The End of The End: The Final “Farewell” - Night 2 mewithoutYou

Release: 23 Aug 2022 , Language: , Status: Bootleg
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 43, Length: 2:14:56, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other - Live


Digital Media #1
1 Intro 1:24
2 Pale Horse 2:31
3 Bullet to Binary 3:13
4 Nice and Blue 4:29
5 Paper Hanger 4:19
6 East Enders Wives 3:25
7 Fox's Dream of the Log Flume 4:08
8 We’re Trying Our Best to Love You 1:03
9 Red Cow 3:59
10 Dorothy 1:40
11 Wolf Am I! (and Shadow) 3:00
12 Elephant in the Dock 4:01
13 Goodbye, I! 3:52
14 We Deserve That 1:32
15 [Dormouse Sighs] 4:00
16 The Soviet 3:39
17 A Glass Can Only Spill What It Contains 3:49
18 The King Beetle on a Coconut Estate 5:53
19 Nine Stories 4:52
20 Some Thread of Unity Throughout 1:30
21 Nice and Blue, Part Two 3:44
22 Four Word Letter, Part Two 4:20
23 C-Minor 3:43
24 Bethlehem, WV 3:32
25 We Know Who Our Enemies Are 2:53
26 Is There Anything I’m Forgetting to Say? 1:20
27 Mexican War Streets 3:36
28 Who Would Show Up? What Would They Say? 0:20
29 Julia (or, 'Holy to the LORD' on the Bells of Horses) 3:56
30 Julian the Onion 1:29
31 Son of a Widow 3:41
32 [Encore] 2:07
33 Break on Through (To the Other Side) (Pt. 2) 2:00
34 Cardiff Giant 3:39
35 The Fox, the Crow, and the Cookie 3:36
36 Messes of Men 2:30
37 Memphis Will Be Laid to Waste 1:48
38 January 1979 3:34
39 Torches Together 4:12
40 [Encore] 1:31
41 All Circles 3:01
42 In a Sweater Poorly Knit 6:24
43 Farewell 1:41