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Hanna-Barbera's Pic-A-Nic Basket of Cartoon Classics William Hanna and Joseph Barbera

Release: 1996 United States, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: CD + CD + CD + CD, Tracks: 187, Length: 3:47:24, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album - Compilation


CD #1
1 Ruff and Reddy (Main Title & Sub-Main Title) 0:27
2 Ruff and Reddy (End Titles) 0:05
3 Huckleberry Hound (Main Title) 0:41
4 Huckleberry Hound (Opening Bumper Music) 1:00
5 Huckleberry Hound (Sub-Main Title) 0:05
6 Pixie and Dixie (Syndicated Titles with Sub-Main Title) 0:29
7 Pixie and Dixie (End Titles) 0:06
8 Yogi Bear, 1958 (Syndicated Titles with Sub-Main Title) 0:29
9 Yogi Bear, 1958 (End Titles) 0:06
10 Hokey Wolf (Syndicated Titles with Sub-Main & End Titles) 0:29
11 Huckleberry Hound (End Titles) 0:44
12 Quick Draw McGraw (Main Title) 0:44
13 Quick Draw McGraw (Opening Bumper Music) 0:59
14 Quick Draw McGraw (Syndicated Titles with Sub-Main Title) 0:24
15 Quick Draw McGraw (Underscore & Syndicated End Titles) 6:40
16 Augie Doggie (Syndicated Titles with Sub-main Title) 0:24
17 Augie Doggie (Underscore & End Titles) 5:39
18 Snooper & Blabber (Syndicated Titles with Sub-Main Title) 0:24
19 Snooper & Blabber (Underscore & End Titles) 5:11
20 Quick Draw McGraw (End Titles) 0:43
21 Loopy De Loop, 1959 (Main Title, Underscore, & End Titles) 2:10
22 Loopy De Loop, 1960 (Main Title, Underscore, & End Titles) 4:16
23 Yogi Bear (Main Title) 0:44
24 Yogi Bear (Opening Bumper Music) 1:18
25 Snagglepuss (Syndicated Titles with Sub-Main & End Titles) 0:28
26 Yakky Doodle (Syndicated Titles with Sub-Main & End Titles) 0:29
27 Yogi Bear (Underscore) 6:28
28 Yogi Bear (End Titles) 0:44
29 The Flintstones (Main Title - "Meet the Flintstones") 0:36
30 Flintstones Jazz (Underscore) 4:49
31 Wally Gator (Main Titles with Sub-Main & End Titles) 0:35
32 Touché Turtle (Main Titles with Sub-Main & End Titles) 0:37
33 Lippy the Lion & Hardy Har Har (Main Titles with Sub-Main & End Titles) 0:37
34 The Magilla Gorilla Show (Main Title) 1:06
35 The Magilla Gorilla Show (Underscore) 7:23
36 The Magilla Gorilla Show (Curtain Calls) 0:54
37 The Magilla Gorilla Show (End Titles) 0:57
38 Peter Potamus (Main Title) 1:07
39 Peter Potamus (Curtain Calls) 1:00
40 Peter Potamus (End Titles) 1:03
41 Scooby Doo, Where Are You? (Main Title) 1:02
42 The New Scooby Doo Movies (Main Title) 1:03
43 Huckleberry Hound (Main Title with Kellogg's Billboard) 1:28
44 Quick Draw McGraw (Main Title with Kellogg's Billboard) 1:27
45 Peter Potamus (Curtain Calls with Ricochet Rabbit) 1:01
CD #2
1 Rise and Shine (Flintstone's Theme) 0:55
2 Flintstones Classic Underscore 18:39
3 Rise and Shine (End Titles) 0:59
4 Top Cat (Main Title) 0:45
5 Top Cat (Underscore) 19:25
6 Top Cat (End Titles) 0:43
7 The Jetsons (Main Title) 0:58
8 The Jetsons (Underscore) 11:13
9 The Jetsons (End Titles) 0:46
10 Jonny Quest (Main Title) 1:51
11 Jonny Quest (Underscore) 9:02
12 Jonny Quest (End Titles) 0:51
13 The Atom Ant Show (Main Title) 0:46
14 The Secret Squirrel Show (Main Title) 0:45
15 Space Ghost (Main Title) 0:57
16 The Banana Splits Adventure Hour (Main Title) 1:31
17 Dastardly & Muttley in Their Flying Machines ("Stop That Pigeon!") 1:13
18 Josie & The Pussycats (Main Title) 1:02
19 Pebbles & Bamm-Bamm (Main Title) 0:52
20 The Flintstones Comedy Show (Main Title) 1:03
21 Wheelie & The Chopper Bunch (Main Title) 0:59
22 Hong Kong Phooey (Main Title) 0:59
CD #3
1 Meet the Flintstones (Main Title, 1965) 1:09
2 Meet the Flintstones (Original Album Version, 1961) 1:55
3 Rockin' Bird 2:08
4 Car Hop Song 3:33
5 Star Dust 1:26
6 Yabba Dabba Doo! 2:58
7 Happy Anniversary Quartet 1:49
8 Lucia 2:12
9 Rockenschpeel Jingle 1:25
10 Bedrock Twitch 2:22
