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The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: The Complete ‘Trilogy’ of Five Volumes Douglas Adams

Release: , Language: , Status: Pseudo-Release
Format: , Tracks: 520, Length: 1:48:57, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other
quote titles


1 Prologue: “Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun.” 3:01
2 Prologue (continued): “In many of the more relaxed civilizations on the Outer Eastern Rim of the Galaxy, …” / Chapter 1: “The house stood on a slight rise just on the edge of the village.” 3:05
3 Chapter 1 (continued): “The word bulldozer wandered through his mind…” 2:52
4 Chapter 1 (continued): “Arthur lay in the mud and squelched at him.” 2:58
5 Chapter 1 (continued): “A cloud passed overhead.” 2:59
6 Chapter 1 (continued): “He struck most of the friends he had made on Earth as an eccentric, …” 3:01
7 Chapter 1 (continued): “A shadow moved across him again.” 3:06
8 Chapter 1 (continued): “Ford stared at Arthur, …” 2:55
9 Chapter 1 (continued): “‘You want me,’ said Mr Prosser, spelling out this new thought to himself, ‘to come and lie there …’” 2:59
10 Chapter 2: “Here’s what the Encyclopedia Galactica has to say about alcohol.” 3:02
11 Chapter 2 (continued): “Ford looked back at him, genuinely surprised.” 2:47
12 Chapter 3: “On this particular Thursday, …” 3:06
13 Chapter 3 (continued): “… you can sleep under it beneath the stars…” 2:59
14 Chapter 3 (continued): “Suddenly Ford’s spell was broken.” 3:04
15 Chapter 3 (continued): “‘Will that help?’ asked the barman.” 2:59
16 Chapter 3 (continued): “Only one man stood and watched the sky, …” 2:48
17 Chapter 3 (continued): “‘As you will no doubt be aware, …’” 2:36
1 Chapter 4: “Far away on the opposite spiral arm of the Galaxy, …” 2:58
2 Chapter 4 (continued): “All his heirs are now long dead, …” 3:02
3 Chapter 4 (continued): “On top of the cliffs stood a reception committee.” 3:07
4 Chapter 4 (continued): “A twenty-foot-high transparent globe floated next to his boat, …” 2:51
5 Chapter 4 (continued): “Not that anyone there had ever heard of an Arab of course.” 3:05
6 Chapter 5: “Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz was not a pleasant sight, …” 2:57
7 Chapter 5 (continued): “Somewhere in a small dark cabin …” 3:00
8 Chapter 5 (continued): “Arthur Dent moved, and groaned again, muttering incoherently.” 2:50
9 Chapter 5 (continued): “‘Excuse me?’ said Arthur.” 3:06
10 Chapter 5 (continued): “‘What is it?’ asked Arthur.” 2:59
11 Chapter 5 (continued): “‘Er, what is …’, ‘A Teaser? …’” 2:58
12 Chapter 5 (continued): “He was experiencing the aural equivalent of looking at a picture of two black silhouetted faces…” / Chapter 6: “”Howl howl gargle howl…” 3:01
13 Chapter 6 (continued): “It feeds on brainwave energy…” 2:56
14 Chapter 6 (continued): “…the supermarket was gone, everything in it was gone.” 2:57
15 Chapter 6 (continued): “Outside the door were the sounds of marching feet.” / Chapter 7: “Vogon poetry is of course the third worst in the Universe.” 3:09
16 Chapter 7 (continued): “‘… thy micturations are to me | As plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee.’” 2:53
17 Chapter 7 (continued): “(he was reaching a triumphant crescendo …)” 3:05
18 Chapter 7 (continued): “He spluttered and gurgled as the Vogon tightened his grip.” 2:54
19 Chapter 7 (continued): “‘Try and understand his problem,’ insisted Ford.” 3:01
20 Chapter 7 (continued): “If he said anything further after that it was lost.” 3:06
21 Chapter 8: “The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book.” 3:16
1 Chapter 9: “A computer chatted to itself in alarm, …” 3:02
2 Chapter 9 (continued): “Arthur and Ford opened their eyes and looked about in considerable surprise.” 2:46
3 Chapter 9 (continued): “A million-gallon vat of custard upended itself over them without warning.” 3:21
4 Chapter 10: “The Infinite Improbability Drive is a wonderful new method of crossing vast interstellar distances…” / Chapter 11: “The Improbability-proof control cabin of the Heart of Gold looked like a perfectly conventional spaceship except…” 2:46
5 Chapter 11 (continued): “The cabin was mostly white, oblong, and about the size of a smallish restaurant.” 3:26
6 Chapter 11 (continued): “‘Whilst we were in Improbability Drive.’” 2:33
7 Chapter 11 (continued): “‘Life,’ said Marvin, ‘don’t talk to me about life.’” 3:00
8 Chapter 11 (continued): “The voice was low and hopeless and accompanied by a slight clanking sound.” 2:57
9 Chapter 11 (continued): “Something extraordinary happened to Ford’s face.” / Chapter 12: “A loud clatter of gunk music flooded through the Heart of Gold cabin…” 3:08
10 Chapter 12 (continued): “Zaphod glared at her again, then laughed.” 2:58
11 Chapter 12 (continued): “‘Yeah yeah,’ said Zaphod. ‘Look, I think I’ll just use a piece of paper.’” 2:41
12 Chapter 13: “Marvin trudged on down the corridor, still moaning.” 3:14
13 Chapter 13 (continued): “Ford carried on. ‘And Arthur,’ he said, ‘this is my semi-cousin Zaphod Beeb …’” 3:09
14 Chapter 13 (continued): “‘Zaphod?’ exclaimed Ford.” / Chapter 14: “The Heart of Gold fled on silently through the night of space, …” 2:56
15 Chapter 14 (continued): “Ford couldn’t sleep.” 2:57
16 Chapter 14 (continued): “‘What’s so great about being stuck in a dust cloud?’ said Ford.” / Chapter 15: “(Excerpt from The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, … Entry: Magrathea)” 3:03
17 Chapter 15 (continued): “But so successful was this venture…” / Chapter 16: “Arthur awoke to the sound of argument…” 3:04
18 Chapter 16 (continued): “The moment carried itself.” 2:52
19 Chapter 16 (continued): “A moment of doubt came to Ford…” 2:25
1 Chapter 17: “After a fairly shaky start to the day, Arthur’s mind was beginning to reassemble itself…” 2:56
2 Chapter 17 (continued): “‘They want to get rid of us,’ said Trillian nervously.” 3:02
3 Chapter 17 (continued): “‘As a matter of interest,’ said Trillian, ‘what are we going to do?’” 3:11
4 Chapter 17 (continued): “‘Impact minus twenty seconds, guys …’ said the computer.” 2:40
5 Chapter 18: “And the next thing that happened after that was that the Heart of Gold continued on its way…” 3:10
6 Chapter 18 (continued): “This is a complete record of its thoughts…” / Chapter 19: “‘Are we taking this robot with us?’ said Ford, …” 2:54
7 Chapter 19 (continued): “Trillian burst in through the door from her cabin.” 3:08
8 Chapter 20: “Five figures wandered slowly over the blighted land.” 2:57
9 Chapter 20 (continued): “‘Come,’ said Zaphod and started back down into the crater.” 2:44
10 Chapter 20 (continued): “Zaphod marched quickly down the passageway, …” 3:02
11 Chapter 20 (continued): “Zaphod paused for a while.” 2:53
12 Chapter 21: “On the surface of Magrathea Arthur wandered about moodily.” 3:19
13 Chapter 21 (continued): “The robot obediently looked at them, then looked back.” / Chapter 22: “He was standing with his back to Arthur…” 2:47
14 Chapter 22 (continued): “He seemed to have something on his mind.” 3:17
15 Chapter 22 (continued): “Arthur, a regular Guardian reader, was deeply shocked at this.” 2:38
16 Chapter 22 (continued): “‘My name?’ said the old man…” / Chapter 23: “It is an important and popular fact that things are not always what they seem.” / Chapter 24: “Silently the aircar coasted through the cold darkness, …” 2:57
17 Chapter 24 (continued): “The sense of motion was so soft and slight…” 3:09
18 Chapter 24 (continued): “It wasn’t infinity in fact.” 2:57
19 Chapter 24 (continued): “At the moment however a flash of light arced through the structure…” 4:54
1 Chapter 25: “There are of course many problems connected with life, …” 2:51
2 Chapter 25 (continued): “Lunkwill and Fook glanced at each other in surprise.” 2:59
3 Chapter 25 (continued): “‘and yet in my teeming circuitry I can navigate the infinite delta streams of future probability …’” 3:13
4 Chapter 25 (continued): “Scarcely pausing for breath, Vroomfondel shouted, ‘We don’t demand solid facts! …’” 2:41
5 Chapter 25 (continued): “‘Seven and a half million years …!’ they cried in chorus.” / Chapter 26: “‘Yes, very salutary,’ said Arthur, …” / Chapter 27: “Slartibartfast’s study was a total mess, …” 3:21
6 Chapter 27 (continued): “The instant he took hold of them a bird flew straight through him.” 2:46
7 Chapter 27 (continued): “No one in the room remarked on his peculiar arrival, …” 2:49
