flirt unkindly with my greed undersaken

Release: 13 Jul 2023 [Worldwide], Language: , Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 11, Length: 51:50, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


Digital Media #1
1 we are insignificant but it's incredible what we can achieve with that insignificance 4:50
2 what we can learn from atlantis 5:06
3 noticing your improvements 4:15
4 a drink at caritas 4:49
5 climbing the tower of the gods 4:20
6 surfing the kali yuga (the world of ruin) 3:37
7 meeting with the goddess 4:56
8 why am I so afraid to talk to other people 5:31
9 the original force of the universe 5:13
10 flirt unkindly with my greed 5:38
11 perhaps together, we can save the world 3:31

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  1. flirt unkindly with my greed, [Worldwide] (13 Jul 2023), Digital Media (English) All Red Art

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