블레이드앤소울 NCSOUND

Release: 2012 South Korea, Language: Korean, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 85, Length: 3:40:17, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album
Blade & Soul - The World


Digital Media #1
1 무일봉의 아침 (The Morning of Crimson Peak) 1:10
2 폭풍우 (Storm Clouds) 2:13
3 대나무마을 (Bamboo Village) 2:37
4 망자의 숲 (Forest of the Dead) 2:29
5 달 그림자 (Shadow of the Moon) 2:21
6 운명의 질주 (The Race for Fate) 2:14
7 검은 안개 (The Black Fog) 2:45
8 흑음림 (Black Shaow Forest) 2:37
9 그림자 밟기 (Stepping on Shadows) 2:22
10 환야의 숲 (Illusion Forest) 2:49
11 희망의 도약 (One Step in Hope) 2:55
12 화중의 넋 (Hwajoong's Spirit) 0:49
13 녹명촌 (Emerald Village) 1:53
14 망자의 역습 (Counterattack of the Dead) 1:55
15 송암도 (Pine Stone Island) 2:04
16 항아리 협객 (The Pot Fighter) 1:07
17 송림사 (Pinehill Temple) 2:48
18 도술견의 망치 (Hammer of the Dog Sorcerer) 1:34
19 거암골 (Boulder Valley) 5:20
20 혈풍 (Bloodwind) 2:17
21 필살의 검, Part. 1 (The Deadly Sword, Part. 1) 2:36
22 필살의 검, Part. 2 (The Deadly Sword, Part. 2) 2:48
23 해적소굴 (Pirate's Cave) 2:59
24 침투 (The Penetration) 2:20
25 검은그림자 (The Black Shaow) 2:20
26 쾌검 (The Great Swordsman) 2:07
27 잃어가는 것들 (Things We Lost) 5:33
28 새로운 시작 (A New Beginning) 1:33
29 습격 (The Ambush) 2:01
30 외톨이 마을 (Lonely Village) 1:10
31 토문진 (Mud Gate Region) 4:35
32 열사 (The Sand of Heat) 4:15
33 유가촌 (Yu Village) 1:58
34 무신 (Martial God) 0:41
35 모래바람 (Sandstorm) 8:57
36 두개의 정기 (Two Spirits) 1:41
37 주막 (The Tavern) 0:50
38 토문객잔 (Mud Gate Inn) 2:16
39 보물사냥꾼 (Treasure Hunter) 1:49
40 나류국 (Naru) 2:12
41 고대의 살수 (The Ancient Assasin) 3:03
42 오락당 (Vice Party) 1:05
43 메마른 땅 (Dry Land) 2:14
44 항아리공방 (The Pot Workshop) 2:30
45 흑창족 (Darkspear) 4:46
46 우가차카 (Wugachaka) 1:39
47 무운마을 (Warriors Village) 3:19
48 복곤패 (Runaway Warriors) 0:51
49 토굴무덤 (Claygrave Catacombs) 2:57
50 회랑인 (Wolf Clan) 3:38
51 흑조 (The Black Bird) 3:12
52 도굴암시장 (Black Grotto Market) 0:42
53 뼈가면 (The Skull Mask) 2:43
54 울부짓는 사원 (Howling Temple) 2:10
55 무신의 날개 (Wing of the Martial God) 1:43
56 희생의 무덤 (Grave of Sacrifice) 7:18
57 염화대성 (Blaze Monkey King) 2:40
58 뒤틀린 용맥 (Distorted Vital Force) 2:15
59 길 (The Road) 4:42
60 바람의 늑대 (A Wolf Beneath the Wind) 2:04
61 노을의 주인 (Master of Sunset) 0:32
62 단풍나무 집 (The Maple House) 1:20
63 행방불명 (Lost) 1:24
64 풍차마을 (Windmill Village ) 2:29
65 불청객 (The Uninvited) 2:48
66 야수를 길들이는 자 (Dominator of Wild Beasts) 3:30
67 호수 그림자 (Shadow of the Lake) 2:55
68 추격자 (The Chaser) 2:05
69 반달 호수 (Half-Moon Lake) 3:17
70 축제 (The Festival) 1:00
71 오색몽 (Five Colored Dream) 1:46
72 귀도시를 지키는 자들 (The Guardian of Phantom City) 2:36
73 장수의 망령 (Commander's Soul) 2:05
74 오지 않는 지원군 (The Absence of Reinforcements) 4:50
75 왕이 되는 의식 (Ritual for the King's Accession) 5:10
76 천하사절 (The Invincible Four) 3:49
77 휘몰아치는 탁기 Part. 1 (Swirling Tainted Chi Part. 1) 2:43
78 휘몰아치는 탁기 Part. 2 (Swirling Tainted Chi Part. 2) 3:53
79 새벽빛 안개 (Mist of Dawn Light) 2:55
80 비밀기지 (Secret Base) 3:11
81 미로 (Labyrinth) 0:59
82 위험한 탈출 (Dangerous Escape) 1:49
83 포화란의 초대장 (Invitation of Pohwaran) 2:18
84 핏빛 상어항 (Bloody Shark Harbor) 2:30
85 강인한 일격 (Fatal Strike) 1:52

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  1. https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_nWKaQpv1GpMLJFOmv9PbE7dMUXvFW-WSw