8 Chapter 27 (continued): “Both of the men had been trained for this moment, …” / Chapter 28: “It was a long time before anyone spoke.” 3:23
9 Chapter 28 (continued): “‘Look, alright, alright,’ said Loonquawl, …” 2:37
10 Chapter 29: “‘Zaphod! Wake up!’” 3:08
11 Chapter 29 (continued): “In the sky a huge sign appeared, …” 2:55
12 Chapter 29 (continued): “The scene around them was currently plunged into gloom.” / Chapter 30: “‘So there you have it,’ said Slartibartfast, …” 3:26
13 Chapter 30 (continued): “‘You know,’ said Arthur thoughtfully, ‘all this explains a lot of things… ’” 2:59
14 Chapter 31: “It is of course well known that careless talk costs lives, …” 2:24
15 Chapter 31 (continued): “A short aircar trip brought Arthur and the old Magrathean to a doorway.” 3:08
16 Chapter 31 (continued): “‘Well perhaps you can take a quick skiing holiday …’” 3:12
17 Chapter 31 (continued): “‘Well, I mean, yes idealism, yes the dignity of pure research, yes the pursuit of truth in all its forms, but there comes a point …’” 2:49
18 Chapter 31 (continued): “Trillian grabbed him desperately by the arm…” / Chapter 32: “‘Emergency! Emergency!’ blared the klaxons” 2:58
19 Chapter 32 (continued): “As the others started after him he was brought up short…” 3:02
20 Chapter 32 (continued): “The fusillade continued for several seconds…” / Chapter 33: “But the end never came, …” 2:55
21 Chapter 33 (continued): “For a moment, nothing happened.” / Chapter 34: “The aircar rocketed them at speeds in excess of R17…” 3:24
22 Chapter 34 (continued): “The aircar flung itself through the air at R17 and above…” 2:41
23 Chapter 34 (continued): “‘That ship hated me,’ he said dejectedly, …” / Chapter 35: “That night, as the Heart of Gold was busy putting a few light years between itself and the Horsehead Nebula, …” 2:47
1 Prologue: “There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for…” / Chapter 1: “The story so far.” 2:58
2 Chapter 1 (continued): “Tricia McMillian — or Trillian — had skipped the planet six months earlier…” / Chapter 2: “Like all Vogon ships it looked as if it had been not so much designed as congealed.” 2:51
3 Chapter 2 (continued): “It has been said that Vogons are not above a little bribery and corruption…” 3:13
4 Chapter 2 (continued): “He toyed with this thought a little before reluctantly dismissing it.” 2:56
5 Chapter 2 (continued): “When put to the test, however, it invariably produced a plastic cup filled with a liquid that was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea.” 2:57
6 Chapter 2 (continued): “‘I’m going to need some help with this one,’ said the machine tersely.” / Chapter 3: “‘Does anyone have a kettle?’ Arthur asked…” 3:03
7 Chapter 3 (continued): “He started to speak, and stopped.” 3:00
8 Chapter 3 (continued): “Quite how Zaphod Beeblebrox arrived at the idea of holding a seance at this point…” 2:53
9 Chapter 3 (continued): “On Zaphod’s brow stood beads of sweat, first of concentration, then of frustration and finally of embarrassment.” 2:57
10 Chapter 3 (continued): “The noise and the shaking had reached terrifying proportions.” 3:08
11 Chapter 3 (continued): “Zaphod felt he was teetering on the edge of madness…” 2:56
12 Chapter 3 (continued): “‘No, you listen to me, you see-through old bat,’ said Zaphod…” 3:01
13 Chapter 3 (continued): “‘It is trying,’ said Zaphod with wonderful restraint, ‘to make tea.’” / Chapter 4: “Ten light years away, Gag Halfrunt jacked up his smile by several notches.” 3:00
14 Chapter 4 (continued): “They searched every corner of the ship in increasing bewilderment and alarm.” / Chapter 5: “Ursa Minor Beta is, some say, one of the most appalling places in the known Universe.” 2:52
15 Chapter 5 (continued): “The book is a guide book, a travel book.” 3:12
16 Chapter 5 (continued): “If at that moment you had then looked at the next table but one you would have seen Zaphod Beeblebrox…” 3:04
17 Chapter 6: “‘Hello? Yes? Megadodo Publications, home of the Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy…’” 3:00
18 Chapter 6 (continued): “Zaphod Beeblebrox entered the foyer.” 2:50
19 Chapter 6 (continued): “‘Mr Beeblebrox, sir,’ said the insect in awed wonder, ‘you’re so weird you should be in movies.’” 3:00
20 Chapter 6 (continued): “‘Oh, fine,’ said Marvin, ‘if you happen to like being me which personally I don’t.’” 3:00
21 Chapter 6 (continued): “At that moment a commotion broke out in the reception hall behind them.” 2:55
22 Chapter 6 (continued): “‘You know something?’ said Zaphod to Marvin.” 2:55
23 Chapter 6 (continued): “From the opposite direction came a larger black spider-like object.” 1:44
1 Chapter 7: “Marvin stood at the end of the bridge corridor.” 2:47
2 Chapter 7 (continued): “‘Yes, go on,’ said Marvin to the huge battle machine, ‘you’ll never guess.’” 3:11
3 Chapter 7 (continued): “‘Just ran off and left you, did they?’ the machine thundered.” / Chapter 8: “‘So, do we just sit here, or what?’ said Zaphod angrily, …” 3:08
4 Chapter 8 (continued): “The left-hand tower of the Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy offices streaked through interstellar space…” 2:54
5 Chapter 8 (continued): “‘You ever had a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster?’ asked Zaphod sharply.” / Chapter 9: “The air around the second planet of the Frogstar system was stale and unwholesome.” 2:51
6 Chapter 9 (continued): “About a hundred yards or so away, … was what would probably have to be described as a landing pad of sorts.” 3:07
7 Chapter 9 (continued): “Zarniwoop’s office was on the fifteenth floor.” 2:55
8 Chapter 9 (continued): “There is, however, nothing soothing about being addressed by a disembodied voice out of nowhere, …” 2:54
9 Chapter 9 (continued): “After what seemed like a sort of ethereal sigh it added, ‘You know how it is with bodies.’” / Chapter 10: “The Universe, as has been observed before, is an unsettlingly big place, …” 3:10
10 Chapter 10 (continued): “Exotic though this behaviour may seem, …” 2:49
11 Chapter 10 (continued): “The voice was still again, leaving Zaphod with no idea of what to say.” 3:17
12 Chapter 10 (continued): “Zaphod shook his head in bemusement and stumbled forward across the plain.” 2:34
13 Chapter 10 (continued): “At the bottom of the shaft, the rear of the elevator opened up and Zaphod stumbled out …” / Chapter 11: “he Total Perspective Vortex derives its picture of the whole Universe on the principle of extrapolated matter analyses.” 3:12
14 Chapter 11 (continued): “He waited for him to flop forwards out of the box, as they all did.” / Chapter 12: “A short while later he was running across the plain in the direction of the ruined city.” 2:57
15 Chapter 12 (continued): “After a while the remains of a wide sweeping road led off from the one down which he was walking, …” 2:52
16 Chapter 12 (continued): “‘Transtellar Cruise Lines would like to apologize to passengers for the continuing delay to this flight …’” 2:54
17 Chapter 12 (continued): “Zaphod’s skin was crawling all over his body as if it was trying to get off.” 3:18
18 Chapter 12 (continued): “Zaphod glared at him with resentment and loathing.” 2:55
19 Chapter 12 (continued): “‘At an Improbability Level,’ said Zarniwoop, ‘of … oh I don’t know, but something very large.’” / Chapter 13: “Ford Prefect bounded up to the bridge of the Heart of Gold.” / Chapter 14: “Four inert bodies sank through…” 3:02
20 Chapter 14 (continued): “After what seemed an eternity the sea receded…” 3:08
21 Chapter 14 (continued): “He looked at around him at the various shapes that were at last becoming proper shapes…” 2:52
22 Chapter 14 (continued): “Zaphod’s eyes flashed.” 3:27
1 Chapter 15: “The Restaurant at the End of the Universe is one of the most extraordinary ventures in the entire history of catering.” 2:57
2 Chapter 15 (continued): “(you can have on-book haventa forewhen presooning returningwenta retrohome.)” / Chapter 16: “At the bar, Zaphod was rapidly becoming as tired as a newt.” 2:55
3 Chapter 16 (continued): “A wild-skinned sky-gypsy approached them and played electric violin at them…” 3:06
4 Chapter 16 (continued): “Arthur glanced around, half expecting to see someone making an American Express commercial.” 2:51
5 Chapter 16 (continued): “Hotblack Desiato offered no opinion as to whether they were great days or not.” 2:55
6 Chapter 16 (continued): “The suit into which the man’s body had been stuffed looked as if it’s only purpose in life was to…” / Chapter 17: “The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy notes that Disaster Area, a plutonium rock band…” 2:57
