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False Consonances of Melancholy Nicola Matteis; Gli Incogniti, Amandine Beyer

Release: 27 Aug 2009 France, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: CD, Tracks: 40, Length: 1:12:47, Barcode: 3760009292079
Release type: Album


CD #1
1 Ayres for the violin: Sonata - Adagio 2:01
2 Ayres for the violin: Diverse bizzarrie Sopra la Vecchia Sarabanda o pur Ciaccona 4:14
3 Ayres for the violin: Passagio rotto, Andamento Veloce 2:14
4 Ayres for the violin: Fantasia 1:43
5 Ayres for the violin: Preludio in fantasia 1:16
6 Ayres for the violin: Allegro 2:01
7 Ayres for the violin: Aria malinconica (Adagio) 2:25
8 Ayres for the violin: Giga (Allegro) 0:40
9 Ayres for the violin: Aria amorosa 3:23
10 The False Consonances of Musick: Aria 1:21
11 Ayres for the violin: Preludio 1:25
12 Ayres for the violin: Musica (Grave-Presto) 1:42
13 Ayres for the violin: Sarabanda (Adagio) 2:37
14 The False Consonances of Musick: Aria 1:10
15 Ayres for the violin: Aria burlesca (Presto) 1:57
16 Ayres for the violin: Fuga (Prestissimo) 1:07
17 Ayres for the violin: Giga, Al Genio Turchesco 0:57
18 Ayres for the violin: Preludio 0:51
19 Ayres for the violin: Adagio 2:11
20 Ayres for the violin: Allemanda ad imitatione d'un tartaglia 1:36
21 Ayres for the violin: Movimento incognito 4:05
22 Ayres for the violin: Sarabanda Amorosa (Adagio) 1:33
23 Ayres for the violin: Gavotta (Presto) 1:49
24 Ayres for the violin: Preludio (presto) 1:41
25 Ayres for the violin: Pavana Armoniosa 2:00
26 Ayres for the violin: Il Russignolo 1:17
27 Ayres for the violin: Preludio Allegro (Prestissimo), Malinconico (Adagio) 1:25
28 Ayres for the violin: Aria (Adagio-Presto) 2:19
29 Ayres for the violin: Vivace. Eco 2:07
30 Ayres for the violin: Fuga (Presto) 1:43
31 Ayres for the violin: Preludio (Adagio) 1:30
32 Ayres for the violin: Prestissimo 0:35
33 Ayres for the violin: Un poco di manera Italiana. Aria Ridicola (Presto) 1:25
34 Ayres for the violin: Aria 1:33
35 Ayres for the violin: Fantasia 1:36
36 Ayres for the violin: Preludio in ostinatione. Passagio rotto 1:09
37 Ayres for the violin: Andamento malinconico. Divisione ad libitum 2:43
38 Ayres for the violin: Grave (Adagio) 2:04
39 Ayres for the violin: Aria for the Flute 1:15
40 Ayres for the violin: Giga 1:47

Other Releases in Group (3)


  1. False Consonances of Melancholy, [Worldwide] (27 Aug 2009), Digital Media (English)
  2. False Consonances of Melancholy, France (23 Aug 2019), CD ([Multiple languages])
  3. False Consonances of Melancholy, [Worldwide] (23 Aug 2019), Digital Media ([Multiple languages])

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