Houtkruis Ronéll Erasmus

Release: , Language: Afrikaans, Status: Official
Format: , Tracks: 22, Length: 1:6:25, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


1 Across the Bridge 2:24
2 Houtkruis 3:10
3 as die Lewenstorme 2:40
4 Op hierdie dag 2:21
5 Because he lives 3:21
6 Beautiful Isle of Somewhere 3:02
7 Jerusalem 4:45
8 I'd rather have Jesus 3:26
9 My Redder en my Here 2:51
10 Shall we gather at the river 2:17
11 Blye versekering 3:07
12 Maria Wiegielied 3:19
13 Ek gee jou my woord 3:49
14 Jesus glo bo alma 2:33
15 Peace like a river 2:21
16 Heer neem U my hand 2:48
17 Hallelujah 2:40
18 Al julle volke 2:03
19 Ek roem U naam 3:35
20 Majesteit 2:31
21 There is none lke you 3:13
22 Shout at the Lord 3:59