Fuck You!!! Mayhem / Vomit

Release: Norway, Language: English, Status: Bootleg
Format: Cassette, Tracks: 11, Length: 29:48, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


Cassette #1
A1 Chainsaw Gutsfuck 4:43
A2 Necrolust 3:26
A3 Deathcrush 3:05
A4 A je to! (Pat & Mat Theme Song) 1:37
A5 Into the Crypt of Rays 2:48
A6 (Anesthesia)-Pulling Teeth 0:38
A7 Blues of Death 1:55
B1 Dark Abyss 3:29
B2 Rotting Flesh 3:27
B3 Telemarksvingen 4:40
B4 Torture ?:??

Other Releases in Group (1)


  1. Mayhem / Vomit, Norway (1988), CD (English)

Links (1)


  1. https://www.discogs.com/release/11258877