7 Chapter 17 (continued): “Their songs are on the whole very simple and mostly follow the familiar theme of boy-being meets girl-being beneath a silvery moon, …” 2:54
8 Chapter 17 (continued): “In the Restaurant the lights dimmed, …” 3:05
9 Chapter 17 (continued): “For a few interminable seconds the Restaurant span silently through the raging void.” 3:02
10 Chapter 17 (continued): “‘May I urge you to consider my liver?’ asked the animal, …” 2:55
11 Chapter 17 (continued): “He paused again. Tonight his timing was immaculate.” 2:59
12 Chapter 17 (continued): “A party of smartly dressed young dogs stopped throwing rolls at each other and started throwing rolls at the stage.” 3:06
13 Chapter 17 (continued): “‘Hey would you let go of my fork?’ snapped Zaphod.” 3:25
14 Chapter 17 (continued): “There were now so many people after him he’d lost count.” 2:54
15 Chapter 17 (continued): “They all agreed this was very neat.” 2:49
16 Chapter 17 (continued): “Few of the other diners paid them any attention as they weaved their way through the Restaurant to the exit.” / Chapter 18: “The main reception foyer was almost empty but Ford nevertheless weaved his way through it.” 2:41
17 Chapter 18 (continued): “At short intervals along the moving catwalk, wide transparent tubes led down to floor level.” 3:16
18 Chapter 18 (continued): “Ford and Zaphod looked and passed on.” 3:06
19 Chapter 18 (continued): “‘Hey come and feel the surface,’ he said in a hushed voice.” 2:56
20 Chapter 18 (continued): “Had Hotblack Desiato been alive, he probably would have deemed this a good moment to lean back, or even go for a short walk.” 3:01
21 Chapter 18 (continued): “In his eyes were stars and on his brow a golden crown.” / Chapter 19: “One of the major selling point of that wholly remarkable travel book, the Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, …” 3:05
22 Chapter 19 (continued): “It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in.” 2:05
1 Chapter 20: “The Restaurant continued existing, but everything else had stopped.” 2:48
2 Chapter 20 (continued): “‘How are we doing?’ said Arthur Dent.” 3:11
3 Chapter 20 (continued): “Ford called out from the controls he was still fighting a losing battle with.” 3:01
4 Chapter 21: “Down on the dry, red world of Kakrafoon, in the middle of the vast Rudlit Desert, …” 3:04
5 Chapter 21 (continued): “‘What,’ said Trillian in a small quiet voice, ‘does sundive mean?’” 2:54
6 Chapter 21 (continued): “As a punishment for this behaviour, which was held to be offensively self righteous and provocative, …” 2:58
7 Chapter 21 (continued): “Half-finished wiring hung from the ceiling, …” 3:05
8 Chapter 21 (continued): “A year later, the hundred thousand square mile desert was thick with flowers.” / Chapter 22: “Arthur woke up and instantly regretted it.” 2:35
9 Chapter 22 (continued): “Aldebaran’s great, OK; Algol’s pretty neat; Betelgeuse’s pretty girls; Will knock you off your feet.” 3:08
10 Chapter 22 (continued): “Fear gripped them. From both directions the noise was getting louder.” / Chapter 23: “The vault was low ceilinged, dimly lit and gigantic.” 3:03
11 Chapter 23 (continued): “On closer inspection the coffins seemed to be more like sarcophagi. ” 3:04
12 Chapter 23 (continued): “‘Hello?’ said Ford, turning round slowly, …” / Chapter 24: “‘Err, caption …’; ‘Yes, Number One?’” 2:57
13 Chapter 24 (continued): “He did this every few minutes or so, but never found what he was looking for.” 2:54
14 Chapter 24 (continued): “As the dominant centrepiece of a starship bridge it was terribly wrong, …” 3:06
15 Chapter 24 (continued): “‘All right, you scum,’ he growled, ’you vermin …’” 3:04
16 Chapter 24 (continued): “Ford looked around.” 2:33
17 Chapter 24 (continued): “‘Trouble with a long journey like this,’ continued the Captain, ‘is that you end up just talking to yourself a lot, …’” 3:31
18 Chapter 24 (continued): “He glanced at his first and second officers, but they seemed lost in their own thoughts for a moment.” / Chapter 25: “The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy has this to say about the planet of Golgafrincham:” 2:36
19 Chapter 25 (continued): “And in all this ancient and mysterious history, …” / Chapter 26: “That night the ship crash-landed on to an utterly insignificant little green-blue planet…” 3:17
20 Chapter 26 (continued): “When the sun came up that morning…” 2:53
21 Chapter 26 (continued): “Looking over his shoulder Arthur saw that he was twiddling with knobs on a small black box.” / Chapter 27: “‘I trust you had a pleasant meal?’ said Zarniwoop to Zaphod and Trillian…” 3:03
1 Chapter 28: “The major problem – one of the major problems, for there are several – one of the many major problems with governing people…” / Chapter 29: “On a small obscure world somewhere in the middle of nowhere in particular…” 2:52
2 Chapter 29 (continued): “The cat seemed undecided on the matter.” 3:13
3 Chapter 29 (continued): “He played with the calculator for an hour, whilst the cat went to sleep…” 2:56
4 Chapter 29 (continued): “The man looked at them doubtfully.” 2:40
5 Chapter 29 (continued): “The rain continued to pound the roof. Inside the shack it was warm.” 3:14
6 Chapter 29 (continued): “The rain continued to churn the mud.” / Chapter 30: “The stars came out that night, dazzling in their brilliance and clarity.” 2:45
7 Chapter 30 (continued): “Before them in the middle of the clearing stood a group of about two dozen men and women.” 3:00
8 Chapter 30 (continued): “Slowly and watchfully they walked round the perimeter of the clearing.” 3:02
9 Chapter 30 (continued): “For the next fifty miles of their journey eastward they kept on finding the occasional gift of fruit lying in their path…” 3:18
10 Chapter 31: “A few days after landing in this mountainous land they hit a coastline which swept diagonally before them…” 3:04
11 Chapter 32: “A thin whine filled the air.” 2:32
12 Chapter 32 (continued): “Other eyes watched the assembling crowds.” 3:18
13 Chapter 32 (continued): “‘Why not call it a rock?’ asked Ford.” 2:55
14 Chapter 32 (continued): “The marketing girl soured him with a look.” 2:54
15 Chapter 32 (continued): “The Captain leaned forward out of his bath.” 2:59
16 Chapter 32 (continued): “At this point he decided he would not wait all day after all, he would merely pretend that the last half hour hadn’t happened.” 2:58
17 Chapter 32 (continued): “Ford waited for this statement to have its effect.” / Chapter 33: “A mile or so away through the wood, Arthur Dent was too busily engrossed with what he was doing to hear Ford Prefect approach.” 3:03
18 Chapter 33 (continued): “Ford leaned his elbow against the tree and his hand against his head.” 3:07
19 Chapter 33 (continued): “‘No,’ said Ford, ‘there’s nothing we can do…’” 2:52
20 Chapter 33 (continued): “Arthur ran over to the two natives.” 3:01
21 Chapter 33 (continued): “‘There might be a way of bringing that unconscious pattern forward.’” 2:51
22 Chapter 34: “The sun came out and beamed cheerfully at them.” 3:11
23 Chapter 34 (continued): “‘Oh, I’ve heard of worse,’ said Ford, ‘I read of one planet off in the seventh dimension that got used as a ball in a game of intergalactic bar billiards.’” 2:16
1 Chapter 1: "The regular early morning yell of horror was the sound of Arthur Dent waking up and suddenly remembering where he was." 3:07
2 Chapter 1 (continued): "The alien creature frowned briefly and consulted what appeared to be some species of clipboard..." 2:49
3 Chapter 1 (continued): "Wowbagger closed his eyes in a grim and weary expression, ..." 2:52
4 Chapter 1 (continued): "The computer beeped tunelessly to indicate that it had finished its calculations." / Chapter 2: "This morning, two years later than that, was sweet and fragrant..." 3:11
5 Chapter 2 (continued): "'You see,' said Ford, '— ...'" 3:05
6 Chapter 2 (continued): "He smiled weakly." 2:52
7 Chapter 2 (continued): "'What?' said Ford. 'Er, who,' said Arthur, 'is Eddy, then, exactly?'" 2:48
8 Chapter 2 (continued): "'I told you!' shouted Ford, leaping to his feet. 'Eddies in the space-time continuum!'" / Chapter 3: "Important facts from Galactic history, number one:" / Chapter 4: "It was a charming and delightful day at Lord's..." 3:21
9 Chapter 4 (continued): "The applause of the crowd had been rapidly succeeded by gasps of astonishment, ..." 2:37
