Winnie The Pooh A.A. Milne read by Bernard Cribbins

Release: 2002 United Kingdom, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: CD + CD + CD, Tracks: 32, Length: 2:40:37, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album - Audiobook


CD #1
1 Chapter 1 - In which we are introduced to Winnie-the-Pooh and some bees, and the stories begin 2:55
2 Chapter 1 (cont) - First of all he said to himself… 3:27
3 Chapter 1 (cont) - I wonder if you've got such a thing as a balloon about you… 5:37
4 Chapter 1 (cont) - How sweet to be a cloud… 4:18
5 Chapter 2 - In which Pooh goes visiting and gets into a tight place 5:24
6 Chapter 2 (cont) - So he started to climb out of the hole… 2:47
7 Chapter 2 (cont) - Then there's only one thing to be done… 2:43
8 Chapter 3 - In which Pooh and Piglet go hunting and nearly catch a woozle 3:32
9 Chapter 3 (cont) - There was a small spinney of larch trees… 5:28
10 Chapter 4 - In which Eeyore loses a tail and Pooh finds one 2:50
11 Chapter 4 (cont) - Eeyore, he said… 3:43
12 Chapter 4 (cont) - The thing to do is as follows… 4:31
CD #2
1 Chapter 5 - In which Piglet meets a heffalump 5:22
2 Chapter 5 (cont) - Well, said Piglet… 6:36
3 Chapter 5 (cont) - The Sun was still in bed… 6:37
4 Chapter 6 - In which Eeyore has a birthday and gets two presents 6:56
5 Chapter 6 (cont) - The first thing Pooh did was to go to the cupboard... 4:21
6 Chapter 6 (cont) - So Owl wrote... 4:10
7 Chapter 6 (cont) - Eeyore took his right hoof from his right ear... 5:58
8 Chapter 7 - In which Kanga and Baby Roo come to the forest, and Piglet has a bath 5:41
9 Chapter 7 (cont) - Plan to capture Baby Roo... 4:53
10 Chapter 7 (cont) - Lines written by a bear of very little brain 4:15
11 Chapter 7 (cont) - Bath first, said Kanga... 5:09
CD #3
1 Chapter 8 - In which Christopher Robin leads an expedition to the North Pole 5:10
2 Chapter 8 (cont) - He left Rabbit, and hurried down to Piglet's house 4:37
3 Chapter 8 (cont) - Hush, said Eeyore in a terrible voice... 5:37
4 Chapter 8 (cont) - But we shall never know what Pooh thought... 6:23
5 Chapter 9 - In which Piglet is entirely surrounded by water 4:47
6 Chapter 9 (cont) - When the rain began Pooh was asleep... 5:37
7 Chapter 8 (cont) - It was on this morning that Owl came... 7:05
8 Chapter 10 - In which Christopher Robin gives a Pooh party, and we say goodbye 5:28
9 Chapter 10 (cont) - Christopher Robin had made a long table... 8:25