11 Old Folks at Home 0:45
12 Softsoap Jingle 1:13
13 Way Outs 1:19
14 Surfin' Craze 2:21
15 Open Up Your Heart and Let the Sunshine In 3:03
16 Laugh, Laugh 3:56
17 Christmas Is My Fav'rite Time of Year 1:54
18 Dino the Dinosaur 1:32
19 Meet the Flintstones (End Title, 1962) 0:48
20 The Man Called Flintstone 1:45
21 They'll Never Split Us Apart 2:44
22 Rise and Shine (Main Title, 1960) 0:43
23 Rise and Shine (End Title, 1960) 3:33
CD #4
1 Top Ten Famous Sound Effects 6:34
2 Muttley Bites Dastardly on the Butt 0:02
3 Jet Screamer's Entrance 0:04
4 Yogi Bear's Noggin Klonks 0:04
5 Fred's Hard Head Hit 0:03
6 Whisker Pluck 0:02
7 Tromboing 0:03
8 Fred Drops the Ball 0:03
9 Kabong 0:05
10 Gazoo Materializing 0:03
11 Scrambling Feet 0:04
12 Phone Message: Fred Flintstone #1 0:08
13 Phone Message: Quick Draw McGraw: El Kabong 0:21
14 Phone Message: Fred Flintstone #2 0:18
15 Phone Message: Snagglepuss 0:23
16 Phone Message: Fred Flintstone #3 0:27
17 Ba-Wong 0:03
18 Bam 0:05
19 Bi-i-i-i-i-ng 0:04
20 Bilp 0:03
21 Birthday Greeting: Fred Flintstone #1 0:22
22 Birthday Greeting: Hokey Wolf 0:29
23 Birthday Greeting: Fred Flintstone #2 0:19
24 Birthday Greeting: Quick Draw McGraw 0:34
25 Birthday Greeting: Super Snooper & Blabber Mouse 0:24
26 Bite 0:02
27 Bloop 0:02
28 Boings: Boi-ee-oing / Sproing / Whistle & Boings 0:10
29 Comic Caper: Wally Gator 0:54
30 Boinks: Boink / Doink / Pixie & Dixie Boinks 0:11
31 Bongo Feet & Zip 0:04
32 Bonk, Zing, Crash, & Zrit 0:04
33 Bonks & Conks 0:11
34 Boom Crash 0:04
35 Bounce (Slow to Fast) 0:10
36 Bowling: Fred Flintstone / Barney Rubble 0:26
37 Bronk 0:03
38 Bugle Charge! 0:10
39 Ca-rrash 0:04
40 Congratulations: Snagglepuss 0:23
41 Congratulations: Fred Flintstone 0:29
42 Crash 0:03
43 Crunch, Crunch, Ding, Tinkle, Tinkle 0:09
44 Door (Flintstones): Open / Slam & Rattle 0:07
45 Double Takes: Ba-aa-be-oo-oo / Weee-oooo 0:07
46 Drums: Acrobatic Roll With Accents / Trip & Slide Down 0:21
47 Explosions: Boom / Ka-Boom 0:12
48 Comic Caper: Peter Potamus 1:05
49 Falling Object Whistle 0:08
50 Fight: (Fred and Barney Fight) 0:06
51 Fred's Flintmobile (Startup and Run) 0:25
52 Fweet & Fblonk 0:03
53 Fweet-Thump 0:03
54 Gazoo Dematerializing 0:03
55 Get Well Message: Fred Flintstone 0:38
56 Get Well Message: Quick Draw McGraw 0:28
57 Gun Shot 0:04
58 Head Shakes: De-do-dedee-do-dedee-do / Pingitty-pingitty-ping 0:07
59 Hopping: Sproings / Pixie & Dixie 0:23
60 Comic Caper: Snagglepuss 1:35
61 Jetson's Doorbell 0:06
62 Jetson's Entrance Tube: Arrive / Depart 0:07
63 Jetson's Phone Ring 0:06
64 Jetson's Robot Maid (Rosey) 0:19
65 Jetson's Space Capsule: Start, Run / In Flight / Pass By / Land & Stop 0:41
66 Jetson's Space Traffic 0:12
67 Comic Caper: Fred Flintstone 2:51
68 Kablam 0:04
69 Knock on Fred's Door 0:05
70 Peeong 0:03
71 Pops: Squish Pop / Pop Gun 0:06
72 Ratchet 0:03
73 Ricochet: Pchwong / Pchwaaa / Szwip-p / Whoof 0:13
74 Comic Caper: Snooper & Blabber 1:19
75 Running: Gallop / Blop Gallop 0:09
76 Running Feet: Short / Long 0:22
77 Skids: Screech / Broken Skid 0:08
78 Slides: Whistle Up & Down / Silly Slide Up 0:07
79 Squeaks: Scratchy Squeaks / Little Zabork / Squeak Up 0:11
80 Spins: Spin & Boing / Wind Whistle Spin 0:09
81 Strrretcch 0:05
82 Comic Caper: Hokey Wolf 1:45
83 Thunk 0:04
84 Tip Toe 0:05
85 Twangs: Twang-g-g-g-g / Twa-a-a-a-a-nng 0:12
86 Waheep and Poof 0:04
87 Walking Feet 0:17
88 Whizz Klonk (Here's Your Paper, Mr. Flintstone!) 0:06
89 Wind Up and Zip 0:05
90 Xylophone; Long Gliss Up 0:04
91 Yabba-Dabba-Doo! 0:06
92 Yogi's Boink Walk 0:32
93 Comic Caper: Quick Draw & Baba Looey 1:17
94 Zip Scramble (Wind Whistle Scat) 0:04
95 Zips: Zip In / Zip Out 0:05
96 Zoom (Winnie Witch's Broom) 0:03
97 Finale 2:30

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