンフォニック ラプソディー 198X, Japan (Oct 1982), 12" Vinyl (Japanese)
  2. シンフォニック ラプソディー 198X, Japan (Oct 1982), Cassette (Japanese)