Underground Out of Poland Dezerter

Release: 1989 Poland, Language: Polish, Status: Official
Format: Cassette, Tracks: 23, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


Cassette #1
A1 Ku Przyszłości (To The Future) ?:??
A2 Spytaj Milicjanta (Ask The Militiaman) ?:??
A3 Szara Rzeczywistość (Drab Reality) ?:??
A4 Wojna Głupców (War Of Fools) ?:??
A5 Plakat (Poster) ?:??
A6 Nie Ma Zagrożenia (There Is No Threat) ?:??
A7 Mayday Parade Singalong ?:??
A8 Niewolnik (Slave) ?:??
A9 Rebeliant (Rebel) ?:??
A10 Poroniona Generacja ?:??
A11 Jutro? ?:??
B1 Postęp (Progress) ?:??
B2 Zatrute Powietrze (Poisoned Air) ?:??
B3 Uległość (Being Slaved) ?:??
B4 Zmiany (Changes) ?:??
B5 Polska Złota Młodzież (Polish Playboys) ?:??
B6 Urodziłem Się 20 Lat Po Wojnie (I Was Born 20 Years After The War) ?:??
B7 Kto (Who) ?:??
B8 XXI Wiek (21st Century) ?:??
B9 Captain Hans Kloss Sings ?:??
B10 Szwindel (The Swindle) ?:??
B11 Pałac Chamstwa I Głupoty ?:??
B12 Śmierdząca Rzeczywistość ?:??

Other Releases in Group (6)


  1. Underground Out of Poland, United States (1987), 12" Vinyl (Polish)
  2. Underground Out of Poland, United Kingdom (1987), 12" Vinyl (Polish)
  3. Underground Out of Poland, Poland (1996), CD (Polish)
  4. Underground Out of Poland, Poland (2002), CD (Polish)
  5. Underground Out of Poland, Poland (2009), 12" Vinyl (Polish)
  6. Underground Out of Poland, Poland (30 Oct 2019), CD () Reissue

Links (1)


  1. https://www.discogs.com/release/3455284