Les Ballets Russes Игорь Фёдорович Стравинский

Release: 2023 , Language: , Status: Official
Format: Digital Media + CD, Tracks: 47, Length: 1:59:09, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


Digital Media #1
1 The Firebird: Introduction 2:56
2 The Firebird, Scene 1: The Enchanted Garden of Kastchei 2:08
3 The Firebird, Scene 1: Appearance of the Firebird, Pursued by Prince Ivan 2:23
4 The Firebird, Scene 1: Dance of the Firebird 1:13
5 The Firebird, Scene 1: Capture of the Firebird by Prince Ivan 1:08
6 The Firebird, Scene 1: The Firebird's Suppications 5:46
7 The Firebird, Scene 1: Appearance of the Thirteen Enchanted Princesses 3:10
8 The Firebird, Scene 1: The Princesses' Game with the Golden Apples 2:23
9 The Firebird, Scene 1: Sudden Appearance of Prince Ivan 1:44
10 The Firebird, Scene 1: Round Dance of the Princesses 4:47
11 The Firebird, Scene 1: Daybreak, Prince Ivan Penetrates Kastchei's Palace 1:38
12 The Firebird, Scene 1: Magic Carillon, Appearance of Kastchei's Monster Guardians and Capture of Prince Ivan 1:34
13 The Firebird, Scene 1: Arrival of Kastchei the Immortal 1:11
14 The Firebird, Scene 1: Dialogue of Kastchei and Prince Ivan 1:27
15 The Firebird, Scene 1: Intercession of the Princesses 1:17
16 The Firebird, Scene 1: Appearance of the Firebird 0:47
17 The Firebird, Scene 1: Dance of Kastchei's Retinue, enchanted by the Firebird 0:55
18 The Firebird, Scene 1: Infernal Dance of All Kastchei's Subject's 4:01
19 The Firebird, Scene 1: Lullaby 3:08
20 The Firebird, Scene 1: Kastchei's Awakening 1:26
21 The Firebird, Scene 1: Kastchei's Death, Profound Darkness 1:08
22 The Firebird, Scene 2: Disappearance of Kastchei's Palace and Magical Creations, Return to Life of the Petrified Knights, General Rejoicing 3:14
CD #2
1 Petrushka, Scene 1: At the Shrovetide Fair 5:22
2 Petrushka, Scene 1: The Magic Trick 1:48
3 Petrushka, Scene 1: Russian Dance 2:26
4 Petrushka, Scene 2: The Petrushka's Room 4:08
5 Petrushka, Scene 3: The Moor's Room 3:01
6 Petrushka, Scene 3: Dance of the Ballerina 0:47
7 Petrushka, Scene 3: Waltz 3:01
8 Petrushka, Scene 4: The Shrovctide Fair 1:06
9 Petrushka, Scene 4: The Wet-Nurses Dance 2:33
10 Petrushka, Scene 4: The Bear and the Peasant, Who Plays the Pipe 0:47
11 Petrushka, Scene 4: The Merchant with Gypsy Girls, Gypsy Dance 1:34
12 Petrushka, Scene 4: Dance of the Coachmen and the 2:01
13 Petrushka, Scene 4: The Mumers 1:39
14 Petrushka, Scene 4: The Moor and Petrushka Quarrel, Petrushka's Death 3:22
15 The Rite of Spring, Pt. 1 - "Adoration of the Earth": Introduction 3:54
16 The Rite of Spring, Pt. 1 - "Adoration of the Earth": The Augurs of Spring, Dances of the Young Girls 2:41
17 The Rite of Spring, Pt. 1 - "Adoration of the Earth": Ritual of Abduction 2:11
18 The Rite of Spring, Pt. 1 - "Adoration of the Earth": Spring Rounds 3:38
19 The Rite of Spring, Pt. 1 - "Adoration of the Earth": Ritual of the Rival Tribes, Procesion of the Oldest and Wisest One 2:24
20 The Rite of Spring, Pt. 1 - "Adoration of the Earth": The Kiss of the Earth, The Dancing out of the Earth 1:29
21 The Rite of Spring, Pt. 2 - "The Sacrifice": Introduction 4:35
22 The Rite of Spring, Pt. 2 - "The Sacrifice": Mystic Circles of the Young Girls 3:06
23 The Rite of Spring, Pt. 2 - "The Sacrifice": The Naming and Honoring of The Chosen One 2:34
24 The Rite of Spring, Pt. 2 - "The Sacrifice": Evocation of the Ancestors, Ritual Action of the Ancestors 4:23
25 The Rite of Spring, Pt. 2 - "The Sacrifice": Sacrificial Dance 4:55

Links (1)

Discography Entry

  1. https://boxset.me/stravinsky-les-ballets-russes-flac/