10 Chapter 4 (continued): "There was a pause while the first commentator considered this." 3:02
11 Chapter 4 (continued): "'There are two things I fell which I should tell you,' said Ford, tossing a copy of the Guardian over the table at him." 2:55
12 Chapter 4 (continued): "He looked along the flight path of the ball again and his eyes twitched again." 3:29
13 Chapter 4 (continued): "Play resumed with a new ball, the sun continued to shine..." 2:55
14 Chapter 4 (continued): "'Exciting, isn't it?' said an apparition." 2:43
15 Chapter 4 (continued): "Ford was humming, irritably." 2:56
16 Chapter 4 (continued): "What was most extraordinary about them was that they appeared to have come dressed for the occasion." 3:04
17 Chapter 4 (continued): "Slartibartfast was gesturing urgently at Ford and Arthur and shouting at them, ..." 2:53
18 Chapter 4 (continued): "The Somebody Else's Problem field is much simpler and more effective, ..." / Chapter 5: "Important facts from Galactic history, number two:" 3:06
19 Chapter 6: "It seemed to Arthur as if the whole sky suddenly just stood aside and let them through." 3:00
1 Chapter 6 (continued): "He swung himself off the couch. He brushed himself down." 3:03
2 Chapter 6 (continued): "'The central computational area,' said Slartibartfast unperturbed, ..." 2:56
3 Chapter 6 (continued): "... and seconds later it seemed that a moment of consensus was suddenly achieved." / Chapter 7: "The Bistromatic Drive is a wonderful new method of crossing vast interstellar distances..." 3:03
4 Chapter 7 (continued): "Numbers written on restaurant bills within the confines of restaurants do not follow the same mathematical laws..." / Chapter 8: "'In space travel, you see,' said Slartibartfast, as he fiddled with some instruments..." 2:42
5 Chapter 8 (continued): "Slartibartfast said, 'Because in space travel all the numbers are awful.'" / Chapter 9: "Another world, another day, another dawn." 3:17
6 Chapter 9 (continued): "The robot stopped and looked at the mattress." 2:46
7 Chapter 9 (continued): "'You have something on your mind, I think,' said the mattress floopily." 3:19
8 Chapter 9 (continued): "The mattress could feel deep in his innermost spring pockets that the robot dearly wished to be asked how long he had been trudging in this futile and fruitless manner, ..." 2:34
9 Chapter 9 (continued): "'I was a celebrity,' droned the robot sadly, ..." 3:12
10 Chapter 9 (continued): "There was a sad and terrible pause at this point in the conversation..." / Chapter 10: "The body of Arthur Dent span." 3:13
11 Chapter 10 (continued): "The three pillars stood out clearly now, three pillars topped with two cross pieces in a way which looked stupefyingly familiar to Arthur's addled brain." 2:59
12 Chapter 10 (continued): "Slartibartfast floated past again at this moment." 2:40
13 Chapter 10 (continued): "It was cold, not like ice is cold, but like a wall is cold." 3:13
14 Chapter 11: "Stomp stomp. Whirrr. 'Pleased to be of service.' 'Shut up.' 'Thank you.'" 2:50
15 Chapter 11 (continued): "He started nervously to edge his way in the direction of the bridge." 3:07
16 Chapter 11 (continued): "Whilst he slept it off, Trillian did a little research in the ship's copy of The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It had some advice to offer on drunkenness." 2:54
17 Chapter 11 (continued): "One problem is that you have to miss the ground accidentally." 3:00
18 Chapter 11 (continued): "Instead, she flew the ship to Allosimanius Syneca, a world of ice, snow, mind-hurtling beauty and stunning cold." 3:01
19 Chapter 11 (continued): "He leant tensely against the corridor wall and frowned like a man trying to unbend a corkscrew by telekinesis." 2:53
20 Chapter 11 (continued): "He took a series of very shallow breaths, ..." 3:01
21 Chapter 11 (continued): "The robot closest to him was regarding him in such a way as to suggest that it was measuring every smallest particle of his body, mind and capability." 2:52
22 Chapter 11 (continued): "A slightly pained expression seemed to cross the robot's totally expressionless face." / Chapter 12: "'Shhh,' said Slartibartfast. 'Listen and watch.'" 3:03
23 Chapter 12 (continued): "Coming, as it did, so hard upon the heels of his own thoughts about Essex this remark caused Arthur a moment's confusion." 2:43
1 Chapter 12 (continued): "They slipped out from underneath the tree, and followed the cheery party along the dark hill path." 2:59
2 Chapter 12 (continued): "As he spoke, they became aware of a very thin roaring scream high up in the sightless sky above them." 3:01
3 Chapter 12 (continued): "But whilst these spaceships, and other great ones which come to mind, ..." 2:49
4 Chapter 12 (continued): "'No way,' said Ford a while later after they had recovered from the shock of acceleration, and were climbing up out of the planet's atmosphere..." 2:52
5 Chapter 13: "'So you see,' said Slartibartfast, slowly stirring his artificially constructed coffee..." / Chapter 14: "'The people of Krikkit,' said His High Judgmental Supremacy, Judiciary Pag, LIVR" 3:12
6 Chapter 14 (continued): "'I mean,' continued Judiciary Pag, gazing round the ultra-modern ... and huge courtroom, 'these guys are just obsessed.'" 2:55
7 Chapter 14 (continued): "Judiciary Pag gazed once more around the courtroom, ..." 3:30
8 Chapter 15: "Two months later, Zipo Bibrok 5×10^8 had cut the bottoms off his Galactic State jeans, and was spending part of the enormous fee his judgments commanded lying on a jewelled beach..." 3:06
9 Chapter 16: "'Nothing is lost for ever,' said Slartibartfast, his face flickering redly in the light of the candle which the robot waiter was trying to take away, 'except for the Cathedral of Chalesm.'" 2:36
10 Chapter 16 (continued): "'When,' said Ford eagerly, 'do we get there?' 'When I've finished telling you why we have to go there.'" 2:46
11 Chapter 16 (continued): "Arthur accepted this, and Ford continued, picking up his early fierce momentum as best he could." / Chapter 17: "Time travel is increasingly regarded as a menace. History is being polluted." 2:39
12 Chapter 17 (continued): "The trouble is that a lot of history is now quite clearly bunk as well." 3:46
13 Chapter 17 (continued): "So a lot of history is now gone for ever." / Chapter 18: "Arthur materialized, and did so with all the customary staggering about and clasping at his throat, heart and various limbs..." 2:42
14 Chapter 18 (continued): "Someone or something, however, seemed to be expecting him, for at that moment there lit up suddenly in the dark distance an eerie green neon sign." 3:25
15 Chapter 18 (continued): "This unnerved Arthur Dent even more than a reply would have done, and he began to back away from the scary nothingness." 2:08
16 Chapter 18 (continued): "With a sudden ping, there was a rabbit there in the black labyrinth with him, a huge, monstrously, hideously soft and lovable rabbit..." 3:29
17 Chapter 18 (continued): "The echoes of his voice roared up and down the corridors. Arthur stood silent and cold, his head shaking with disbelief." 2:57
18 Chapter 18 (continued): "It was black. Where it wasn't black you were inclined to wish that it was, ..." 3:10
19 Chapter 18 (continued): "His many feet were mostly stamping on ants. Arthur put his hands over his eyes, hung his head and shook it slowly from side to side in sadness and horror at the craziness of things." 2:52
20 Chapter 18 (continued): "He tugged at his beard. He was appalled to discover that in fact he still had the rabbit bone in it. He pulled it out and threw it away." 2:40
21 Chapter 18 (continued): "'Save the Universe!' spat Agrajag with contempt. 'You should have thought of that before you started your vendetta against me! ...'" 2:26
1 Chapter 18 (continued): "Arthur started with horror and fear, ..." / Chapter 19: "Although it has been said that on Earth alone in our Galaxy is Krikkit (or cricket) treated as fit subject for a game, ..." 2:52
2 Chapter 19 (continued): "He also started to develop and explore the role of the editorial lunch-break which was subsequently to play such a crucial part in the Guide's history, ..." 2:40
3 Chapter 19 (continued): "Rule One: Grow at least three extra legs." / Chapter 20: "As Arthur ran darting, dashing and panting down the side of the mountain..." 3:39
4 Chapter 20 (continued): "What he was doing was this: he was flying." 2:51
5 Chapter 20 (continued): "He was faced with the fact that he was going to have to pick the thing up." 2:52
