Isus Pokritiy Ponosom Abosranie Bogom

Release: 1999 Israel, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: , Tracks: 35, Length: 19:06, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


1 Pauk's Ugly Legs 0:13
2 Shit on Ugly Legs 0:25
3 Pauk Is a Faggot 1:04
4 Defecated by God 0:30
5 Jesus Covered With Diarrhoea 0:25
6 Shit in a Sack 0:19
7 Gum Stuck Up the Ass 0:17
8 Anal Lips 0:18
9 Bump in Cunt 0:27
10 Malikov Is a Rachitis 0:39
11 Retarded Mongrel 0:38
12 Anal Smell 0:25
13 Goats Green Peas 0:29
14 Shit of Polar Bear 0:37
15 Anus in Fog 0:24
16 Thick Fresh Diarrhoea 0:46
17 Unwiped Ass-Hole 0:37
18 Got Dirty With Shit 1:02
19 Saulty Cunt 0:38
20 Faggot in a Cage 0:25
21 Clit Squezed by a Door 0:24
22 Bloody Turd 0:40
23 Face Covered With Hippopotamuses Sperm 0:39
24 Spermed Eyes 0:44
25 Blister on the Ass of an Old Lady 0:31
26 Shit on Rails 0:32
27 Dirty Cunt of Cow 0:31
28 Santa Claus Crapped in the Chimney 0:40
29 Coprophiliac (Shit Fucker) 0:57
30 Someone Crapped 0:07
31 Cunt in a Bear's Lair 0:26
32 Tampax Commercials 0:46
33 Wounded Turd 0:09
34 March of the Dead Clowns 1:04
35 Hacked Partizan in Sewage 0:18