Stravinsky conducts Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring & The Firebird Igor Stravinsky; Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky

Release: 05 Dec 2023 [Worldwide], Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media + Digital Media, Tracks: 36, Length: 1:15:41, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


Digital Media #1
1 The Rite of Spring, K015, Part I (The Adoration of the Earth): I. Introduction (2023 Remastered, New York 1960) 2:57
2 The Rite of Spring, K015, Part I (The Adoration of the Earth): II. Les Augures Printanières (Danse des Adolescentes) (2023 Remastered, New York 1960) 3:03
3 The Rite of Spring, K015, Part I (The Adoration of the Earth): III. Jeu du Rapt (2023 Remastered, New York 1960) 1:17
4 The Rite of Spring, K015, Part I (The Adoration of the Earth): IV. Rondes Printanières (2023 Remastered, New York 1960) 3:05
5 The Rite of Spring, K015, Part I (The Adoration of the Earth): V. Jeux des Cités Rivales (2023 Remastered, New York 1960) 1:59
6 The Rite of Spring, K015, Part I (The Adoration of the Earth): VI. Cortège du Sage (2023 Remastered, New York 1960) 0:43
7 The Rite of Spring, K015, Part I (The Adoration of the Earth): VII. Adoration de la Terre (Le Sage) (2023 Remastered, New York 1960) 0:25
8 The Rite of Spring, K015, Part I (The Adoration of the Earth): VIII. Danse de la Terre (2023 Remastered, New York 1960) 1:14
9 The Rite of Spring, K015, Part II (The Sacrifice): IX. Introduction (2023 Remastered, New York 1960) 3:41
10 The Rite of Spring, K015, Part II (The Sacrifice): X. Cercles Mystérieux des Adolescentes (2023 Remastered, New York 1960) 2:51
11 The Rite of Spring, K015, Part II (The Sacrifice): XI. Glorification de l’Élue (2023 Remastered, New York 1960) 1:35
12 The Rite of Spring, K015, Part II (The Sacrifice): XII. Evocation des Ancêtres (2023 Remastered, New York 1960) 0:42
13 The Rite of Spring, K015, Part II (The Sacrifice): XIII. Action Rituelle des Ancêtres (2023 Remastered, New York 1960) 3:19
14 The Rite of Spring, K015, Part II (The Sacrifice): XIV. Danse Sacrale (L’Élue) (2023 Remastered, New York 1960) 4:51
Digital Media #2
1 The Firebird, K010: I. Introduction (2023 Remastered, Hollywood 1961) 2:21
2 The Firebird, K010: II. Le Jardin Enchantée de Kastchei (2023 Remastered, Hollywood 1961) 1:36
3 The Firebird, K010: III. Apparition de l’Oiseau de Feu (2023 Remastered, Hollywood 1961) 2:17
4 The Firebird, K010: IV. Danse de l’Oiseau de Feu (2023 Remastered, Hollywood 1961) 1:26
5 The Firebird, K010: V. Capture de l’Oiseau de Feu par Ivan Tsarévitch (2023 Remastered, Hollywood 1961) 1:01
6 The Firebird, K010: VI. Supplication de l’Oiseau de Feu (2023 Remastered, Hollywood 1961) 5:15
7 The Firebird, K010: VII. Apparition des Treize Princesses Enchantées (2023 Remastered, Hollywood 1961) 2:24
8 The Firebird, K010: VIII. Jeu des Princesses avec les Pommes d’Or (Scherzo) (2023 Remastered, Hollywood 1961) 2:23
9 The Firebird, K010: IX. Brusque Apparition d’Ivan Tsarévitch (2023 Remastered, Hollywood 1961) 1:01
10 The Firebird, K010: X. Corovod (Ronde) des Princesses (2023 Remastered, Hollywood 1961) 3:59
11 The Firebird, K010: XI. Lever du Jour (2023 Remastered, Hollywood 1961) 1:35
12 The Firebird, K010: XII. Carillon féerique, Apparition des Monstres – Gardiens de Kastchei et Capture d’Ivan Tsarévitch (2023 Remastered, Hollywood 1961) 1:24
13 The Firebird, K010: XIII. Arrivée de Kastchei L’Immortel (2023 Remastered, Hollywood 1961) 1:12
14 The Firebird, K010: XIV. Dialogue de Kastchei avec Ivan Tsarévitch (2023 Remastered, Hollywood 1961) 1:03
15 The Firebird, K010: XV. Intercession des Princesses (2023 Remastered, Hollywood 1961) 1:00
16 The Firebird, K010: XVI. Apparition de l’Oiseau de Feu (2023 Remastered, Hollywood 1961) 0:35
17 The Firebird, K010: XVII. Danse de la suite de Kastchei enchantée par l’Oiseau de Feu (2023 Remastered, Hollywood 1961) 0:49
18 The Firebird, K010: XVIII. Danse infernale de tous les Sujets de Kastchei (2023 Remastered, Hollywood 1961) 4:40
19 The Firebird, K010: XIX. Berceuse (L’Oiseau de Feu) (2023 Remastered, Hollywood 1961) 2:32
20 The Firebird, K010: XX. Réveil de Kastchei (2023 Remastered, Hollywood 1961) 1:07
21 The Firebird, K010: XXI. Mort de Kastchei – Profonds Ténèbres (2023 Remastered, Hollywood 1961) 1:20
22 The Firebird, K010: XXII. Disparition du Palais et des Sortilèges de Kastchei, Animation des Chevaliers pétrifiés, Allegresse générale (2023 Remastered, Hollywood 1961) 2:59

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