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The Valley of the Wind taca samurai 3

Release: , Language: English, Status: Pseudo-Release
Format: , Tracks: 8, Length: 49:25, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


1 A Landscape From the Train Window 7:18
2 The Valley of the Wind 8:43
3 Accopanda 4:59
4 The End of the Summer 4:00
5 Silkroad 4 8:57
6 The Start of the Summer 5:10
7 Ballad for Mari 3:31
8 Winter Tango 6:43

Other Releases in Group (6)


  1. The Valley of the Wind, Japan (15 Aug 2008), CD ([Multiple languages])
  2. The Valley of the Wind, [Worldwide] (16 Nov 2008), Digital Media ([Multiple languages])
  3. The Valley of the Wind, Japan (10 Dec 2008), CD ([Multiple languages])


  1. La vallée du vent, (), (French)
  2. 風の谷, (), (Japanese)
  3. 風の谷, (), ([Multiple languages])