The Wall (Film Soundtrack) Pink Floyd

Release: , Language: , Status: Bootleg
Format: , Tracks: 29, Length: 1:39:45, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


1 Hey You 4:35
1/17 MGM Logo / "The Little Boy That Santa Claus Forgot" - Vera Lynn 2:00
2/17 When the Tigers Broke Free, Pt. 1 3:51
3/17 In the Flesh? 3:46
4/17 The Thin Ice 3:13
5/17 Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 1 4:06
6/17 When the Tigers Broke Free, Pt. 2 2:06
7/17 Goodbye Blue Sky 3:32
8/17 The Happiest Days of Our Lives 2:06
9/17 Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 2 3:25
10/17 Mother 7:19
11/17 Empty Spaces 3:12
12/17 What Shall We Do Now? 1:43
13/17 Young Lust 3:08
14/17 One of My Turns 4:49
15/17 Don't Leave Me Now 3:06
16/17 Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 3 1:16
17/17 Goodbye Cruel World 1:03
1/11 Is There Anybody Out There? 3:46
2/11 Nobody Home 4:50
3/11 Vera 2:01
4/11 Bring the Boys Back Home 1:31
5/11 Comfortably Numb 6:33
6/11 In the Flesh 3:56
7/11 Run Like Hell 2:29
8/11 Waiting for the Worms 2:26
9/11 Stop 2:38
10/11 The Trial 6:41
11/11 Outside the Wall 4:22

Other Releases in Group (7)


  1. The Film, Europe (1982), 12" Vinyl + 12" Vinyl (English)
  2. The Wall, (), (English)
  3. The Film: Unreleased Versions From the Movie “The Wall”, Taiwan (), CD (English)
  4. The Film, (), CD (English)
  5. The Film, (), CD (English)
  6. The Wall (The Soundtrack of the Motion Picture), Russia (), CD + CD (English)
  7. The Wall (isolated original motion picture soundtrack), (), Digital Media (English)