Essential Bull of Heaven 2008-2016 Bull of Heaven

Release: 22 Feb 2022 [Worldwide], Language: English, Status: Bootleg
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 172, Length: 11:50:24, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album - Compilation


Digital Media #1
1 Weed Problem 3:55
2 He Is Not Dead, But Sleepeth 2:13
3 Eleven Floors Down 2:46
4 Reasoning in State Hospital 1:40
5 A Lovely Pear 4:58
6 First Our Pleasures Die 5:18
7 Spacewalking Your New Way Home 2:39
8 Timeship 2012 2:28
9 Elsa, Are You in There? 2:50
10 Upon One Pair of English Legs 1:29
11 Candles Green, Heads and Skulls 5:48
12 Hypnosis, Drugs, and Mind Control (The Beginning: A Touch) 2:41
13 A Series of Elaborate Precautions 2:19
14 Odd Things, Brick Buildings 2:31
15 Tale of an Earth Man 3:22
16 Even to the Edge of Doom 3:31
17 Lions on a Banner 2:01
18 In That Shadow Lurks a Smile 3:00
19 Babylonian Mathematics 2:11
20 There Is Nothing Hidden That Will Not Be Revealed Pt. 3 0:49
21 There Is Nothing Hidden That Will Not Be Revealed Pt. 4 2:15
22 As Two From Ten Thousand Pt. 1 2:42
23 A Foot in Place of a Foot 2:26
24 Become Smaller and Smaller 5:51
25 By What Eternal Streams 6:09
26 Pre-Human Spawn of Cthulhu 4:47
27 He Is Cruel and Moves With Great Cunning 2:35
28 The Wicked Cease From Struggling 7:36
29 Foreign Ideas, Alien Philosophies 3:26
30 Our Light is a Voice 4:14
31 La Tristesse Durera Toujours 1:25
32 A Killer's Apology Rebuffed (The Destroyer) 7:17
33 Return of Ghost Sheriff (Werewolves Are Chasing Me) 6:07
34 Narcolepsy: Dreamtime Collapsing 3:24
35 Inflame Thyself in Praying (Pts. 1-13) 21:14
36 He Dwells on the Shores of the Sea Pt. 2 1:39
37 Mysterious Signals From Glowing Orbs 5:47
38 Praise to Our Common-Father-Endlessness 1:34
39 Death Had Taken Them, One by One 1:10
40 The Long Count 3:42
41 In Human Form This Fiend to Slay 2:02
42 I 6:39
43 II 1:34
44 III 1:47
45 IV 2:41
46 V 3:48
47 VII 1:19
48 XII 3:33
49 XIV 1:42
50 XV 2:48
51 XXI 2:26
52 XXII 2:26
53 XXVII 0:58
54 XXXVII 2:05
55 XXXVIII 3:07
56 XLIII 2:06
57 XLIV 1:49
58 XLV 1:19
59 LXXIII 3:06
60 LXXVIII 3:20
61 LXXIX 15:54
62 LXXX 1:54
63 LXXXVII 2:51
64 LXXXIX 1:13
65 XC 2:09
66 XCI 1:12
67 C 4:11
68 Like the First Pine Cone 7:25
69 Criminals, Fair and True 2:04
70 You Are the Poltergeist 2:32
71 I'm Not Here Anymore 4:09
72 Let's Murder the Neighbors 1:22
73 Axiom of Choice 5:30
74 ℵ₀ 3:01
75 ℵ₂ 3:09
76 ℵ₃ 5:59
77 ℵ₄ 2:21
78 ℵ₆ 4:13
79 ℵ₈ 2:58
80 Boxes of Scorpions Released by Tripwire 7:58
81 Superstring Theory Refuted 1:03
82 Superstring Theory Verified 4:27
83 Come Forth, O Children, Under the Stars 0:56
84 Rituals of the Elements and Feasts of the Times 3:10
85 Change Not as Much as the Style of a Letter 16:42
86 The Chosen Priest and Apostle of Infinite Space 43:02
87 Slippery Buttons, Live in the Upper World, 2003 1:28
88 Everywhere is Violence (The Machine is Killing the Babies) 2:13
89 Drums and Thigh-Bone Trumpets, Skull-Timbrels 6:30
90 Eighty Thousand Species of Mischievous Sprites 3:41
91 Be Not Daunted Thereby, Nor Terrified, Nor Awed 1:11
92 We Seem to Share Your Distress 0:51
93 A Slow and Painful Execution 1:10
94 What Filthy Rotten Blood 3:27
95 On Wednesday Morning, When the Truck Rolls In 0:51
96 Under This Umbrella of Satanism 7:25
97 You Feel a Stillness All Around You, Caressing Your Face 4:02
98 My Doctor Gave Me Some 3:59
99 And Never Will 13:13
100 Qualia and the Dynamic Core 3:32
