FINAL FANTASY XV Original Soundtrack Volume 2【1/2】 Various Artists

Release: 01 Feb 2019 Japan, Language: Japanese, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 84, Length: 4:59:33, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


Digital Media #1
1 王の盾 ~Theme of EPISODE GLADIOLUS~ 2:15
2 Steeling My Resolve 3:51
3 Taelpar Crag 4:11
4 The Spirits Converge 3:35
5 The Trials of the Shield 3:29
6 ビッグブリッヂの死闘 〜EPISODE GLADIOLUS Ver〜 5:53
7 Of Muscle and Mettle 2:28
8 Scar on My Pride 0:46
9 凍てつく心 4:42
10 プロンプトの孤独 3:09
11 原点への誘い 1:14
12 Orbital Instability – Extended Mix 6:24
13 Trigger 5:33
14 Coffee and Contemplation 3:05
15 禁忌の場 1:56
16 螺旋の狂気 1:43
17 3:42
18 心の灯 4:57
19 Identity 1:13
20 新たな一歩 2:05
21 Sound of My Heart 4:22
22 Face the Music 4:04
23 In a Trance 4:09
24 Crazy Motorsleigh 3:09
25 Orbital Instability 4:52
26 Aberrant Experiment 5:29
27 Sins of the Father 4:55
28 歩みたい道 1:04
29 帰るべき場所 〜Theme of EPISODE PROMPTO〜 3:15
30 Descent into Darkness 4:42
31 Choosing Hope 〜光の街〜 6:11
32 Hunters' Haven 3:17
33 Hunting for a Thrill 3:45
34 On the Defensive 4:31
35 Urgent Mission 3:38
36 The Clock Is Ticking 4:12
37 A Daunting Challenge 4:26
38 COMRADES Fanfare 0:31
39 Cheers! 2:49
40 Let There Be Light 1:50
41 Lodes of Fun 1:38
42 Rise and Shine 3:52
43 A Clash of Swords 6:00
44 The Wrath of Swords 7:06
45 Choosing Hope 6:18
46 NOCTIS 〜遺志を継ぐ者〜 1:02
47 EPISODE IGNIS - The Main Theme 2:35
48 焦燥と孤独 3:53
49 エレメンタルダガー 3:26
50 戦場のオルティシエ 3:52
51 Rest Up, Ignis 2:06
52 双剣の軍師 3:46
53 荒波の戦場 3:40
54 A United Front 2:56
55 異なる目的のために 3:34
56 慟哭の刃 4:09
57 Theme of RAVUS 2:16
58 禁忌の炎 1:12
59 蒼炎の軍師 3:33
60 自責の勲章 1:27
61 光なき旅路 5:17
62 ARDYN III 3:02
63 友として、兄として―― 0:59
64 業火となりて 5:14
65 蒼獄 1:32
66 この身が灰になろうとも 4:26
67 悪魔の嘲笑 1:36
68 臣下の本懐 2:20
69 Apocalypsis Magnatus 5:02
70 Over the Waves - At Anchor 4:09
71 Bismarck, God of the Sea 4:16
72 Dirt Track Trials 4:12
73 Return of the King 1:52
74 A Warm Welcome 1:24
75 Insomnia Ablaze 5:08
76 Veiled in Black (Insomnia Arrangement) 3:00
77 Omega 6:49
78 Omega - Limit Break 2:14
79 Cerberus 5:28
80 Advent of the Apocalypse 4:07
81 Es it foron! -祈りを- 4:44
82 Encelevenemus -王の憐れみ- 8:26
83 The Founder King's Hope 0:34
84 夜に満ちる律べ 3:59

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  1. FINAL FANTASY XV Original Soundtrack Volume 2 【1/2】, [Worldwide] (21 Mar 2018), Digital Media (English) English

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