TEVI Original Soundtrack CreSpirit

Release: 29 Nov 2023 [Worldwide], Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 78, Length: 4:56:05, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album
Steam digital OST


Digital Media #1
1 Tevi 1:42
3 Wyrd 2:22
4 Bandit Base 3:29
5 Chase & Chase 2:10
6 The Sewerways 3:56
7 Thanatara Canyon 4:04
8 Oasis Cove 4:10
9 Oasis 3:46
10 Gurun Desert 3:52
11 Solennian Ruins 3:16
12 Morose 4:12
13 Shopping Time 2:26
14 Peacekeeper's HQ 3:22
15 Travoll Mines 3:08
16 Travoll Industries 3:24
17 Verdawn Forest 3:48
18 Misty Maze 3:49
19 Copperwood 3:20
20 The Relicts 3:44
21 Gloamwood 3:01
22 Venom 3:19
23 Ulvosa 4:42
24 Ana Thema 3:11
25 Secret Library 1:22
26 Disquiet 1:59
27 Gallery of Mirrors 3:08
28 Gallery of Souls 3:28
29 Blushwood 3:11
30 Verdazure Sea 4:42
31 Solonda Beach 6:00
32 The Forgotten City 2:31
33 Gothera Swamplands 2:14
34 Tartarus 3:48
35 Casino Cabernet 2:45
36 Entity 3:51
37 The Catacombs 5:00
38 Heaven's Valley 2:20
39 Valhalla's Breath 4:16
40 Valhalla 3:35
41 Amary's Grace 3:48
42 Amary's Grace V2 3:48
43 Evernight Garden 3:25
44 Blood Moon 3:21
45 Snowveil Outpost 5:02
46 Snowveil 6:44
47 Snowveil V2 6:44
48 Dreamer's Keep 3:32
49 Sleeper's Wake 3:53
50 Rain 4:37
51 Cor machina 5:01
52 Stoic 3:41
53 Phantasmic Palace 3:16
54 Rising Tension 2:07
55 Kleptomania 3:10
56 Technomania 2:53
57 Klazomania 5:34
58 Aboulomania 3:34
59 Monomania 2:42
60 The Awakening 4:07
61 Mythomania 3:09
62 Claustromania 4:36
63 Angelomania 5:35
64 Hypermania 3:14
65 Sudden Death.T 3:10
66 The Great Magician 3:26
67 Banshee 4:54
68 Megalomania 4:31
71 Memoir 3:00
72 Traces of Adventure 3:32
73 The Plagued Forest 6:18
74 Cloister of Redemption 3:56
75 Xiphosmania 5:52
76 Omphalos Laboratory 4:33
77 Sinner's Oath 5:18
78 Replica 4:59

Links (2)

Discography Entry

  1. https://www.crespirit.com/prods-info/?id=155

Purchase For Download

  1. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2633990/TEVI__Original_Soundtrack/