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CD + CD + CD

Messiah Handel; Donath, Reynolds, Burrows, McIntyre, John Alldis Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Karl Richter

Release: 15 Aug 1996 Germany, Language: [Multiple languages], Status: Official
Format: CD + CD, Tracks: 45, Length: 2:37:53, Barcode: 028945302829
Release type: Other


CD #1
1 Messiah: Part 1: Symphony (Grave-Allegro moderato) 3:25
2 Messiah: Part 1: Accompagnato (Tenor): Comfort ye my people 2:30
3 Messiah: Part 1: Chorus: Ev'ry valley shall be exalted 3:46
4 Messiah: Part 1: Chorus: And The Glory Of The Lord Shall Be Revealed 3:22
5 Messiah: Part 1: Accompagnato (Bass): Thus saith the Lord of Hosts 1:41
6 Messiah: Part 1: Aria (Bass): But who may abide the day of his coming 4:52
7 Messiah: Part 1: Chorus: And he shall purify 2:38
8 Messiah: Part 1: Recitative (Contralto): Behold, a virgin shall conceive 5:31
9 Messiah: Part 1: Chorus: O thou that tellest good tidings 2:09
10 Messiah: Part 1: Accompagnato (Bass): For behold, darkness shall cover 1:45
11 Messiah: Part 1: Aria (Bass): The people that walked in darkness 4:56
12 Messiah: Part 1: Chorus: For unto us a Child is born 4:11
13 Messiah: Part 1: Pifa (Pastoral Symphony) 3:03
14 Messiah: Part 1: Recitative (Soprano): There Were Shepherds Abiding In The Fields 2:08
15 Messiah: Part 1: Chorus: Glory To God In The Highest 1:56
16 Messiah: Part 1: Aria (Soprano): Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion 4:08
17 Messiah: Part 1: Recitative (Contralto): Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind / Duet: (Contralto, Soprano): He Shall Feed 7:10
18 Messiah: Part 1: Chorus: His Yoke Is Easy, His Burthen Is Light 2:35
19 Messiah: Part 2: Chorus: Behold The Lamb Of God 2:47
20 Messiah: Part 2: Aria (Contralto): He Was Despised 12:45
21 Messiah: Part 2: Chorus: Surely, He Hath Borne Our Griefs 2:29
CD #2
1 Messiah: Part 2: Chorus: And With His Stripes We Are Healed 2:31
2 Messiah: Part 2: Chorus: All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray 3:59
3 Messiah: Part 2: Accompagnato (Tenor): All They That See Him 0:49
4 Messiah: Part 2: Chorus: He Trusted In God 2:37
5 Messiah: Part 2: Accompagnato (Tenor): Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart 1:38
6 Messiah: Part 2: Arioso (Tenor): Behold, And See If There Be Any Sorrow 1:30
7 Messiah: Part 2: Accompagnato (Tenor): He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land / Aria (Tenor): But Thou Didst Not leave His Son 2:36
8 Messiah: Part 2: Chorus: Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates 3:42
9 Messiah: Part 2: Recitative (Tenor): Unto Which Of The Angels / Chorus: Let All The Angels Of God Worship Him 1:58
10 Messiah: Part 2: Aria (Contralto): Thou Are Gone Up On High 3:15
11 Messiah: Part 2: Chorus: The Lord Gave The Word 1:05
12 Messiah: Part 2: Aria (Soprano): How Beautiful Are The Feet 3:26
13 Messiah: Part 2: Arioso (Tenor): Their Sound Is Gone Out 1:02
14 Messiah: Part 2: Aria (Bass): Why Do The Nations So Furiously Rage 2:57
15 Messiah: Part 2: Chorus: Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder 1:49
16 Messiah: Part 2: Recitative (Tenor): He That Dwelleth In Heaven / Aria (Tenor): Thou Shalt Break Them 2:22
17 Messiah: Part 2: Chorus: Hallelujah 4:07
18 Messiah: Part 3: Air: I know that my Redeemer liveth 7:16
19 Messiah: Part 3: Chorus: Since By Man Came Death 2:23
20 Messiah: Part 3: Accompagnato (Bass): Behold, I Tell You A Mystery / Aria (Bass): The Trumpet Shall Sound 10:40
21 Messiah: Part 3: Recitative (Contralto): Then Shall Be Brought To Pass / Duet (Contralto, Tenor): O Death, Where Is 3:31
22 Messiah: Part 3: Aria (Soprano): If God Be For Us 5:30
23 Messiah: Part 3: Chorus: Worthy Is The Lamb That Was Slain 3:56
24 Messiah: Part 3: Chorus: Amen 3:27

Other Releases in Group (3)


  1. Messiah, Germany (1973), 12" Vinyl + 12" Vinyl + 12" Vinyl (English)
  2. Messiah, Germany (1985), CD + CD + CD ([Multiple languages])
  3. Messiah, (13 Oct 2017), Digital Media ()

Links (4)

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