6 Chapter 20 (continued): "He ducked down under the airstream, dipped — and dived." / Chapter 21: "he longest and most destructive party ever held is now into its fourth generation, ..." 2:55
7 Chapter 21 (continued): "One of the problems, and it's one which is obviously going to get worse, ..." 2:28
8 Chapter 22: "Arthur lay floundering in pain on a piece of ripped and dismembered reinforced concrete, ..." 3:08
9 Chapter 22 (continued): "He experienced one of those "self" moments, ..." 3:32
10 Chapter 22 (continued): "'I thought she'd never go,' growled the old man. 'Come, Earthman ...'" 2:56
11 Chapter 22 (continued): "A youngish-looking man came up to him, an aggressive-looking type with a hook mouth, a lantern nose, and small beady little cheekbones." 3:28
12 Chapter 22 (continued): "The party was locked in a horrible embrace with a strange white spaceship which seemed to be half sticking through it." 2:49
13 Chapter 22 (continued): "Thor looked at him with slowly smouldering eyes. He was making some point about godliness and it had nothing to do with being clean." / Chapter 23: "'All right,' shouted Ford, 'so I'm a coward, the point is I'm still alive'" 2:28
14 Chapter 23 (continued): "Arthur turned sharply to Slartibartfast, who was sitting in his pilot couch on the flight deck..." / Chapter 24: "It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes." 3:16
15 Chapter 24 (continued): "For a while this worked well, until someone thought that it would be much more efficient and less time-consuming if they just shot the potatoes instead." 3:13
16 Chapter 25: "Even as the Starship Bistromath flickered into objective being on the top of a small cliff on the mile-wide asteroid..." 2:42
17 Chapter 25 (continued): "The asteroid circled the Dust Cloud which surrounded the Slo-Time envelope which enclosed the world on which lived the people of Krikkit, the Masters of Krikkit and their killer robots." 2:58
18 Chapter 25 (continued): "As space unpinched itself, it seemed agonizingly to twist the eyes of the watchers in their sockets." / Chapter 26: "'I don't know,' said Zaphod, for what seemed to him like the thirty-seventh time, ..." 3:16
19 Chapter 26 (continued): "She stared at the huge visiscreen over the flight couches and, twisting a switch, she flipped local images over it." 2:59
20 Chapter 27: "It was the same hill, and yet not the same." 3:03
21 Chapter 27 (continued): "A light moved in the sky with slow weight." 2:06
22 Chapter 28 (continued): "Meanwhile, more millions of miles away than the mind can comfortably encompass, Zaphod Beeblebrox was feeling bored." 1:33
1 Chapter 29: "'Tell us,' said the thin, pale-faced Krikkiter who had stepped forward from the ranks of the others and stood uncertainly in the circle of torchlight, handling his gun as if he was just holding it for someone else..." 2:58
2 Chapter 29 (continued): "She walked forward and took the poor confused Krikkiter by the arm." 2:47
3 Chapter 30: "Zaphod Beeblebrox crawled bravely along a tunnel, like the hell of a guy he was. He was very confused, but continued crawling doggedly anyway because he was that brave." 3:06
4 Chapter 30 (continued): "At the first opportunity — which was another shaft a hundred yards further along — he climbed back up out of it." / Chapter 31: "In a deep well of darkness a crippled robot sat." 3:05
5 Chapter 31 (continued): "Apart from anything else, the mere coordination of an entire planet's military strategy was taking up only a tiny part of its formidable mind, ..." 2:54
6 Chapter 31 (continued): "'Which means, I suppose,' said Marvin, requiring only one ten thousand million billion trillion grillionth part of his mental powers to make this logical leap, 'that you're not going to release me or anything like that.'" 2:57
7 Chapter 31 (continued): "'Oh yeah,' said Zaphod. 'It's easy for you to say that. I just told you. Anyway, I don't see what it's got to do with anything.'" 2:56
8 Chapter 31 (continued): "Beside it stood a Krikkit robot with its multi-functional battleclub." / Chapter 32: "'Hactar!' called Trillian. 'What are you up to?'" 3:13
9 Chapter 32 (continued): "It was thin and feeble, like a voice carried on the wind from a great distance, half heard, a memory of a dream of a voice." 2:56
10 Chapter 32 (continued): "The voice on the solar wind breathed to them again. 'I hope you are comfortable,' it said." 3:10
11 Chapter 32 (continued): "The image of Hactar on the couch seemed to billow and waver, as if finding it hard to maintain itself." 3:03
12 Chapter 32 (continued): "And very gradually, very, very slowly, the images in the cloud began to fade, gently to melt away." 2:56
13 Chapter 32 (continued): "He had already had an argument with Slartibartfast on this matter, and eventually the old man had got annoyed and left." / Chapter 33: "The sun was shining calmly on a scene of complete havoc." 3:01
14 Chapter 33 (continued): "Arthur stared down at it with a tight-set mouth." 2:44
15 Chapter 33 (continued): "Quite a few thoughts collided in Arthur Dent's mind at tis moment, ..." 2:56
16 Chapter 33 (continued): "He twisted towards the ground, flinging himself hectically through the air, at the same time hurling the bomb harmlessly into the distance." / Epilogue: "Life, the Universe and Everything. And at the end they travelled again." 3:02
17 Epilogue (continued): "'Robots?' asked Zaphod sharply. 'What robots?'" 2:59
18 Epilogue (continued): "The courtroom was an austere place, a large dark chamber, clearly designed for Justice rather than, for instance, for Pleasure." 3:09
19 Epilogue (continued): "'We came to find you,' said Trillian, deliberately not keeping the disappointment out of her voice." 3:01
20 Epilogue (continued): "Trillian came out of the cabin wearing her serious face." 3:03
21 Epilogue (continued): "One night, he said, a spaceship appeared in the sky of a planet which had never seen one before." 2:59
22 Epilogue (continued): "'Now do you understand?' the leader would say." 2:43
23 Epilogue (continued): "There was a long silence following this announcement, which was finally broken by Arthur." 2:49
1 Prologue: "Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun." / Chapter 1: "That evening it was dark early, which was normal for the time of year." 2:48
2 Chapter 1 (continued): "Of course, one never has the slightest notion what size or shape different species are going to turn out to be..." 3:11
3 Chapter 1 (continued): "The figure paused to examine the barrier and then dropped the bag he was carrying over it before climbing over himself." / Chapter 2: "Rob McKeena was a miserable bastard and he knew it..." 2:42
4 Chapter 2 (continued): "Since he had left Denmark the previous afternoon, ..." 3:03
5 Chapter 3: "The next two lorries were not driven by Rain Gods, but they did exactly the same thing." 3:20
6 Chapter 4: "Whether it was because he was drunk, ill or suicidally insane would not have been apparent to a casual observer, ..." 2:59
7 Chapter 4 (continued): "'What?' said Ford. He seemed a little taken aback." 2:50
8 Chapter 4 (continued): "'You gonna die, boy,' the barman murmured quietly at Ford Prefect, and the evidence was on his side." 2:47
9 Chapter 5: "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a powerful organ. Indeed, its influence is so prodigious that strict rules have had to be drawn up by its editorial staff to prevent its misuse." 3:12
10 Chapter 5 (continued): "'Want some?' he said, after he'd had a swig himself." 2:54
11 Chapter 5 (continued): "At the end of the alley a steel grey limousine crawled past." 2:53
12 Chapter 5 (continued): "This was a planet he had seen completely destroyed, ..." 3:09
13 Chapter 5 (continued): "Arthur Dent was one thousand, four hundred and thirty-seven light years away in a Saab, and anxious." 2:49
14 Chapter 5 (continued): "Russell hooted his horn fiercely at the car that came round the corner towards them half-way on to their side of the road, making them swerve. The anger seemed to make him feel better." 3:26
15 Chapter 5 (continued): "Arthur whirled round in his seat and stared into her suddenly open but utterly vacant eyes." 2:27
16 Chapter 5 (continued): "'That was the moment she cracked up. She was in a cafe somewhere. Rickmansworth.'" 2:38
1 Chapter 6: "From here it was a four-mile walk to his village: a further mile to the turning, to which the abominable Russell had now fiercely declined to take him, and from there a further three miles of winding country lane." 2:54
