Scare Tactics Jeffrey Fayman & Yoav Goren

Release: 2007 United States, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: CD, Tracks: 96, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


CD #1
1 Download Preparation ?:??
2 Chosen ?:??
3 Transformation (edit a) ?:??
4 Transformation (edit b) ?:??
5 Destiny Fulfilled ?:??
6 Deja Vu ?:??
7 First Disturbance ?:??
8 Comatose ?:??
9 You Feeling It Brother ?:??
10 Mayhem ?:??
11 See You in Hell ?:??
12 Run Baby Girl ?:??
13 Netherworld ?:??
14 Mama Pulls the Trigger ?:??
15 Freeze ?:??
16 Scary Kids Stuff (edit a) ?:??
17 Scary Kids Stuff (edit b) ?:??
18 Zoe Revelation (edit a) ?:??
19 Zoe Revelation (edit b) ?:??
20 Through the Bars ?:??
21 Mayhem ?:??
22 Burn the Hermit ?:??
23 End of Djinn (edit a) ?:??
24 End of Djinn (edit b) ?:??
25 Confrontation ?:??
26 The Car ?:??
27 Gun ?:??
28 Unwanted Guests ?:??
29 Staples ?:??
30 Sharks Close ?:??
31 Finding the Dive Bag ?:??
32 Adam's Face ?:??
33 The Reservoir-Leg Shave (edit a) ?:??
34 The Reservoir-Leg Shave (edit b) ?:??
35 Exhibit F ?:??
36 Damp Woods ?:??
37 Otto Krieg ?:??
38 Fulfill the Prophecy ?:??
39 The Rejects Were Here ?:??
40 Did I Die? ?:??
41 The Shower ?:??
42 The Arrow ?:??
43 Aphids ?:??
44 Maintitle Infectious Dog ?:??
45 Regression ?:??
46 Max Talks & Dream ?:??
47 The Shining ?:??
48 Seeing a Ghost ?:??
49 Charise's Apt ?:??
50 Pizza Party Gone Bad ?:??
51 Sharks Circle ?:??
52 Nightmare Lovemaking ?:??
53 Bats Fix ?:??
54 Alan the Cutter ?:??
55 Karen Sipsthe Hog Lady (edit a) ?:??
56 Karen Sipsthe Hog Lady (edit b) ?:??
57 Digging ?:??
58 Runnin' From Rednecks (edit a) ?:??
59 Runnin' From Rednecks (edit b) ?:??
60 Near Miss (edit a) ?:??
61 Near Miss (edit b) ?:??
62 Near Miss (edit C) ?:??
63 Dolly's Rescue ?:??
64 Clues & Dream #1 ?:??
65 Joyride ?:??
66 Demerest ?:??
67 Kidnapping Jake ?:??
68 Claiming Souls ?:??
69 Driving to the Khaki ?:??
70 Saving Mr. Nobody ?:??
71 Party Crasher ?:??
72 Sniper ?:??
73 Transfigurations ?:??
74 Sixth Floor Runner ?:??
75 Pizzaman ?:??
76 Wishmaster's Resolve ?:??
77 End Credits (edit a) ?:??
78 End Credits (edit b) ?:??
79 Grim's Cave ?:??
80 Die Redneck, Die ?:??
81 Kiss ?:??
82 Needing Souls ?:??
83 Comin' to Town Near You (edit a) ?:??
84 Comin' to Town Near You (edit b) ?:??
85 Face Down ?:??
86 Yellow Brick Road ?:??
87 Saved by the Bullet ?:??
88 The Good Book ?:??
89 Bad Cop Bad Cop ?:??
90 911 Fix ?:??
91 Official Clown Business ?:??
92 Daryl Tossed ?:??
93 The Final Cut End Title ?:??
94 Exhibit H ?:??
95 The Theory of Agnus ?:??
96 Shane's Paint Attack ?:??