hardrive heat seeking Double Virgo

Release: 31 Aug 2023 [Worldwide], Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 36, Length: 1:17:12, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


Digital Media #1
1 Return of the Squire 1:48
2 internet cafe 4:08
3 gainfully deployed 3:36
4 here's The Deal 4:23
5 no smoking in the hallway (2022) 1:56
6 sit down and behave 1:20
7 much ado about something 4:42
8 gobstopper 21 2:18
9 air drip 2:52
10 Defeat 2:02
11 End Times Whiskey 1:14
12 dont u think its loaded 1:10
13 going for drinks and loopholes 2:12
14 got held up 0:58
15 briefcase of music (noir2) 0:24
16 got held up (replies) 0:35
17 hollybobs was no chill 1:38
18 im more pope than dope (Nintendo Wii totaller) 2:28
19 madgecore1 2020 2:18
20 enriqo inglacial 1:10
21 The Greenwich 3:02
22 slowdesperatemorning 1:00
23 teendream+ 3:52
24 Inquisition (2020) 2:08
25 never endless (2020) 2:42
26 noir1 0:52
27 sign feel alternative 1:40
28 Walktz and Snatzk: Crime Solver Extraordinairs (Theme) 1:14
29 nuggit step down instrumental 2:48
30 several snakes 1:08
31 horn 1:10
32 das monks 1:26
33 90 Days of Squalor 4:10
34 Bob and David (rehearsal) 2:46
35 Smudge 3:08
36 we didnt start the fire (was a gift) 0:54

Links (1)

Other Databases

  1. https://rateyourmusic.com/release/album/double-virgo/hardrive-heat-seeking/