2 Chapter 6 (continued): "This prompted Arthur to go and peer at the window again, this time with an eye not for the asphyxiating emu but for himself." 2:59
3 Chapter 6 (continued): "The fact that it was Will made the choice easier. It wasn't that Arthur disliked him as such — Will was quite fun." / Chapter 7: "His house was still there." 3:13
4 Chapter 7 (continued): "The room was much as he had left it, i.e. festeringly untidy, ..." 2:48
5 Chapter 7 (continued): "Entranced, Arthur turned it round yet again, and this time the light from the dusty little bedside lamp caught it at a different angle and glittered on some fine abrasions on the fish bowl's surface." 2:54
6 Chapter 7 (continued): "Instead, there was Arthur Dent the smooth and casual, in corduroys and a chunky sweater." 3:11
7 Chapter 7 (continued): "He was following the Earth through its days, ..." / Chapter 8: "Arthur awoke feeling wonderful, absolutely fabulous, refreshed, overjoyed to be home." 2:49
8 Chapter 8 (continued): "Between them they killed a virulent space disease he's picked up without knowing it in the Flargathon Gas Swamps a few days earlier, ..." 3:05
9 Chapter 8 (continued): "Six conversations along these lines began to take their toll on his mood of vigorous, dynamic optimism, ..." / Chapter 9: "He accepted another pint and took a pull at it." 3:10
10 Chapter 9 (continued): "He waited patiently while the next round was duly distributed." 2:59
11 Chapter 10: "'At the third stroke it will be one ... thirty-two ... and twenty seconds.' 'Beep ... beep ... beep.'" 2:44
12 Chapter 10 (continued): "He double-checked the computer display above the freezer bed, dimmed the lights and checked it again." 3:03
13 Chapter 11: "'April showers I hate especially.' However noncommittally Arthur grunted, the man seemed determined to talk to him." 3:12
14 Chapter 11 (continued): "The reason he was wrong was standing by the slip road under a small umbrella." 2:42
15 Chapter 11 (continued): "'So ...' he said, hoping to kick the conversation off to an exciting start." 3:38
16 Chapter 12: "There is, for some reason, something especially grim about pubs near stations, a very particular kind of grubbiness, a special kind of pallor to the pork pies." 2:43
17 Chapter 12 (continued): "'I wonder if you'd like to buy some tickets for our raffle? It's just a little one.'" 2:43
18 Chapter 12 (continued): "She twirled the little wooden cocktail stick in her tomato juice." 3:11
19 Chapter 12 (continued): "She sipped demurely at her tomato juice and looked at her watch." 2:05
1 Chapter 13: "That night, at home, as he was prancing round the house pretending to be tripping through cornfields in slow motion and continually exploding with sudden laughter, ..." 2:49
2 Chapter 14: "'Ring ring.' 'Ring ring.' 'Ring ring.' 'Hello, yes? Yes, that's right. Yes. You'll 'ave to speak up, there's an awful lot of noise in 'ere. What?'" / Chapter 15: "Eight hours West sat a man alone on a beach mourning an inexplicable loss." 3:03
3 Chapter 15 (continued): "And somewhere on this good boffo stretch of coastline lay the house of this inconsolable man, ..." / Chapter 16: "After a disgusting Sunday spent emptying rubbish bins behind a pub in Taunton, ..." 3:16
4 Chapter 16 (continued): "'You going to ask me where I was yesterday?' asked the man. 'Eh?'" / Chapter 17: "Misery, dejection. More misery and more dejection. He needed a project and he gave himself one." 2:46
5 Chapter 17 (continued): "'OK, skip that,' said the man in the shop. 'How?'" / Chapter 18: "A summer's day in Islington, full of the mournful wail of antique-restoring machinery." 3:04
6 Chapter 18 (continued): "This wasn't quite the response he had expected, so he tried again." 3:01
7 Chapter 18 (continued): "They looked at each other for a moment." 2:54
8 Chapter 18 (continued): "She closed the upstairs front door which had stood open all this time, ..." / Chapter 19: "Ford Prefect was irritated to be continually wakened by the sound of gunfire." 2:59
9 Chapter 19 (continued): "He came upon another, much larger three-dimensional screen..." / Chapter 20: "'The purpose of having the sun go low in the evenings, in the summer, especially in parks,' said the voice earnestly, ..." 3:08
10 Chapter 20 (contined): "It is a park in which people do more extraordinary things than they do elsewhere." 2:37
11 Chapter 20 (continued): "'So let me give you the layout. Me sitting at the table. On my left, the newspaper. On my right, the cup of coffee. In the middle of the table, the packet of biscuits.'" 3:16
12 Chapter 20 (continued): "'What?' said Fenchurch. 'What?'" 2:58
13 Chapter 20 (continued): "'Well, I ...' said Arthur, his composure suddenly shattered." 3:00
14 Chapter 20 (continued): "'What ...?' 'I know it sounds crazy, and everybody says it was hallucinations, ...'" 2:54
15 Chapter 20 (continued): "She put her hand on his knee, which made him realize that the tingling going up and down his spine was not her gently stroking his back, ..." 3:05
16 Chapter 20 (continued): "'Can we go to them?'" / Chapter 21: "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy is, as has been remarked before often and accurately, a pretty startling kind of a thing." 2:55
17 Chapter 21 (continued): "Not that Fire Dragons weren't an essentially peace-loving species, because they were." / Chapter 22: "The night in Islington was sweet and fragrant." 3:03
18 Chapter 22 (continued): "Arthur put Dire Straits on the stereo." 3:00
19 Chapter 22 (continued): "She did another of the shrugs which would have brought such joy into the life of a simple cushion from Squornshellous Beta." / Chapter 23: "The battle raged on about the star of Xaxis." 2:55
20 Chapter 23 (continued): "In his dream he was walking late at night along the East Side, beside the river which had become so extravagantly polluted that new lifeforms were now emerging from it spontaneously, demanding welfare and voting rights." 2:00
1 Chapter 24: "Luckily there was a strong updraft in the alley because Arthur hadn't done this sort of thing for a while, at least, not deliberately, and deliberately is exactly the way you are not meant to do it." 3:03
2 Chapter 24 (continued): "He slowly, very, very slowly, lifted his head to Fenchurch, who was standing in silent breathless amazement, silhouetted in her upstairs doorway." 2:59
3 Chapter 24 (continued): "Arthur was alarmed to see that someone down in the alley was trying to steal her bicycle." / Chapter 25: "Those who are regular followers of the doings of Arthur Dent may have received an impression of his character and habits..." 2:56
4 Chapter 25 (continued): "... when Arthur found himself sitting on a hillside watching the moon rise over the softly burning trees..." / Chapter 26: "Arthur Dent allowed himself for an unworthy moment to think, ..." 2:59
5 Chapter 26 (continued): "Physics glanced at Arthur, and clotted with horror he was gone too, sick with giddy dropping, every part of him screaming but his voice." 3:05
6 Chapter 26 (continued): "They felt, even Fenchurch, now protected from the elements by only a couple of fragments from Marks and Spencer, ..." 3:02
7 Chapter 26 (continued): "By the time her two inexplicable people finally slipped back off the wing and tumbled into the slipstream she had cheered up an awful lot." / Chapter 27: "'This is all very wonderful,' said Fenchurch a few days later." 2:42
8 Chapter 27 (continued): "It's the absolute stocking top truth. All documented in his little black book, ..." 2:57
9 Chapter 28: "'People are beginning to talk,' said Fenchurch that evening, after they had hauled her 'cello in." 3:07
10 Chapter 28 (continued): "'Where is the Asylum?' Arcane Jill Watson again." / Chapter 29: "'This is an important announcement. ...'"/ Chapter 30: "They rented a car in Los Angeles..." 3:01
11 Chapter 30 (continued): "Their mood lifted further as the sun began to move down the western half of the sky, ..." / Chapter 31: "If you took a couple of David Bowies and stuck one of the David Bowies on the top of the other David Bowie, ..." 3:09
12 Chapter 31 (continued): "There were little sandpipers running along the margin of the shore which seemed to have this problem: they needed to find their food in the sand which a wave had just washed over, but they couldn't bear to get their feet wet." 2:50
