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Recorder Music from Renaissance England Amsterdam Loeki Stardust Quartet

Release: 02 Jun 2011 [Worldwide], Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 20, Length: 57:26, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


Digital Media #1
1 Ut Re Mi Fa Sol La 4:36
2 In Nomine 3:10
3 In Nomine 1:58
4 Prince Edward's Paven 1:29
5 Queine of Ingland's Paven & Galliard: Paven 0:42
6 Queine of Ingland's Paven & Galliard: Ovet mundus leatabundus 2:40
7 Queine of Ingland's Paven & Galliard: O homo considere 1:27
8 Queine of Ingland's Paven & Galliard: Tu civium primas 2:17
9 Queine of Ingland's Paven & Galliard: Inter chorus paradiscolarum 2:08
10 Missa "L'homme armé": Agnus Dei 10:50
11 Hugh Ashton's Maske 3:06
12 Fantasia 2:42
13 Fantasia 3 2:54
14 Fantasia 4 4:03
15 A Fancy 3:10
16 Let us not that young man be 2:10
17 En vray amour 1:14
18 Upon salva nos 2:53
19 Vocum a 4 1:41
20 Upon in Nomine 2:16

Other Releases in Group (2)


  1. A Concorde of Sweete Sounde, United Kingdom (1993), CD (English)
  2. Recorder Music from Renaissance England, [Worldwide] (19 Jul 2004), CD (English)

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