The Legend of Kyrandia: Fables and Fiends Frank Klepacki

Release: 1992 United States, Language: , Status: Bootleg
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 35, Length: 1:10:36, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


Digital Media #1
1 Kyrandia Theme and Introduction 4:03
2 Speech of the Land 2:44
3 Outside Brandon's Home (The Forest) 3:40
4 Temple of Kyrandia 1:36
5 Brynn (Enchanted Note) 2:04
6 Pool of Sorrow 3:43
7 Healing the Willow 0:18
8 "Playing" with Merith 0:12
9 The Forest Altar (and Getting the Amulet) 1:01
10 Rope Climb Attempt (and Death Theme) 0:29
11 The Timbermist Woods 2:24
12 Darm and Brandywine 1:54
13a Nolby and the Oldest Tree in Kyrandia (Plain Version) 1:40
13b Nolby and the Oldest Tree in Kyrandia 1:40
14 Healing the Songbird 0:26
15 Malcolm! 1:18
16 Serpent's Grotto 1:59
17 Emerald Cavern 3:00
18 Floating (Will-O-Wisp) 3:16
19 Tree Incident (and Zanthia's Lab) 2:52
20 Malcolm at the Enchanted Fountain 2:26
21 In the Shadowland (Faeriewood) 2:56
22 Restoring the Fountain 0:12
23 The Royal Chalice (and Pipsqueak) 2:04
24 Pegasus-Brandon's Transformation, and Journey 1:25
25 A Dark Island 2:00
26 Mother 1:40
27 Malcolm in Castle Kyrandia 2:05
28 Exploring the Castle of Kyrandia 3:11
29 Herman, Possessed! 0:36
30 Castle Dungeon 4:16
31 Malcolm's Challenge 1:06
32 Final Showdown With Malcolm 1:36
33 Malcolm Defeated (Closing Scenes) 1:42
34 Closing Credits (Kyrandia Saved!) 3:02

Other Releases in Group (1)


  1. The Legend of Kyrandia: Fables and Fiends, United States (1992), (English)