13 Chapter 31 (continued): "... whenever they were mentioned, and had shown them quite proudly round the eccentricities of his house." 2:45
14 Chapter 31 (continued): "They went out on to the beach, which was where he started talking about angels with golden beards and green wings and Dr Scholl sandals." 3:11
15 Chapter 31 (continued): "They both became aware that Wonko the Sane was glancing sharply backwards and forwards between them, and trying to get a gasp in edgeways." 2:58
1 Chapter 32: "The deep roar of the ocean. The break of waves on further shores than thought can find." / Chapter 33: "That night they stayed Outside the Asylum and watched TV from inside it." 3:10
2 Chapter 34: "On the way home there was a woman sitting next to them on the plane who was looking at them rather oddly." / Chapter 35: "They went to Arthur's house in the West Country, ..." 2:43
3 Chapter 35 (continued): "He staggered into Arthur's sitting room, waving aside all offers of support, ..." 3:20
4 Chapter 35 (continued): ""And this guy," ranted Ford, "was on a drive to sell more of them! ..." 2:27
5 Chapter 36: "The flying saucer in which Ford Prefect had stowed away had stunned the world." 3:21
6 Chapter 36 (continued): "'With someone who knows where the gin bottle is? Do I get to meet her?'" / Chapter 37: "'Ford Prefect,' said Arthur. 'I may have mentioned him in passing.'" 2:42
7 Chapter 37 (continued): "Immediate preparations were made for its departure." / Chapter 38: "Crowds thronged as close as they could to the giant silver craft, which wasn't very." 2:59
8 Chapter 38 (continued): "The inner perimeter fence was now being dismantled." 3:18
9 Chapter 38 (continued): "'All right, I want you to clear a passage, please, for some important pieces of scientific equipment,' boomed Ford." / Chapter 39: "Arthur Dent was irritated to be continually wakened by the sound of gunfire." 2:54
10 Chapter 39 (continued): "He clambered through a bulkhead door and found himself in a larger corridor." / Chapter 40: "There remains little still to tell." 3:06
11 Chapter 40 (continued): "They realized they were not the first to pass that way, ..." 3:03
12 Chapter 40 (continued): "'What is it?' whispered Fenchurch in alarm, crouching behind Arthur, and grasping on to his arm." 2:55
13 Chapter 40 (continued): "Between them they picked him up despite his feeble protests and insults." 2:37
14 Chapter 40 (continued): "They rounded the foot of the Quentulus Quazgar Mountains, and there was the Message ..." / Epilogue: "One of the greatest benefactors of all lifekind was a man who couldn't keep his mind on the job in hand." 3:19
15 Epilogue (continued): "He was also, partly because of this, of a rather irritable disposition." 2:16
1 Prologue: "Anything that happens, happens." / Chapter 1: "The history of the Galaxy has got a little muddled, ..." 3:08
2 Chapter 1 (continued): "Click, hum. The huge grey Grebulon reconnaissance ship moved silently through the black void." 2:57
3 Chapter 1 (continued): "This made the whole problem very simple to deal with." 2:58
4 Chapter 1 (continued): "Before it blanked out for good the ship would have to pass on those instructions, ..." / Chapter 2: "One of the extraordinary things about life is the sort of places it's prepared to put up with living." 2:55
5 Chapter 2 (continued): "Spring is over-rated." 2:54
6 Chapter 2 (continued): "The word was out that maybe, just maybe, a British accent would fit." 3:02
7 Chapter 2 (continued): "She sat on a chair in the lobby, under a kentia palm, and opened the little cellophane-windowed envelope." 2:59
8 Chapter 2 (continued): "Gail Andrews was a well groomed woman in her mid-forties." 2:58
9 Chapter 2 (continued): "They went through it all a couple more times till Tricia was certain that everything that possibly could be clear was as clear as it possibly could be." 3:29
10 Chapter 2 (continued): "As she was getting into the elevator Tricia, slightly preoccupied, realised she had left her bag in her room..." 2:45
11 Chapter 2 (continued): "Tricia felt as if she had been kicked in the back of the head. She blinked." 2:35
12 Chapter 2 (continued): "A tiny security camera up behind the bar had turned to follow her movement." 3:15
13 Chapter 2 (continued): "A member of the hotel staff was now going round the bar asking people if they were Mr Miller." 2:46
14 Chapter 2 (continued): "''Mr Martin? You mean Andy Martin at NBS?'" 2:52
15 Chapter 3: "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy has, in what we laughingly call the past, had a great deal to say on the subject of parallel universes." 3:11
16 Chapter 3 (continued): "This neutrino struck an atom." / Chapter 4 : "Tricia began to feel that the world was conspiring against her." 3:16
17 Chapter 4 (continued): "'I see,' said Tricia." 3:03
18 Chapter 5: "She watched it coming in from over the Henley direction with mild curiosity at first, wondering what those lights were." 2:45
19 Chapter 5 (continued): "'We have been monitoring you.'" 2:42
20 Chapter 5 (continued): "All three of them stood, slightly awkwardly in her sitting room, ..." 3:17
21 Chapter 5 (continued): "'But I don't know anything about astrology.'" 2:37
22 Chapter 6: "Ford Prefect hit the ground running." 3:19
23 Chapter 6 (continued): "Within about thirty seconds a security robot the size of a small melon came flying down the corridor at about waist height, ..." 2:46
24 Chapter 6 (continued): "They checked their figures and realised that what they had actually discovered was 'boredom', ..." 2:26
1 Chapter 6 (continued): "The robot rapidly reported back to its central control that everything was now for the best in this best of all possible worlds, ..." 2:58
2 Chapter 6 (continued): "'What's happened?' insisted Ford." 3:00
3 Chapter 6 (continued): "'Mr zil-Doggo is no longer with this organisation. His drinks trolley is, I imagine, helping to console him for this fact.'" 3:00
4 Chapter 6 (continued): "'And you want me to be its restaurant critic,' said Ford." 3:16
5 Chapter 6 (continued): "A remarkably good idea had just occurred to him." / Chapter 7: "Arthur Dent had been in some hell-holes in his life, ..." 3:03
6 Chapter 7 (continued): "The brochure described some of the history of the planet." 2:54
7 Chapter 7 (continued): "This, he realised, was about as close to home as he was likely to get." 3:24
8 Chapter 7 (continued): "A single boghog eyeball sat looking reproachfully at Arthur..." / Chapter 8: "Ford had his own code of ethics." 2:36
9 Chapter 8 (continued): "'InfiniDim Enterprises,' Ford snarled to himself..." 3:09
10 Chapter 8 (continued): "Ford even began to whistle, which was probably his mistake." 2:46
11 Chapter 8 (continued): "Meanwhile the order to disallow the researcher's expenses was relayed down..." 2:51
12 Chapter 8 (continued): "Before long, insofar as such terms had any meaning in this virtual universe, ..." 3:23
13 Chapter 8 (continued): "Five minutes later he was out of there." 2:27
14 Chapter 8 (continued): "No time for fancy routes now, there was obviously a major security alert in progress." / Chapter 9: "Arthur felt at a bit of a loss." 3:14
15 Chapter 9 (continued): "However it appeared that some sort of calamity had befallen this planet." 2:49
16 Chapter 9 (continued): "The village of oracles wasn't much better." 3:08
17 Chapter 9 (continued): "Unsteadily, Arthur got to his feet and brushed himself down with a fistful of dried grass." 3:00
18 Chapter 9 (continued): "'Yes,' said Arthur. 'That sort of thing. Bit of a problem I sometimes find if I'm being perfectly honest.'" 2:59
19 Chapter 9 (continued): "Arthur realised just in time what she intended. Together they tossed the contents of the tin into the gully." 2:24
20 Chapter 9 (continued): "At the top of the third pole Arthur stopped for a breather." 4:05
1 Chapter 9 (continued): "Oddly, the man's face was now only a couple of feet away." 3:03
2 Chapter 9 (continued): "Arthur looked at him doubtfully. 'Can I get that at the spaceport, too?' he said." / Chapter 10: "Ford hurled himself at the door of the editor-in-chief's office, ..." 2:57
3 Chapter 10 (continued): "He had a nagging suspicion that this was not a business meeting, though." / Chapter 11: "The first thing Arthur Dent had to do, he realised resignedly, was to get himself a life." 3:12
4 Chapter 11 (continued): "Arthur looked nervously through some grubby and damp pieces of paper." 2:44
