Touhou Genro Yugessho ~ Imperishable sin and millennium history ~ まぐなむおーぱす

Release: , Language: English, Status: Pseudo-Release
Format: , Tracks: 24, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


1 Eternal Night Vignette ?:??
2 Illusionary Night ?:??
3 Stirring an Autumn Moon ?:??
4 Song of the Night Sparrow ?:??
5 Deaf to All but the Song ?:??
6 Nostalgic Blood of the East ?:??
7 Plain Asia ?:??
8 Retribution for the Eternal Night ?:??
9 Love-Colored Master Spark ?:??
10 Maiden's Capriccio ?:??
11 Cinderella Cage ?:??
12 Lunatic Eyes ?:??
13 Voyage 1969 ~ Lunatic Delusion ?:??
14 Gensokyo Millennium ?:??
15 Evening Primrose ?:??
1 Eternal Night Vignette ~ Immortal Sin ?:??
2 Road to Eientei ?:??
3 Voyage 1969 ~ Truth ?:??
4 Flight in the Bamboo Cutter ?:??
5 Voyage 1970 ?:??
6 Extend Ash ?:??
7 Eastern Youkai Beauty ?:??
8 Reach for the Moon, Immortal Smoke ?:??
9 Mystical Maple ~ Daybreak ?:??

Other Releases in Group (1)


  1. 東方幻朧悠月抄 ~ Imperishable sin and millennium history ~, Japan (30 Dec 2009), CD + CD (Japanese)