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Complete Lute Works John Dowland; Paul O’Dette

Release: 17 Nov 1997 Germany, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: CD + CD + CD + CD + CD, Tracks: 111, Length: 5:32:42, Barcode: 093046706425
Release type: Album - Compilation


CD #1
1 [a Piece Without Title] (P 51) 2:33
2 Pavana 6:54
3 Mr Knights Galliard (P 36) 1:38
4 My Lord Willobies Wellcome Home (P 66) 1:19
5 The Frogg Galliard (P 23 & 23a) 3:31
6 [a Fancy] (P 5) 2:19
7 My Ladie Riches Galyerd (P 43a) 1:37
8 The Lady Laitons Almone (P 48) 1:21
9 A Dream (Lady Leighton's Paven) (P 75) 5:07
10 Galliard (P 104) 1:41
11 Orlando Sleepeth (P 61) 1:26
12 [What If a Day] (P 79) 1:28
13 Mrs Winters Jumpp (P 55) 0:52
14 Galliard (P 35) 1:41
15 M. Giles Hobies Galiard (P 29) 1:49
16 Dr Cases Pauen (P 12) 4:55
17 Mellancoly Galliard (P 25) 2:22
18 [Galliard] (P 27) 1:47
19 Mistris Whittes Thinge (P 50) 1:03
20 Go From My Windowe (P 64) 3:35
21 [Almain] (P 49) 1:12
22 Mrs Whites Nothing (P 56) 1:00
23 [Pavan] (P 18) 5:23
24 [Galliard] (P 30) 1:52
25 Farwell (P 3) 5:37
CD #2
1 My lady hunnsdons puffe (P 54) 1:23
2 Solus cum sola (P 10) 4:27
3 Suzanna Galliard (P 91) 1:49
4 Sir John Smith his Almain (P 47) 2:29
5 Sweet Robyne (P 70) 3:52
6 Dowlands first galliard (P 22) 1:43
7 Mayster Pypers Pavyn (P 8) 5:09
8 Captain Digorie Piper his Galliard (P 19) 2:18
9 Monsieur's Almaine 5:24
10 As I went to Walsingham 1:48
11 Mrs Brigide fleetwoods paven (P 11) 5:35
12 Dowlands Galliard (P 20) 1:24
13 Farwell (An "In Nomine") (P 4) 3:32
14 Aloe (P 68) 2:38
15 Captain Candishe his Galyard (P 21) 1:02
16 Can she excuse (P 42) 1:34
17 Mrs vaux Galliarde (P 32) 2:19
18 A Coye Joye (P 80) 0:54
19 Mrs vauxes Gigge (P 57) 1:03
20 Sir Henry Guilforde his Almaine 1:55
21 Mignarda (P 34) 3:26
22 Lachrimae (P 15) 5:19
23 Sir John Souch his galliard (P 26) 1:37
24 Fantasia (P 1a) 3:49
CD #3
1 The most high and mightie Christianus, the fourth King of Denmark, his Galliard (P 40) 2:53
2 Sir John Langton his Pavin (P 14) 6:01
3 Mr. Langtons galliard (P 33) 2:39
4 A Fancy (P 7) 4:22
5 A Pavan (P 16) 5:22
6 The most sacred Queene Elizabeth, her Galliard (P 41) 1:07
7 Mrs Cliftons Allmaine (P 53) 1:14
8 The Lady Cliftons Spirit (P 45) 1:41
9 Tarletones riserrectione (P 59) 3:25
10 Tarletons Willy (P 81) 1:33
11 Fortune my foe (P 62) 2:27
12 The Queenes galliard (P 97) 1:35
13 Wallsingham (P 67) 4:49
14 A Galliard [on Walsingham] (P 31) 1:53
15 Adew for Master Oliver Cromwell (P 13) 5:30
16 The Earle of Darby, his Galliard (P 44a) 2:30
17 Lord Strangs March (P 65) 1:35
18 Mistresse Nichols Almand (P 52) 1:25
19 Forlorne Hope fancye (P 2) 3:52
20 Mr. Dowlands Midnight (P 99) 1:46
21 Semper Dowland semper dolens (P 9) 7:23
CD #4
1 Preludium (P 98) 1:17
2 A Fancy (P 6) 2:53
3 Lachrimae (P 15) 5:23
4 Galliard to Lachrimae (P 46) 2:30
5 A Fantasia (P 71) 5:41
6 An Almand (P 96) 1:27
7 Pavana (P 94) 7:12
8 The Right Honourable Robert, Earl of Essex, his Galliard (P 42a) 1:45
9 A Galliard [on a galliard by Daniel Bachelar] (P 28) 3:16
10 My Lord Wilobies Welcom Home (P 66a) 1:23
11 The Shoemakers Wife. A Toy (P 58) 1:08
12 The Right Hounourable The Lord Viscount Lisle, his Galliard (P 38) 2:51
13 Coranto (P 100) 2:03
14 A Galliard (P 82) 1:54
15 The Lady Russells Paven (P 17) 5:03
16 Galliard [on "Awake sweet love", set by Fr. Cutting] (P 92) 1:47
17 The Frog Galliard (P 23) 2:04
18 Come Away (P 60) 1:49
19 La mia Barbara (P 95) 5:57
20 Loth to Departe (P 69) 6:20
CD #5
1 [A Fancy] (P 73) 3:26
2 Pavana Dowlandi Angli 5:21
3 Doulands rounde battel galyarde (P 39) 1:37
4 Pavin 5:33
5 The Erle of Darbies Galiard (P 44) 2:49
6 Mistris Norrishis Delight (P 77) 1:44
7 [A Jig] (P 78) 2:18
8 The Earl of Essex Galliard (P 89) 1:38
9 Galliard (P 76) 1:40
10 Une Jeune Fillette (P 93) 5:22
11 Gagliarda (P 103) 1:55
12 Pavana Lachrimae 6:02
13 Squires Galliard 1:53
14 [A Fancy] (P 72) 5:53
15 Hasellwoods Galliard (P 84) 1:38
16 Sir Thomas Monson, his Pavin 6:06
17 Sir Thomas Monson, his Galliard 2:10
18 Almande 2:30
19 Sir Henry Umptons Funerall 5:50
20 Captayne Pipers Galliard (P 88) 2:50
21 A fantasie (P 1) 4:24

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