5 Chapter 11 (continued): "Arthur moved to Bartledan and, using some money he had made by selling some toenail clippings and spit to a DNA bank, ..." 3:01
6 Chapter 11 (continued): "He preferred not to think about it." 2:43
7 Chapter 11 (continued): "Arthur Dent, because of the sheer boredom of endless interstellar flight, was the only one on board who had actually familiarised himself with the ship's safety procedures..." / Chapter 12: "Ford tumbled through the open air..." 3:28
8 Chapter 12 (continued): "Sixteenth floor. Sub-editors. Bastards." 2:44
9 Chapter 12 (continued): "The towel was slung over Colin." 3:00
10 Chapter 12 (continued): "The armoured slug had hoisted the rocket launcher up on to its shoulder." 3:06
11 Chapter 12 (continued): "Yes, given the infinite sideways extension of probability there was, of course, an almost infinite multiplicity of planets Earth, ..." 3:00
12 Chapter 12 (continued): "He pulled his newly acquired credit card from his pocket, ..." 2:53
13 Chapter 12 (continued): "Major heat waves started to coincide, with almost magical precision, with major failures of the Breathe-o-Smart systems." 3:05
14 Chapter 12 (continued): "The room, like every other room in this building now, was done out in some appallingly tasteful grey." / Chapter 13: "The ship dropped quietly to land on the edge of the wide clearing, ..." 2:57
15 Chapter 13 (continued): "It hummed for a bit and then stopped." 2:58
16 Chapter 13 (continued): "Almost immediately a different ramp folded itself out on the other side of the craft..." 2:47
17 Chapter 13 (continued): "There was also the geometry of the slice to be refined." 3:13
18 Chapter 13 (continued): "And so the Sandwich Maker sang as he worked." 2:53
19 Chapter 13 (continued): "They asked him why not and he said that it was not for them to know the will of Almighty Bob, ..." 3:00
20 Chapter 13 (continued): "'What's the meat in it?' asked Trillian." 2:55
21 Chapter 13 (continued): "'We have access to virtually every kind of information. I found your name on the passenger list of the ship that crashed.'" / Chapter 14: "As the Guide folded itself back into a smooth, dark disk, ..." 2:56
22 Chapter 14 (continued): "Did he dare just post the thing to himself?" / Chapter 15: "The first month, getting to know each other, was a little difficult." 2:57
23 Chapter 15 (continued): "Random, on the other hand, thought she was trapped in a recurring nightmare." 3:17
24 Chapter 15 (continued): "He supposed that there was no point in pretending not to be hopeless." 2:45
1 Chapter 15 (continued): "'What's this?'; He suddenly realised she had been talking to him and he hadn't noticed." 2:55
2 Chapter 15 (continued): "She brought up the display on her wrist panel, ..." 2:59
3 Chapter 15 (continued): "Arthur suggested they went for a walk." 3:10
4 Chapter 15 (continued): "Random cradled the watch in her hands, ..." 2:59
5 Chapter 15 (continued): "Suddenly she turned and faced him, her face dark with anger." 2:53
6 Chapter 15 (continued): "In the pool of light thrown by a Lamuellan lantern lay Arthur's watch." 2:50
7 Chapter 15 (continued): "The next appearance of the Perfectly Normal Beasts was imminent, ..." / Chapter 16: "Arthur wasn't quite certain which he noticed as being missing first." 3:11
8 Chapter 16 (continued): "At last he'd had to go over to the forge to talk with Strinder about the knives, ..." 3:07
9 Chapter 16 (continued): "Suddenly, something fell out of a tree in front of her." 2:44
10 Chapter 16 (continued): "She felt almost hypnotised by the strangeness of the thing and its tiny glinting eyes." 3:19
11 Chapter 16 (continued): "The flash of lethal light passed straight through Random and, about two seconds later, so did the man who had shot it." 2:31
12 Chapter 16 (continued): "After she had moved two or three hundred yards from the edge of the crater..." / Chapter 17: "For a long period of time there was much speculation and controversy about the so-called 'missing matter'" 3:25
13 Chapter 17 (continued): "There was also something very odd about it, which Random couldn't immediately make out." 2:44
14 Chapter 17 (continued): "'No,' Said Random." 2:58
15 Chapter 17 (continued): "'I'm doing exactly the same thing, but with ultra-violet light. You can't see it.'" 3:11
16 Chapter 17 (continued): "Something very strange and wonderful now swam into view in the rain." 3:04
17 Chapter 17 (continued): "A slow smile spread over Random's face." 2:55
18 Chapter 17 (continued): "She was also extremely nervous." 3:15
19 Chapter 18: "Arthur leapt to his feet with a start of fear." 2:32
20 Chapter 18 (continued): "Ford stopped rubbing his head." 3:09
21 Chapter 18 (continued): "'I am, probably was, the sandwich maker for a small tribe. It was a bit embarrassing really. ...'" 3:14
22 Chapter 18 (continued): "Ford narrowed his eyes. 'This is that thing you call sarcasm, isn't it?'" 2:39
23 Chapter 18 (continued): "'No, I didn't,' said Ford." 3:00
24 Chapter 18 (continued): "Unfiltered Perception means it perceives everything." / Chapter 19: "It was a sight that Arthur never quite got used to, or tired of." 2:48
25 Chapter 19 (continued): "The great thunderous herd of thousand upon thousand of Perfectly Normal Beasts was sweeping in magnificent array across the Anhondo Plain." 1:28
1 Chapter 19 (continued): "The noise of the pounding of the hooves was so intense that it was hard to hear anything else above it." / Chapter 20: "Leaping on to the back of a one-and-a-half-ton Perfectly Normal Beast..." 3:00
2 Chapter 20 (continued): "They couldn't even catch the attention of a single animal." 2:57
3 Chapter 20 (continued): "He slowly stood up from his crouched position and started to brush himself down." 3:04
4 Chapter 20 (continued): "With strange sort of sweeping movements of his arms Old Thrashbarg kept the pikka bird in front of the Beast, ..." 3:05
5 Chapter 20 (continued): "'Go!' shouted Thrashbarg. 'Go and meet your destiny, Sandwich Maker!'" / Chapter 21: "Misty grey buildings loomed and flickered. They bounced up and down in a highly embarrassing way." 2:52
6 Chapter 21 (continued): "She was sitting in a small editing suite at a video production company in Soho." 3:04
7 Chapter 21 (continued): "So what she had on tape, essentially, was a bunch of slightly thin and discoloured people sitting around watching televisions..." 3:06
8 Chapter 21 (continued): "None of the Grebulons had names, largely because they couldn't think of any." 3:05
9 Chapter 21 (continued): "Tricia had nodded tremendously slowly at this point." 2:42
10 Chapter 21 (continued): "She was very, very sick." 2:58
11 Chapter 21 (continued): "Obviously what happened next was that Tricia quickly set the video camera up on its tripod to capture the whole scene." 2:58
12 Chapter 21 (continued): "How could she prove any of this?" 2:57
13 Chapter 22: "Daylight exploded around them. Hot, heavy sun." 3:05
14 Chapter 22 (continued): "'Gonna buy that spaceship,' said Ford quietly." 2:47
15 Chapter 22 (continued): "'He's giving it to us for free,' said Ford, taking a gnaw at his roll." 3:14
16 Chapter 22 (continued): "Ford motioned Arthur to shout a little less loudly." 3:03
17 Chapter 22 (continued): "He signed with a flourish and handed it back to the barman." / Chapter 23: "The news networks don't like this kind of thing." 3:08
18 Chapter 23 (continued): "They checked into a large two-bedroomed suite at the Langham." 3:07
19 Chapter 24: "Away in the inky depths of space invisible movements were being made." 2:43
20 Chapter 24 (continued): "Because all of the Grebulon surveillance equipment was focused on the planet Earth, ..." 3:15
21 Chapter 24 (continued): "Another was a small bunch of people who continually refused to be where they were supposed to be when they were supposed to be there." / Chapter 25: "'Just there, number forty-two,' shouted Ford Prefect to the taxi-driver." 2:40
22 Chapter 25 (continued): "A thin, ill-looking man wearing something baggy and Italian was walking up the stairs past them, ..." 2:56
23 Chapter 25 (continued): "'Random,' said Trillian quietly from up on the stairs." 2:59
24 Chapter 25 (continued): "Random threw the gun down and fell to her knees, sobbing." 3:34

Other Releases in Group (1)


  1. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: The Complete ‘Trilogy’ of Five Volumes, United Kingdom (11 Nov 2002), CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD (English)