101 The Hollow Booming of Pieces of Ordnance 3:28
102 Poured Onto That Marble Slab 2:33
103 Note Notes, Forsooth, and Nothing! 2:31
104 Vicious, Cruel, Incapable of Remorse 1:58
105 The Most Merciful Thing That a Family Does 7:50
106 And Madly Hangs the Grass With Silver Rags 2:32
107 With Bare Feet I Trod Upon Thorns and Flints 2:52
108 The Branch of Gold Consecrated to the Subterranean Goddess 1:37
109 In the Form of the Question Concerning the Thingness of Things 1:13
110 They Sacrificed Their Sons and Their Daughters Unto Devils 1:18
111 Fairer Yet Through Sorrow and Separation 3:26
112 Your Best Loved and Always Known Must Leave 3:45
113 Her Song Trembling the Twigs and Small Branches 1:48
114 In Their Terror Capable of Anything 1:49
115 Isolated Regions of the Human Soul 0:33
116 Go With Fiends in That Everlasting Fire 4:17
117 Low is the Covering, Unhigh the Sidewalls 1:24
118 It Was Not Known to Thee More Than to Thy Kin 1:08
119 Submission to Leaders, Hostility to Outsiders 3:25
120 A Donkey's Head Sold for Eighty Shekels of Silver 2:51
121 Showering the Rank, Furry Body All Over the Tent 1:59
122 With a Sudden Jerk and Involuntary Gesture 3:07
123 Look Death in the Eye and Be Grateful 1:46
124 Incoherently Babbling Self-Accusations 2:22
125 So We Cooked My Son and Ate Him 1:28
126 How Strangely Still the Water is Today 1:13
127 Of What Far Sea Upon What Unknown Ground 4:22
128 Like Waters Flowing in the River's Course 5:27
129 As You Etch on the Inner Window of Your Eye 0:55
130 Blurred With Tears and Suffering Beyond Hope 28:22
131 Like a Wall in Which an Insect Lives and Gnaws 39:09
132 Peripatetics and Epicureans Held Very Varying Views 1:25
133 The Usual Manifestations of Suspicion Were Heightened 4:03
134 Stationary if All Statistics are Invariant Under a Shift in Time 1:05
135 Szeretlek, Te Mocskos Kis Kurva! 2:04
136 And I Talk to Them in My Secret Mind 1:01
137 Pitiless Light Over the Stony Landscape 6:00
138 lcm(2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83) 1:49
139 A Feeling for the Order Lying Behind the Appearance 4:31
140 Internet Handle for a Thirteen Year Old Girl 3:56
141 An Incestuous Act God Committed Upon Reality 0:07
142 Have the Gates of Death Been Opened Unto Thee? 1:18
143 Hast Thou Seen the Doors of the Shadow of Death? 1:10
144 The Snow and the Little Wood Under the Blue Sky 3:36
145 One Hour of Fire, and Let All Be Ended! 3:08
146 Two-Legged Tigers and Crocodiles 2:17
147 Imperioso 6:04
148 Irato 3:26
149 Insistendo 2:08
150 Quos Amor Verus Tenuit Tenebit 4:54
151 Ex Oblivione 3:58
152 Reduction to Elementary Particles and Radiation 1:40
153 Driven by the Warmth and Force of the Imagination 3:07
154 Self-Traitor, I Do Bring the Spider Love 16:20
155 Song for Girl 3:16
156 Weed Problem II-V 10:19
157 Hostages are Human Beings 1:16
158 In the Lining of Your Skin 4:36
159 Where the Dead Men Lost Their Bones 0:41
160 Following the Sand 2:51
161 Burn Dark Sincere Receiver 1:46
162 I Sent Myself to the Law 2:08
163 In Your Soft Authority 6:02
164 A Ghost Prehistoric 3:24
165 Of Course, the Personality is Gone 2:44
166 You Can't Buy Shoes in a Painting 1:05
167 Lorne Greene's Belgian Woodchuck Orgy 8:38
168 Good Night, Sweet Prince 16:25
169 Virtue's Light, That Beams Beyond the Spheres 2:08
170 I Will Climb Alone 2:08
171 Total Bliss 3:40
172 To Fill the Mouth of Their Monster 6:20

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