J女神 Ultimate 蔡依林

Release: 07 Sep 2012 , Language: Chinese, Status: Pseudo-Release
Format: CD + CD, Tracks: 25, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


CD #1
1 招牌動作 Signature Gesture ?:??
2 看我72變 Magic ?:??
3 野蠻遊戲 J-Game ?:??
4 愛情三十六計 36 Tricks of Love ?:??
5 Prove it ?:??
6 Oh! Oh! ?:??
7 睜一隻眼閉一隻眼 Overlooking Purposely ?:??
8 爆米花的味道 Smell of the Popcorn ?:??
9 海盜 Pirates ?:??
10 騎士精神 The Spirit of Knight ?:??
11 布拉格廣場 Prague Square ?:??
12 許願池的希臘少女 Greek Girl by the Wishing Fountain ?:??
13 Love Love Love ?:??
14 獨佔神話 Exclusive Myth ?:??
CD #2
1 倒帶 Rewind ?:??
2 天空 Sky ?:??
3 做一天的你 Be You for a Day ?:??
4 檸檬草的味道 The Smell of Lemon Grass ?:??
5 始作俑者 The Starter ?:??
6 反覆記號 Repeated Note ?:??
7 酸甜 Sweet and Sour ?:??
8 說愛你 Say Love You ?:??
9 就是愛 It's Love ?:??
10 好想你 Missing You ?:??
11 單身公害 The Threat of Single Person ?:??

Other Releases in Group (1)


  1. J女神 影音典藏精選, Taiwan (07 Sep 2012), CD + CD + DVD (Chinese)